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玩电脑游戏通常被翻译为" Playing computer games"的意思,还经常被译作 play computers,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到81个与玩电脑游戏相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. Playing computer games

玩电脑游戏翻译为 Playing computer games 。

示例:人们抱怨孩子怎么花那么多时间玩电脑游戏。 People complain about how children spend so much time on computer games.


2. play computers

玩电脑游戏翻译为 play computers 。

示例:65%的孩子玩电脑游戏。 65% of children play computer games.


3. play computer games

玩电脑游戏翻译为play computer games。

示例:你玩电脑游戏吗?我玩电脑游戏。 Do you play computer games? I play computer games.


4. play computer games

玩电脑游戏翻译为 play computer games 。

示例:Animex international Festival of Animation & Computer Games Animex国际动画与电脑游戏节



1. Facebooking( 脸谱;

2. shoot 'em up(adj. (电脑游戏等)充满枪战暴力的)

3. cutscenes(剧情画面 出现在电脑游戏中 的复数)

4. thumb candy(指那些仅考验手眼协调能力无需动脑的电脑游戏)

5. simcity 2000(SimCity 电脑模拟游戏)

英语短语&俚语, enjoy playing computer games Like to play computer games ( 喜欢玩电脑游戏 )

Do not play computer games Not to play computer games ( 不要玩电脑游戏 )

No More Computer Games ( 别再玩电脑游戏了 )

He enjoys playing computer games He likes playing computer games ( 他喜欢玩电脑游戏 )

enjoy playing computer games ( 热爱玩电脑游戏 )

play computer games first ( 首先玩电脑游戏 )

Played computer games are unhealthy Playing computer games is unhealthy ( 玩电脑游戏是不健康的 )

Playing computer games ( 正在玩电脑游戏 )


1. His hands look too rough for a computer guy.

译文:就把玩电脑的人而言 拳头有点硬啊。

2. i said i would be playing computer fames at home when she came.


3. - Oh, sh- "The Game,"available in cartridges as well as floppy disks for computer, has everybody playing.

译文:-噢 嘘 -"游戏"不仅有游戏卡 也有电脑磁盘每个人都在玩它。

4. in one experiment Bem gathered 100 subjects, half male and half female.

译文:在其中一项实验中,贝姆召集了100名受试者,男女各半,进行了一项电脑游戏。 。

5. They're looking for engineers.

译文:招聘工程师 They're looking for engineers. - 等等 电脑游戏?。

6. He's going to get sick and tired of sitting there in front of that computer and playing.

译文:他会厌倦一直坐在那边 盯着电脑玩游戏。

7. A study by Liverpool John Moores University found regular use could help shift 27lb (

12. 25kg) a year.



8. You need a fork to do that?


9. i don't need to be monitored all the time on the computer.


10. Does the owner surf the net, too?


11. Dad, he locks himself in the room hooked to the computer.

译文:老爸 弟弟整天躲在房间玩电脑。

12. Your computer time is over tonight.


13. Pipi has been banned from using the computer on her own and the Quinlans have deleted all their automatic log-ons.


14. Mom. may i please go play computer?


15. W00t _ "Expression of joy or triumph, or an obvious victory; abbreviation of 'We Owned the Other Team, ' originating from computer-gaming subculture."

译文:2007:W00t _“表达喜悦或胜利或明显的战胜;『我们拥有另一队了』的缩写,起源于电脑游戏的次文化。 。


标签: 翻译 游戏 电脑

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