联系用英语说"relation",其次还可以说成"connection -",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到73个与联系相关的释义和例句。
1. relation
示例:如果持续咳嗽,就与医生联系。 Contact your doctor if the cough persists.
2. connection -
联系翻译为 connection - 。
示例:我会就此与我的律师联系。 I will get in touch with my lawyer about this.
3. Contact
联系翻译为 Contact 。
示例:我会给你写信联系的。 I will contact you by letter.
4. relation; connection
联系翻译为 relation; connection 。
示例:There is internality connection between the immoral behavior and the dissymmetry relation. 败德行为与不对称关系有着内在联系。
1. tie sth up(连接, 联系, 密切联系)
2. to contact( 联系;
3. dragging tie(角铁联系)
4. entincture( 联系)
5. establish a link(建立联系)
英语短语&俚语, Contact QQ Contact Details Contact Method ( 联系方式 )
Contact Us CONTACT US Contact Us Message ABOUT US ( 联系我们 )
good communication with the masses to form close ties with the masses close ties with the people ( 密切联系群众 )
Contact Contact Person Linkman Attn ( 联系人 )
lose track out of touch lose touch lose contact/touch ( 失去联系 )
exchange rate system Linked Exchange Rate System Pegged Exchange Rate System ( 联系汇率制度 )
interconnectedness Interaction correlate Interconnect ( 相互联系 )
close ties between the Party and the people flesh-and-blood ties with the people ( 同人民群众的血肉联系 )
indirect link indirect association Indirect connection indirect ties ( 间接联系 )
1. Bing! Relationship. Data.
译文:叮!联系,数据 。
2. Should i get right on it? Then i'll make the call.
译文:要联系吗 我来联系他。
3. - Let me call you back, okay?
4. i'd hate to be in the cross hairs of all those unstable CTU snipers.
译文:我们需要联系你父亲 联系他?。
5. if you can't get her, try again.
译文:联系不到她 就继续联系。
6. Alec, call the CiA, call the annex!
7. Then call Daniel and ask...
译文:那赶快联系丹尼尔 -联系过了。
8. The opposite of addiction is connection.
译文:而是联系 。
9. Eighth, rule oftouch: often keep in touch withthem.
10. We attempted to contact your headquarters through the frequency you gave us, Mr. President, but so far have had no luck.
译文:联系总部 总统先生 却始终没联系上。
11. - Ninety-seven at the inner perimeter.
12. if you can't get me, call my assistant.
译文:联系不到我 就联系我的助理。
13. Once got there, contact me!
14. Keep in touch, by all means.
15. if he was going to try to contact you, he would have done it by now. Ok?
译文:如果他想联系你 早就联系了。
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