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1、Possess a sense of confidence and radiance that permeates your being from head to toe


2、We should trust ourselves, the people of Egypt.” .

自信: 不只是你要自信,还有听众。

3、Confidence: not only your confidence, but theirs.


4、As your sense of self-trust increases, so will your sense of self-confidence.


5、5.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.


6、Difficult patients fear loss of control and have issues with self-image


7、What is the root of all self-hate, lack of confidence, and lack of self-trust?


8、Appreciate a student; Strengthen self-confidence; Promote ego.

9、Selfconfidence from the continued success of 自己の継続的な成功に自信


10、“Hubris” is too much self-confidence or ego.


11、But the script was slightlyaltered for each of the three groups so that the two witnessesdisplayed low confidence, medium confidence, or high confidence.

肤浅的人相信运气,而成功的第一秘诀是自信。 自信。

12、Shallow men believe in luck, Self-trust is the first secret of success.


13、Cocksure, she is cocksure, but uneasy.


14、I am from a well-cultivated family.

15、Alms never make poor. 施舍穷不了人. Love will find a way. 爱心所至,金石为开. Manners make the man. 举止见人品。


16、To be confident, functioning in an environment where you can easily lose more than you intend to risk, requires absolute trust in yourself.


17、Confidence doesn't need any specific reason. If you're alive, you should feel 100percent confident.


18、This was the case regardless of whethermock witnesses had portrayed low confidence, medium confidence, or high confidence.


19、Because if you can’t trust yourself, how can you trust your mistrust?


20、The cockerel is, naturally, cocksure .

21、I said confidently.我自信地说道。

22、一封来自李叔叔的信 A letter from Uncle Li 一封来自李叔叔的信 A letter from Uncle Li

23、Your self confidence will again flow freely.你的自信将再次自由洋溢。

24、The first is what psychologists call "self-efficacy" - belief in your own ability to achieve something.第一点在心理学上被称为“自信效率”就是相信自己能办成某事的信念。

25、The best method to staying beautiful is being comfortable in your own skin by having confidence and thinking highly of yourself (but not to the extreme where you are arrogant).保持美丽的最好方法就是自信,知足常乐,相信自己是最好的(但不能自信到傲慢的地步)。

英文句子26:,26、Believe in yourselves.相信你们自己。

27、Test with confidence, and believe that their peace efforts.考前充满自信,相信自己平时的努力。

28、People follow confidence, and the majorities of popular people are confident or at least pretend to be.人们跟着自信的人走,受欢迎的人要么自信,要么假装自信。

29、Knowledge can increase your assuredness. Beauty from assuredness, enough assuredness will make your looks more beautiful and charming.学识能增加你的自信,美丽源于自信,只有足够的自信会使你更加美丽迷人。

30、ZZ: Um, I started being confidant, and I started thinking I can act.我开始变得自信,开始相信自己是一名专业演员。

31、B- Believe in yourself and your closest confidants.相信你自己,还有你的死党。 相信你自己,还有你的死党。

32、Camp saying: confident would not win, but have no confidence, you must be lost.牛根生名言:有自信不一定会赢,但是,没有自信一定会输。

33、Low self-esteem. When you have low or negative self-esteem, you put little value on your opinions and ideas.低度自信自信心过低时,对自我价值认识不足。

34、Courage somes from the trust, and trust from the certitude, and certitude from effort, and effort from desire, and desire from purity of heart.勇气来自于信任,信任来自于确信,确信来自于努力,努力来自于希望,希望来自于纯洁的心。

35、Keep clean and confident.保持清洁和自信。

36、I was proud of his self-assuredness and individuality.我为他的自信和个性自豪。

37、Embedded in these signals is evidence of self-confidence, sincerity and trust.隐藏在这些信号中的是他们的自信、诚信和信任。

38、While meformers typically post messages relating to themselves or their thoughts, informers post messages that are informational in nature.自我信息者发布的信息基本都与他们自己或者他们的思想有关,信息分享者发布的信息则多是公认意义上的信息。

39、Brand is self-trust.品牌是自信。

40、Believe in yourself; recognize your own worth. Joy and peace grow out of feeling competent and confident.相信自己,认清自己的价值,如此,喜乐与平安将会在自信心与信任感中萌生。

41、I believe in myself.我相信我自己。

42、Santiago's confidence is absolute and will not change when the circumstance changes. He never compared himself with others.桑提亚哥的自信是绝对自信,是不以环境变化而变化的自信,是不用与他人比较的自信。

43、Kobe exudes confidence, and now the whole team has that self-belief as well.科比有了自信,现在整支球队也都有了这样的自信。

44、Since the resumption of spontaneous stand-alone serial communication.单机自发自收串行通信。

45、Pride is a self that is great, and look down on others, and self-confidence is believe in themselves.骄傲是自以为了不起,看不起别人,而自信却是相信自己。

46、You have confidence in yourself and your abilities.要对自己以及自己的能力有自信。

47、My self-belief comes from him.我的自信来自于父亲。

48、6.Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。

49、Remember the difference between confidence and cockiness.要记住自信与自大的区别。

50、Are you afraid you would not trust your own integrity?你是否还怕自己不能信任自己的诚信?

经典英文句子51:自信,51、Confidence, in a broad sense, comprises self-trust, self-esteem, courage and indomitability.信心,在广义上包括自信、自尊、勇气和不屈不挠。

52、I believe you that letter to be able to doubt himself.我相信你,信到可以怀疑自己。

53、He prefers to write his letters rather than dictate them.他喜欢自己写信而不愿口授自己的信。

54、Confidence, you see, is all about learning to trust yourself. You have to build that kind of trust. When you do, you build confidence.你看,自信其实就是学会相信自己。你一定要建立起那种信任感,然后你就建立起了自信。

55、Wise fear begets care. 懂得担心,就会小心. "Never”is a long word. 不要轻易说“决不”。

56、Luck and confidence helps each other. The more confident people are luckier. Similarly, luckier people are more confident.幸运和自信相辅相成。越自信的人越幸运。同样的,越幸运的人越自信。

57、When an unconfident person struggles with confidence , it's extremely hard to believe he can confident as others.对于一个缺乏自信又希望有自信心的人来说,让他相信自己可以和别人一样自信是件很难的事。

58、Unshakeable self-belief: Self-confidence versus self-esteem无法动摇的自我信念:自信心vs.自尊心

59、Instruct yourself to be a great individual and believe in that self, for if you don't believe in yourself, it will be impossibe for others to believe in you.立志成为一个伟大的人,并且相信自己,因为连自己都不相信自己的话,企图日更不会相信了。

60、Don't be so cocksure and take things for granted.不要过于自信,自以为是。

61、Self-assertion is a natural process for individuals who are confidence and aware.有信心表达自己的看法对于有信心且了解自己的人是一个自然的过程。

62、What is confidence? Confidence is to trust yourself. Confidence is to look upon yourself. It is not to indulge in self-admiration.什么是自信?自信,就是自己信得过自己,自己看得起自己。

63、Confidence comes from strength and integrity.自信来自力量和诚实。

64、There's something about knowing that someone else has faith inyouthat revitalizes the faith you should have in yourself.知道别人对自己有信心,能让我们也自信起来。

65、Develop confidence foster confidence train confidence cultivate confidence Youth & Juvenile Research培养自信的一种方法是去做你害怕做的事情,并取得成功。

66、自信者不沉沦 A man who is selfconfident will not degrade.

67、Show your self-confidence!秀出你的自信!

68、Have confidence in yourself.得对自己有信心。

69、I believe in Deism .我相信自然神论。

70、You say I do not have confidence, I have self-confidence before, yes you a piece of land Qiaopo my self-confidence.你说我没信心,我曾自信过,是你一块一块地敲破我的自信心。

71、Whether you are working on your own self-confidence or building the confidence of people around you, it's well worth the effort!不论是自己拥有自信,还是将自信传递给他人,这都值得一试。

72、Patience is a virtue. 忍耐是一种美德. Pity is akin to love. 怜悯生爱. Call a spade a spade. 是啥说啥,难听不怕。

73、Say it with assuredness.自信地说出来。

74、Power Assertive Behavior – Using aggression to restore an offender's self-confidence, authority, and control.力量自信行为-用侵害行为来恢复犯罪者的自信,权威,和自控能力。

75、During the interview, be confident but not cocky.在面试中,要自信而不要自大。



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