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关于”新年的短句“的英语句子50个,句子主体:New Year's Short Sentences。以下是关于新年的短句的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:New Year's Short Sentences


1、From 2004 to 2006, just three yeas, programs are raised 51%, and trainers are increased 38%.


2、A few years ago, a new kind of faster, shorter-lived spicule was discovered.


3、Life expectancy in North Africa, for example, grew from 51 to 71 years between 1970 and 2010.


4、Rooney had convinced CBS News he could write for television on any subject when he wrote his first television essay in 1964, an original genre he is credited with developing.


5、For me, one goal that's been on the back burner for years is returning to writing short fiction.


6、Qilu Hongye just one year, he joined, the fostering of a strong team of technicians, and has hundreds of new products into production.


7、News- reels tell us the news of the day.


8、In a mere three decades, China has taken on a brand new look in every aspect and exhibited to the whole world its great vigor and dazzling glamour.


9、Schools must be reaccredited every

10 years, or sooner.


10、The net literature is a new mode literature which produce with Internet, and is growing up fast, and influence far reaching, and is disputed a lot.


11、The pace of innovation in the technology industry quickened again in 2010, after stumbling momentarily in 2009 because of the global recession.


12、Even the provincial town of Surgut, a backwater only a few decades ago, is laying out new suburbs and is plagued by traffic jams.

13、Wishing you and yours a happy happy new year. 万事如意,合家平安. 祝您永远健康快乐?


14、Inclusion of passage-based, sentence-completion questions.

快到 新年 的时候,她不会给我们群发短信,而是选择邮寄贺卡。

15、She prefers sending greeting cards before the New Year instead of mass texting.


16、2009-08-01 Texting messages on cell phones while driving increases the chances of crashing by 22 times, according to a new study released recently.

17、I hope this card reaches you in time for Christmas,欢迎你来加入!


18、Popular messaging service WeChat is hogging the limelight this Chinese New Year — by giving the traditions typical of this festive period a facelift.


19、With severe electricity shortage in 2002-2005, the new formed-groups built power plants to obtain an advantageous position under the new competition.


20、A sheet of Chinese stamps commemorating the 1980 year of the monkey brought in

1.4 million Hong Kong dollars (US$184, 400), a new record, at an auction Sunday.

21、The renewal cycle of mainstream computer hardware is reduced to a half year and that of software is much shorter.主流计算机硬件产品更新换代周期己经缩短到半年,软件的更新速度也越来越快。

22、In the YouTube interview al-Husseini recorded in 2009 he talks of a shortage of capacity withing just two to three years – by 2011, conceivably.在YouTube零xx年采访胡赛尼举行的记录中,他提到产能短缺将会在短短两xx年间呈现,进一步说可能在xx年之前。

23、In just a few short weeks, you'll change departments, – or even companies – and take on a new role, with a new team and new responsibilities.在短短几周以后,您就会换一个部门,----或甚至是公司----担当一个新的角色,加入新的团队并负有新的责任。

24、Now although is animated feature films rather popular age, but animation film, have always been griselda inject fresh vitality and tenacious vitality.如今虽然是动画长片颇为盛行的年代,但是动画短片历久弥新,一直都被注入新鲜的活力和顽强的生命力。

25、As a new brand, Home of Hailan has accomplished so splendid achievements in a relatively short time.“海澜之家”作为一个新生的民营品牌,在短短xx年间达速成长。

英文句子26:,26、May the joy of Christmas be with you throughout the year;t we enjoy our holidays together? 何不与我一起共度佳节呢, boss。

27、From the later part of1941to the spring of1942, a new short-time literary trend appeared besides the major trend of the worker-peasant-soldier literature.xx年下半年至xx年春,延安在解放区工农兵文艺主潮之外,兴起了一股短暂的文艺新潮。

28、The 2009 program will be divided into five sections: New Currents, Asian-Diaspora, Short Films, Experimental and Documentary.xx年的节日规划分为五部曲:新潮流,亚裔离散漂泊,短片,试验片和纪录片。

29、Take your passion and make it come true;s no place like home for the holidays,伴随您在度过新的xx年。

30、May joy and health be with you always. 在这佳节里,没有比家更好的地方了。

31、As the old year darkened and turned colder, I got weaker and weaker. Things didn't start to improve until the new year.越到年底,天气越冷,白天越短,我的身体也就越弱,新年伊始才有所好转。

32、From mapping the human genome to creating the world's first man-made bacterial cell, Venter achieved a lifetime of innovations in just ten years.自从通过人类基因组绘图创造了世界上第一个人造细菌细胞后,文特尔在短短xx年取得了一系列的创新。

33、In establish brief half an year inside much time , ask for knock off to make appearance anew with respect to what make plan of entire county transportation is expended.在成立短短的半年多时间内,就使全县交通规费的征收工作面貌一新。

34、Since the rise of Shenzhen hi-tech sector in early 1990s, it has witnessed speedy growth in a short span of time.深圳的高新技术产业是从xx年代初起步的,短短几年得到迅速发展。

35、We will beshavingsChristmas at David'. You are welcome to join us! 今年我们要在戴维家过圣诞!

36、The average time from first job to chief executive fell from 28 years in 1980 to 24 in 2001.xx年时,从初出茅庐的新人到CEO的平均时间为xx年,xx年时则缩短到了xx年。

37、Let me begin by saying, to all of you and especially to Mr. Tong, our guest of honor首先让我对大家,特别是我们的贵宾童先生,说一句新年快乐!

38、Best wishes for a wonderful new year,祝您新年恰愉快. 愿圣诞佳节的喜悦,寄上一张特别的卡片. 献上最诚挚的祝福,老板,献给您及您的家人。

39、"Nemesis will be my last book, " he said of his 2010 short novel set against a fictional polio epidemic in Newark, New Jersey, in 1944.这部xx年出版的短篇小说是以虚构的xx年新泽西纽瓦克市脊髓灰质炎爆发为背景所写的。

40、Two years short later, homebred mobile phone tastes alternate newly to go out, the market is had straightforward force 15% .短短两年之后,国产手机新品迭出,市场占有率直逼15%。

41、It should be added that it was also very nearly the 1st anniversary of the demise of Xin-er's mother.补说一句话,差不多也到新儿母亲的一周年忌辰了。

42、Had you joined them, you could have turned $10, 000 into a brand-new car... or a year or two of college tuition... or a prestigious golf-club membership -- and all in just 只要你加入,你的1万美元就会变成一辆全新的汽车,或是一两年的大学学费,或是成为著名高尔夫球俱乐部会员……只要短短的xx年。

3 short years.

43、It is more than ten years since reappearing the concept of estate intermediary in China 1980's.从xx年代中期,我国重新出现房地产中介的概念到现在,只有短短十几年的历史。

44、This year, many bridegrooms are likely to screen the short movies to impress attendees.今年,许多新郎可能会放映短片来给参加者留下深刻印象。

45、The artwork auction market in China has only a pretty short history of about ten years. As a burgeoning market, it is definitely promised with giant space …但中国艺术品拍卖市场还只有短短的十余年时间,绝对是一个新兴市场,未来还有很大的发展空间,所以,一些精明的藏家对中青年作品已开始逢低吸纳。

46、A Christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend. 献上令你开心的圣诞祝福。

47、Thanks to its high technology and performing products Refcomp developed, in few years, a increasing market in China and all over the world.随着技术的发展和产品的创新,在短短几年内,莱富康公司在中国乃至全世界的市场不断扩张。

48、" Visible 23 years, " news broadcast" within 可见xx年间,《新闻联播》短短16秒的片头曲已成为全家人吃晚饭的信号,悄然成为中国人“家天下”传统观念中的一部分。

16 seconds of the opening theme has become a family dinner signal, become Chinese" home" in the traditional sense part.

49、This short 这短短16秒的《新闻联播》片头曲,已陪伴一些老观众走过了整整xx年。

16 seconds" news broadcast" theme song, has been accompanied by some old audience walked for 23 years.

50、In fact, Friday was the second biggest text messaging day of the year, behind only New Year’s.事实上,星期五的短信发送量居年度第二,仅次于新年。

经典英文句子51:新年的短句,51、It has been accused of asking some 它被指要求大概7000名服务年限超过xx年的雇员先辞职再去竞争新的短期职位。

7,000 employees with more than eight years of service to resign to compete for new short-term posts.

52、In this new type society, the length of service isn't always directly proportional to salary.在这个新形态的社会里,年资的长短和薪水不一定成正比。


标签: 短句

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