么么哒翻译为英语通常写作: Littlekoala,在日常中也可以翻译为" Uncontrollably",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到43个与么么哒相关的短语释义和例句。
1. Littlekoala
么么哒翻译为 Littlekoala 。
示例:祝领导生日快乐,么么哒!! Happy birthday, boss! Happy everyday, everyone!
2. Uncontrollably
么么哒翻译为 Uncontrollably 。
示例:Her leucocytes are multiplying uncontrollably. 他们的白血细胞繁殖失控
3. It is makers
么么哒翻译为 It is makers 。
示例:We need women to be the makers and not just the machines who do the makers' bidding. 我们需要女性成为创造者, 而不仅仅是听从创造者命令的机器。
4. Bisou
么么哒翻译为 Bisou 。
示例:The real beauty of Bisou Bake Shop is that it's not just about cupcakes. 不仅如此,Bisou 真正的美丽与特点不只是杯子蛋糕。
1. memer( 么么)
2. lemlem( 乐么乐么)
3. mutilus yaoyaochiu(么么短蜂介)
4. liu yao(六么)
5. Duche( 堵车么)
英语短语&俚语, xgshouse ( 怪兽么么哒 )
1. it might have been a stab in the dark.
译文:- 是么?。
2. Should i come home? Are you awake?
译文:我能回家么?你醒了么? 。
3. - (Very low voice) Er, yes.
译文:- 是么。
4. -Oh, yeah? You done a lot of time?
译文:- 是么,你蹲了很久监狱么?。
5. is it him? This is what he was looking for tonight. Let's bring these two downstairs.
译文:724701201 求调戏 求抱抱 么么哒 (=^ω^=)。
6. And old Charlie's hound dog got loose right about that time... - Did he confess? - Huh?
译文:幸好猎狗 及时冲上么么么招吗?。
7. Have you ever been divorced?
译文:离过婚么? 。
8. Love and kisses, Aimee. As it were your own
9. So is everyone healthy, wealthy, and happy?
译文:大家都健康么? 有钱么? 开心么?。
10. i got to go be butch. Toodles.
译文:我得爷们一点 么么哒。
11. Your-pa dad-pa smells-pa like-pa a woman-pa. {BOTH LAUGHiNG}
12. "Sick of losing all my best people to you. - XX. Patric."
译文:"受够了我的人一直跳去你那儿 么么哒 Patric"。
13. i going to give you little kiss!
14. What? Did we do this? Really? Does anyone do this?
译文:什么?我们做了这些么?真的么?有人会做这样的事情么? 。
15. But we are very happy, aren't we?
译文:难道我们真的幸福么 真的么。
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