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生理期在英语中的翻译是"physiological period",还经常被译作 period,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到25个与生理期相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. physiological period

生理期翻译为physiological period。

示例:调查中,超过一半的女运动员认为生理期影响了她们的表现。 More than half the sportswomen I surveyed said they felt their menstrual cycle affected their performance.


2. period

生理期翻译为 period 。

示例:如果处于生理期或感冒,请于课前告知授课教师。 If you are in menses or catch a cold, please let the teacher know.


3. menstrual period

生理期翻译为menstrual period。

示例:女性生理期忌做倒立动作,不宜上普拉提课。 Avoid doing handstand on female physiological actions, not on the Pilates class.



1. menstrual cycles(un. 月经周期\n 女性生理期)

2. luteal phases([生理] 黄体期)

3. physiological youth phase(生理幼期)

4. secretion phase([生理] 分泌期)

5. secretory phases([生理] 分泌期)

英语短语&俚语, Cycles-Period Tracker ( 生理期统计 )

Product Lifecycle Management mySAP PLM Product Life MANAGEMENT ( 产品生命周期管理 )

lead to physiological early Lead to early physiological ( 导致生理期提前 )

endogenous business-cycle theory ( 内生经济周期理论 )

PLM Product Lifecycle Management Product Overall Lifecycle Management ( 产品全生命周期管理 )

ILM Information Lifecycle Management Information Lifecycle Manager ( 信息生命周期管理 )

ALM Application Lifecycle Management Agile ALM ( 应用生命周期管理 )

Life Cycle Management PLM CLM Information Lifecycle Management ( 生命周期管理 )

ALM Application Lifecycle Management HP ALM Collaborative ALM ( 应用程序生命周期管理 )


1. Asari pass through three climacteric life stages, marked by biochemical and physiological changes.


2. This experiment studied physiological and bio-chemical changes of Pingguo pear during storage period.


3. - And biorhythms? - Piece of cake.

译文:- 生理节律呢?。

4. by the way , you menstruate , right


5. i must've been cranky from my period

译文:我之前怪怪的 大概是生理期到了。

6. if you are in menses or catch a cold, please let the teacher know.

译文:如果处于生理期或感冒,请于课前告知授课教师。 。

7. Truth is, they're so close... they all get their monthly visit from Aunt Rose at the same time.

译文:事实是, 她们亲密到... 连生理期都同一天来.。

8. i shared these finding with Tuhin and we wondered: What if we could create something that would help girls understand about menstruation on their own -- something that would help parents and teachers talk about periods comfortably to young girls?

译文:我和图新分享了 这些发现之后我们认为 我们应该创造一些东西 来帮助女孩了解他们自己的生理期, 创造一些能够帮助家长和老师 更舒服地和孩子们谈论生理期的东西。 。

9. When people respond to a woman's anger with the thought, "Oh, it's just that time of the month,"her ability to be taken seriously or effect change is severely limited.

译文:当人们对一个女性的愤怒作出回应时, 他会想,“噢,这只是生理期的原因。” 她通常就不会被认真对待, 也不太可能会发生有益的改变。 。

10. Habit of Growth and Development and Physiological Changes of Fruit in Longyou Pummelo and its Cultivate Measures


11. Ending with refractory, the body's physiological reflexes returning back to normal.

译文:最后是生理衰退期 Ending with refractory, 身体的生理反射 the body's physiological reflexes 回归正常水平 returning back to normal.。

12. i religiously followed all these restrictive customs for

13 years, until a discussion with my partner, Tuhin, changed my perception about menstruation forever.

译文:我虔诚地遵循了xx年的习俗 直到我和一个叫图新的朋友聊天 让我永久的改变了对生理期的看法。 。

13. And i read somewhere that when women spend a lot of time together, their cycles line up and they all get super crazy hormonal at the same time.

译文:我在哪里看到过说女人如果 常常在一起 她们生理期会同步 然后就同时荷尔蒙大爆发。

14. This must include colposcopy and take into account the physiological changes of the cervix during pregnancy and the puerperium.


15. Does it happen to you that you have more urge during your period?




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