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鸡蛋翻译为英语可以这样写: Eggs,还可以翻译为 chicken egg,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到63个与鸡蛋相关的释义和例句。


1. Eggs

鸡蛋翻译为 Eggs 。

示例:鸡蛋煮得太老了,像胶皮似的。 The eggs were overcooked and rubbery.


2. chicken egg

鸡蛋翻译为 chicken egg 。

示例:水刚开她就打了4个鸡蛋进去。 The water had barely come to a simmer when she cracked four eggs into it.


3. 90 Poultry egg is very popular with consumers because of its high nutrition.

鸡蛋翻译为 90 Poultry egg is very popular with consumers because of its high nutrition. 。

示例:你早饭要吃熏咸肉和鸡蛋吗? Do you want bacon and eggs for breakfast ?


4. 98 The effect of supplementation Se on egg Se distribution was consistent with the effect on egg Se

鸡蛋翻译为 98 The effect of supplementation Se on egg Se distribution was consistent with the effect on egg Se。

示例:To kill oneself, To behead oneself 开枪自杀 割掉脑袋 Se trucider, se décapiter



1. goog(鸡蛋

2. heneggs(鸡蛋)


3. hen eggs( 鸡蛋;


4. egg salad( 鸡蛋沙拉;

5. egg noodles(鸡蛋面)

英语短语&俚语, Scrambled Eggs Omelette Fries the egg scrambled egg ( 炒鸡蛋 )

Plumeria rubra frangipani Pagoda tree PLUMERIA ACUTIFOLIA ( 鸡蛋花 )

egg salad ( 鸡蛋沙拉 )

stuffed eggs stuffed crOhirhymees ( 酿馅鸡蛋 )

Soft boiled egg hard boiled eggs Cook Eggs ( 煮鸡蛋 )

fried eggs fry das Omelett ( 煎鸡蛋 )

herring on eggs ITring on eggs ( 鸡蛋托鲱鱼 )

fried eggs ( 清煎鸡蛋 )

Marinated Eggs mrinted eggs Marinated Egg ( 卤水鸡蛋 )


1. chicken eggs, hundreds of millions of chicken eggs.

译文:这些鸡蛋。 (笑声) 来自这些数以亿计的鸡蛋。。

2. "A bird,""an egg,""a dragonfly".

译文:鸟、鸡蛋、蜻蜓 鸟、鸡蛋、蜻蜓。

3. Go fry up some ham and eggs for your father.

译文:去给你爸煎鸡蛋火腿 鸡蛋要三个。

4. The eggs are overcooked [too tough].

译文:鸡蛋煮老了。 。

5. A fresh egg will sink and an old egg will float.

译文:新鲜鸡蛋会下沉,旧鸡蛋会浮起来。 。

6. My, my. Scrambled eggs. Egg.


7. - Yeah, why don't you go suck each other's balls and leave us alone?


8. i ate an omelet and the eggs were off.

译文:我吃了一个鸡蛋饼 而鸡蛋是关闭。。

9. All that talk about "natural-born eggs"-


10. We can't give you our eggs.

译文:- 鸡蛋。

11. He asked for the eggs, the dog attacked him, they broke.

译文:他要鸡蛋 狗攻击了他 鸡蛋打了。

12. These eggs are getting cold!


13. And eggs, too. Eggs and carbs, and, you know, full-on...


14. No. lt was eggs. i did eggs over easy.

译文:不对,是鸡蛋,我煮了鸡蛋... ...比较容易做。

15. it's not really suited for scrambled eggs.

译文:比如炒鸡蛋。 。



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