图书室用英语怎么说 图书室英语翻译

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图书室用英语怎么说 图书室英语翻译

图书室的英语是"Library",还网络中常译为" The Book Room Library",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到46个与图书室相关的释义和例句。


1. Library


示例:对我来说,图书室才是重头戏。 For me, the library was the big event.


2. The Book Room Library

图书室翻译为 The Book Room Library 。

示例:麦克尼尔开始筹建自己的班级图书室。 Ms. McNeill started to build her classroom library.


3. reading room

图书室翻译为 reading room 。

示例:留出两个房间作为图书室。 Two rooms were set apart for use as libraries.


4. The Hideaway

图书室翻译为 The Hideaway 。

示例:You know there's an old jazz club called 'Hideaway'? 有一个叫HIDEAWAY的酒吧



1. bookroom(书房 图书馆 图书室)

图书馆制度(library rule的复数形式))

2. library rules(图书室使用规定;

3. microfilm reading room(缩微图书阅览室)

4. filmbook(缩微图书; 显微图书)


5. library books( 图书馆的书;

英语短语&俚语, Conference Room and Library ( 会议室及图书室 )

In the library ( 在图书室里 )

Law Library ( 法律图书室 )

the Allen Room ( 艾伦图书室 )

Statdi's Library ( 斯达蒂的图书室 )

In a library ( 在图书室 )

clung library and sports center Library and gymnasium next to ( 图书室与体育馆紧挨着 )

rural library ( 农村图书室 )


1. i do. Let me show you the book section.

译文:- 对 我带你看看图书室。

2. The library has many rare works from the last century.


3. But here i found these in papa's library.

译文:- ... 我在爸爸的图书室里找到了这个。

4. if there is, it'll be in the library.

译文:如果有 在图书室。

5. He made friends with ablack man, established the libraryin prison, and played the wonderful musicfor prisoners.

译文:他交了一个黑人朋友,办监狱图书室,为囚犯播放美妙的音乐。 。

6. You may take the books back to the library.


7. She carted the rest to the English department storeroom.

译文:其他的全部送给了英文系图书室。 。

8. He's in the library, there must be a way to escape from here

译文:他在图书室 那儿一定有办法从这逃出去。

9. Because of cuts in the education budget, the mobile library was shut down.


10. These are people who have just been visited by the internet bookmobile in Uganda.

译文:这班孩子刚刚迎来了 乌干达因特网流动图书室的人员。

11. i remember the first book i read in this library.


12. However, the light in the library was still on


13. Hey, i been reading some of the books in the library.


14. They went up to the library for coffee, and Archerlit a cigar and took down a volume of Michelet.

译文:他们上楼到图书室喝咖啡。阿切尔点上一支雪茄,取下一卷米歇勒的书。 。

15. When you come in, there's a library to your left.



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