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关于”介词短语开头“的英语句子21个,句子主体:Prepositional phrase beginning。以下是关于介词短语开头的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Prepositional phrase beginning


1、The murderer got into the house, a sword in his hand.

2、talk是不及物动词而who 是talk 的宾语,所以用介词with or to 象what are you looking at?


3、Earlier this year, Bill DeMain introduced us to

15 Wonderful Words With No English Equivalent.


4、On the contrary, in Japanese, they are recorded in Kana instead of Hanzi, there are more initial-consonant sounds and most are polysyllabic , we can even distinguish the gender from the usage.


5、The 'sh' sound at the beginning with the


6、Etymology: This phrase was in use by the 1940s, and comes from the literal act of missing a boat -- arriving at the dock after your boat has left.


7、In those cases, you translate the verb or noun and don't give a thought to the preposition in the source language: just use the preposition required in the target language.


8、Some prepositions can only collocate with the stative passive.


9、Synthesized the shortest-path and entire-segmentation method, we present a model of rough segmentation, which is based on the N-shortest-paths-unitary-statistic method.


10、The English vowel sounds in "pat", "pet", "pit", "pot", "putt" are short.


11、The term is sometimes used synonymously with hydrostatic head.


12、There are some sheep eating grass on the hill.


13、Try to start most subheadings with the same part of speech, such as a verb or a noun.


14、Short Introduction of Shih Hsin University Language Center, including the basic rule of Englsih-listening classroom, and an introduction of English Corner.


15、And most of such phrases are made of small words.


16、There is a detailed description of the prepositions phrase' word order and its grammaticalization path about locative, dative and benifcative.


17、This article explores specially the use of inferable anaphoric NPs, esp. definite NPs, in discourse based on some foreigners' pragmatic and cognitive studies.


18、Prepositions, as the most widely and frequently used word class in English, often cause confusion among the students.


19、The second part-concept introduction mainly introduces such concepts as reported speech, direct speech, in direct speech, reporting speech, reporting verbs.


20、An Introduction to Old Frisian . History, Grammar, Reader, Glossary.

21、The study of English prepositional polysemy is one of the hot issues in cognitive linguistics.英语介词的多义研究是认知语言学的热点之

22、The fourth chapter is the comparative research that is divided into seven parts discussing the difference in verbs, nouns, articles, pronouns, prepositions, adjectives and adverbs and other usages.第四章对比研究英美两种变体之间语法上的异同点,共分七部分,分别从动词,名词,冠词,代词,介词以及形容词和副词等方面来展现英美之间的语法差异。

23、Provide an interlinear translation of a word or phrase.在行与行之间为词或短语作解释。

24、When you use a determiner , you put a noun group, in front of numbers or adjectives.限定词用于名词短语前面, 置于数字或形容词之前。

25、I usually associate the new words and phrases with episodes where I have heard them.我通常把新词及短语同我听过的有这些词的片段联系起来。

英文句子26:,26、Many prepositions and large quantities of complements of results and direction in modern Chinese results from the grammaticalization of verbs.现代汉语的很多介词和相当一部分结果补语、趋向补语是由动词虚化而来的。

27、Thus there are times during a snowstorm when the temperature will suddenly drop and the snow will change to sleet and hail.这样,在暴风雪期间,有时气温会突然下降,雪会变成冻雨和冰雹。(介词短语作时间状语。)

28、She is afraid of dogs.她怕狗。 dogs是介系词of的宾语,是宾格。

29、Getting on his computer, Sean Googled "speech, " "mixed-up words, " "headache" -- anything he could think of to describe his symptoms.打开自己的电脑后,马宏升开始用Google搜索“语言”、“口齿不清”、“头疼”,以及其他任何能用来描述自己症状的词语。

30、But the American phrase "grown man " leaves out the preposition and this neologism is now taking hold in Britain.略去了介词,这个新词语如今正在英国扎了根。

31、As prepositions are widely used in English, we should pay more attention to the differences of different prepositions and the differences of other parts of speech.另外,英语介词应用广泛而灵活,应特别注意:介词自身的差异或与其他词类的差异。

32、The RLE Business Audio series presents vocabulary and phrases for negotiating. Contracts, offers, introductions and phrases.瑞来系列商务英语听力资料中介绍了各种磋商词汇和短语。

33、Its fossilization can be found in phonetics, dictions, and grammar.中介语的石化性表现在语音、词汇和语法的各个方面。

34、Phrase searches are simply searches allowing multi-word terms.短语搜索只是允许多词条件的搜索。

35、Provide interlinear explanations for words or phrases.在行与行间为词或短语作出解释。

36、Cyberspace produces a constant supply of words and phrases.互联网领域也不断涌现出新的词汇和短语。

37、This dissertation adopts a functional approach to locative prepositional phrases.本论文对处所介词短语进行功能研究。

38、说话娘/娘/腔,可考虑译成短词camp或口语词sissy,如to speak in a camp voice or sissy tone。

39、The grammaticalization of the "Cong" type prepositions are also affected by cognitive and pragmatic factors.“从”类介词的语法化与认知因素和语用因素有关。

40、The prepositions theory of Mishi Wen Tong includes the definition of prepositions, the array of prepositions, the distinctions of prepositions, etc.《马氏文通》创立的介词理论,包括介词的定义、立词的依据、收词范围、与相关词类的区分标准和汉语介词的语法特点等。

41、Common words form the principle part of the lexicon circulating in the society, with the character of high frequency, high distributing, and shortenization.语文词是社会流通词语总汇中的主体,它有着高频性、高分布率、短小化的特点;

42、"Yi N"is a temporary quantifier phrase, and "N" stands for the "location" of it.“一N”是一种临时性的量词短语,能够做临时量词的“N”都具有“处所”这一语义特征;

43、Above his head is a Latin inscription.他的头上是一段拉丁语献词。

44、Pure noun phrases of modern English are highly compact, concise, full of meanings and widely used.现代英语纯名词短语高度凝炼,意义丰富,广为运用。

45、These are stumbling blocks to our scheme.冠词和介词是初学英语者的绊脚石。

46、Empty Words including English word, prepositions and conjunctions.英语虚词包括冠词、介词和连词。

47、Chapter five may shows the constituent order related to prepositions.第五章中,我们想探讨的是汉语中与介词相关的语序问题。

48、Various phrases also get blocked in Web searches.各种短语(“敏感词”)也在网络检索中被屏蔽了。

49、A preposition together with its object is termed " prepositional phrase".一个介词与它其后的受词一并被称为“介词片语”。

50、There is a close relationship between the manner adverbials and prepositional phrase, there are two semantic hierarchy in the prepositional phrase.方式状语与介词结构有密切的关系,介词结构的语义关系有两个层级。

经典英文句子51:介词短语开头,51、You can shirk it by simply throwing your mind open and letting the ready-made phrases come crowding in.你只要敞开你的头脑让那些现成的短语涌入就可避开这个麻烦。

52、修饰的是作表语的介词like及其宾语the rest of the animal world 。

53、Neil: But it can also be used as a noun. A wind-up.这个短语还可以变成一个名词 a wind-up.

54、I can read the words in the phrasebook, but I can't say them .我能看懂短语手册中的这些词,但不会说。

55、This thesis thoroughly illustrates 文章通过与现代汉语普通话介词的比较,确定了北流白话介词的数量和类型,并且比较全面地描写了北流白话的17个介词。

17 prepositions in Beiliu dialect and thus confirms their numbers and types by comparing with the prepositions in Mandarin.

56、It is the different degrees of grammaticalization that produce the different phonetic forms of the marker in places.闽南话持续体标记的语音形式因地而异,实为该介词短语虚化程度各地有别的表现。

57、Predicative preposition followed;表语介词之后;

58、In this case, the current flowing through a wire is directly proportional to the potential difference maintained.在这种情况下, 流过导线的电流与保持的电位差成正比。 ( 分词和分词短语作定语)

59、As a precedent of this study, in June 2006 Wang Zhimin have completed her doctoral dissertation entitled "The Chinese Noun Phrase Metaphor Recognition".作为研究工作的开篇,王治敏于xx年xx月完成了博士学位论文《汉语名词短语隐喻识别研究》。

60、The best method, coordinate the structures of prepositions about neoteric Chinese, is the study of special books.要想对近代汉语介词结构进行梳理,最好的方法就是选择专书来开展。

61、Do Japanese auxiliary and Chinese preposition correspond to each other in the grammar?但日文的助词与中文所谓的介词在语法上是可以相对应的吗?

62、These planes were held back to protect the enemy' s home in lands instead of being used where they were badly needed.这些飞机被留在后方保卫敌人本岛,未用于其他急需的地方。(介词短语:正→反)

63、Secondly the algorithm integrates a statistical model based on part-of-speech and rules to identify the prepositional phrases that haven't been tackled in the first step.之后,用基于词性的三元边界统计模型和规则相结合的方法识别其它未处理的介词短语。

64、Chinese polite and self-depreciatory expressions includes words and phrases by which the speaker can achieve a better result in communication.敬谦语包括敬词、谦词和一些表恭敬谦让意义的短语。

65、The following passage is mainly concerned with conversion of English nouns , adjectives, adverbs , verbs and prepositions in the course of translation from English to Chinese.文章主要讲述了英语名词、形容词、副词、动词和介词在英译汉过程中进行的转换。

66、Don't string too many prepositional phrases together unless you are walking through the valley of the shadow of death.别成串地使用介词短语,除非你正穿过死亡之影之谷。 (英语中介词成串,汉语却串不起来了。)

67、Finally comes the conclusion:generally the time-adverbs which can modify nouns as adjectives are double-syllabled and with the meaning of time length.最后得出结论,作定语修饰名词的时间副词一般为常用的双音节时间副词,同时兼有表时间长短的语义。

68、There are many more prepositions and prepositional phrases and we'll cover them on recording two.后面部分我们会谈及更多的介词和介词短语。


标签: 短语 开头

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