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关于”句型种类“的英语句子59个,句子主体:types of sentence patterns。以下是关于句型种类的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:types of sentence patterns


1、The turbidite sandstones of one formation or one member are represented by one type or closely related two types.

每种风格类型支持它自己的 MIME 类型集。

2、Each flavor type supports its own set of MIME types.

XMLReader 扩展是一种基于流的解析器,其类型通常被称为游标类型或者 pull 类型解析器。

3、The XMLReader extension is a stream-based parser of the type often referred to as a cursor type or pull parser.


4、The grain weight of different type variety is all increased compared with CK, but the setting rate of mid_early mature and middle mature is higher than that of late mature type.


5、Games are the perfect example of immersive applications.


6、Differentiation among long-leaf provenances with high growth rate and dry matter accumulation was found to be greater than that among short-leaf provenances.


7、There are two different types of coal – in fact two different types of demand – when it comes to the coal market.


8、The Medical & Recuperated Building is a kind of ancient building type.


9、There' s not one leadership style.


10、There is a type of adaptation wired into the model.


11、There are two types of embossing.


12、The gallstones are correlatively divided into

6 genera of gallstones or

2 genera-cholesterol and calcium salt gallstones according to whether containing calcium salt.


13、Which type are you?


14、A type will gain a type initializer in two scenarios.


15、Typically, vectors are of two types ? viral- or DNA-based.


16、Natural factors and artificial factors result in the sandification of the land in west Jilin Province. The resources types are divided into

3 main kinds,

11 types and

9 varieties of soil.


17、It is a non-committed type of relationship.


18、Both the variable type and the formal parameter type are some variety of pointer-to-wide char.

在 Accept 中只设置一种媒体类型,该类型与 JAX-RS Web 服务中生成的媒体类型对应。

19、Set only one of the media types, which corresponds to the media type produced in the JAX-RS web service, in the Accept header.


20、This type of habit is self-reinforcing.

21、A professional degree type 有专业学位类型17种,其中博士专业学位类型1种,涵盖18个培养领域;

17, in which professional doctor degree of type

1, covering

18 culture field;

22、Divided erythema and pseudomembranous two types.又分红斑型和假膜性两种类型。

23、In fact, there are two kinds of OUTER JOINs, and each has its own advantage and specific use.实际上,有两种类型的 OUTER JOIN,每种类型都有其自己的优点和特定的用途。

24、There are two types of diabetes: Type-1 (insulin-dependent) is an autoimmune disease that usually begins suddenly in late childhood or in adolescence.有两种类型的糖尿病:类型1(胰岛素依赖型)是一种自身免疫性疾病,通常好发于青少年。

25、There are two basin sediment types:the platform type and trough type.盆地沉积类型有台地型和海槽型两种。

英文句子26:,26、There are two types of home mailboxes.有两种类型的家庭信箱。

27、Dimorphism The existence of two distinct forms.出现两种不同的类型。

28、I like Chinese Gongfu film very much.你喜欢哪种类型的电影?

29、reference.mod, plus their ancestor topic.mod).包含多种信息类型的文档类型(如包含概念、任务和引用主题的图书)包括使用的每种信息类型及其祖先的模块(concept.mod、task.mod、reference.mod 再加上它们的祖先 topic.mod)。

30、This relationship extends to object type.这种关系扩展到对象类型。

31、Four types of Yoga Practitioners-which one is you?四种类型的瑜伽习练者-你是哪一种?

32、Find all 找齐4种类型鸡蛋。

4 types of eggs.

33、There are two types of garnets.明溪的石榴石有两种类型。

34、There are many types of fishing tools.打捞工具有多种类型。

35、So, to understand what types to send -- strongly or weakly -- you'll need two tidbits of information.因此,为了理解发送何种类型(强类型或弱类型),将需要两条信息。

36、Use with weak typed variables to cast them as another type.用于弱类型变量,以将它们强制转换为另一种类型。

37、The following sections illustrate each type of IBM NAS client configurations in detail and list their advantages over each other.下面的部分将详细说明 IBM NAS 客户端配置的各种类型,并列出各种类型相对于其他类型的优势。

38、My mother likes singing very much!喜欢做某事 My mother is intrested in singing.对某事有兴趣

39、A programming pattern that checks the type of an operand and invokes different functions for different types.按类型处理:一种编程模式,检查运算数的类型,然后根据类型调用不同的函数来进行运算。

40、There are different kinds of insurance polices.保险有各种不同类型的险种。

41、Type: Chinese style, European style, fashion style, casual style.种类:中式,欧式,时尚型,休闲型。

42、she's clearly a small monkey.很显然,她就是一种小型猴类。

43、The classification and usuage of demonstrative pronouns with basic form of Quanzhou dialect are studied.汉语方言指示代词的类型有两种:整齐划一的类型和参差不齐的类型。

44、There are two types of installation setups以下是两种类型的安装

45、In some kinds of anemia, there are low amounts of all three types of blood cells.在一些类型的贫血中,三种类型的血细胞含量都低。

46、This type of access control is suitable for applications with multiple types of users and multiple privilege levels.这种类型的访问控制适用于有多种用户类型和多个特权级别的应用程序。

47、The results were as follows: There was a great diversity of HMW-GS among Chinese wheat, 结果显示,我国小麦品种(系)的HMW-GS变异类型非常丰富,总共发现了19种变异类型,其中包括4种稀有变异类型;

19 HMW-GS variation types were found including

4 unusual types.

48、This type of orifice design results in.这种类型孔的设计导致…

49、For other crosses, further evaluations are needed. In view of cross type, Atlantic x Neo-tuberosum is more promising for development of processing potato cultivars.从组合类型上看,大西洋与新型栽培种的杂交类型是最有希望筛选出适宜食品加工品种的组合类型。

50、Concertos are generally in three movements.协奏曲是另外一种类型。

经典英文句子51:句型种类,51、There are two types: the "obstacle array" and the "path length refractor. "主要有两种类型:障碍型和等长折射型。

52、The data type of this is typically an unique ID or other index.这种动作的数据类型通常是惟

一 ID 或其他索引类型。

53、In which category are you?你是属于哪种类型呢?

54、喜欢做某事 My mother is intrested in singing.对某事有兴趣

55、The Rational XDE models can be of various types.Rational XDE 模型可以是多种类型的。

56、Registry and Repository supports three types of service semantic metadata types: Properties, Relationships and Classifiers.Registry and Repository 支持三种类型的服务语义元数据类型:属性、关系 和 分类器。



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