居里夫人在英语中的翻译是" Curie",还可以翻译为 Madame Curie,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到41个与居里夫人相关的翻译和例句。
1. Curie
居里夫人翻译为 Curie 。
示例:居里夫人这位镭元素的发现者,将永远为人们所怀念。 Madame Curie will always be remembered as the discoverer of the element radium.
2. Madame Curie
居里夫人翻译为 Madame Curie 。
示例:我们都知道居里夫人和她许多科学成就的故事。 We all know the story of Marie Curie and her many scientific achievements.
3. Marie Sklodowska Curie
居里夫人翻译为 Marie Sklodowska Curie 。
示例:对居里夫人来说,上大学很困难,因为那时候妇女是不允许上学的。 Going to college was hard for Curie because at that time women were not allowed to attend school.
4. Madame Curie
居里夫人翻译为Madame Curie。
示例:Oh, oh! Oh, and Madame Curie, {\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}哦 哦 哦 还有居里夫人
1. marie curies(玛丽·居里,居里夫人)
2. Madame Curie( 居里夫人;
3. Marie Curie( 居里夫人;
4. madame curies(居里夫人(波兰科学家))
5. irene curie( 她女儿依伦;
英语短语&俚语, Marie Curie in Memorial ( 悼念玛丽)
The Story of Madame Curie Madame Curie ( 居里夫人传 )
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skodowskiej w Lublinie ( 卢布林居里夫人大学 )
Madame Curie / Eve Curie ( 居里夫人)
The Autobiography of Marie Curie ( 居里夫人自传 )
Madame Curie and Radium ( 居里夫人和镭 )
Marie Curie Research Bursary ( 居里夫人研究奖金 )
1. Curie died in 1934 of a bone marrow disease, which many today think was caused by her radiation exposure.
译文:居里夫人因骨髓病逝于xx年, 很多人认为这是由于她大量接触的放射性所导致。 。
2. The matter that the Curies had discovered was radium.
译文:居里夫妇发现的物质正是镭。 。
3. The matter that the Curies had discovered was radium.
4. Madame Curie will always be remembered as the discoverer of the element radium.
译文:居里夫人这位镭元素的发现者,将永远为人们所怀念。 。
5. Seeing that the omnibus was crowded to capacity, Madame Curie cabbed it.
译文:由于公共汽车挤得水泄不通,居里夫人坐马车去了。 。
6. Curie soon found that the element thorium emitted similar radiation.
译文:居里夫人马上发现 钍也能产生类似的放射性。 。
7. Oh, oh! Oh, and Madame Curie,
译文:{\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}哦 哦 哦 还有居里夫人。
8. be remembered as one of the greatest composers Madame Curie will always be remembered as the discoverer of uranium.
9. We all know the story of Marie Curie and her many scientific achievements.
译文:我们都知道居里夫人和她许多科学成就的故事。 。
10. And then, finally, if that wasn't enough-- which it should've been-- this is Madame Curie killing herself by discovering radium, who, although she was a naturalized French citizen, was Polish by birth!
译文:最后 还不够的话 是人都该看出来了 因为发现镭 害死自己的居里夫人 虽然她是法国籍 但她生在波兰。
11. Madam Curie's discovery of radium turned out to have great potential even though she would later die a slow, painful death from radiation poisoning.
译文:"这些错误 例如居里夫人发现的镭""被发现具有巨大的科学研究潜力""虽然她此后死于 慢性而痛苦的辐射中毒"。
12. Madame Curie named it polonium in honour of her native country .
13. it was my good fortune to be linked with Mme. Curie through twenty years of sublime and unclouded friendship.
14. Our heroes are people who have done exploration: Madame Curie, Picasso, Neil Armstrong, Sir Edmund Hillary, etc.
译文:我们的英雄都是那些探索家 居里夫人 毕加索 尼尔·阿姆斯特朗 埃德蒙德·希拉里,等等 。
15. "Today i was reading about Marie Curie.""She died a famous woman, denying her wounds...
译文:今天我读了关于居里夫人的书 她是一个已故的著名女人。
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