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关于”句型的单词“的英语句子43个,句子主体:sentence patterns of words。以下是关于句型的单词的六级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:sentence patterns of words


1、Make a habit of keeping an eye of the financial sector and jotting down words or phrases you don't understand or conclusions you find hard to swallow.


2、Definition and classification of verbalization;

Santa actually sits down each and every day and makes a list of the things he needs to accomplish.对了,这句话不光是一首歌里的歌词…圣诞老人其实每天都要坐下来,把必须完成的任务开成清单。

3、That's right, it's not just a line from a song…


4、An average English speaker knows 50, 000 words, Mitchell says, so the model could in theory be used to select any word a subject chooses to think of.

但在一些小型字典中,如果一些单词已 很少使用,就可以把它们删掉,为新的词汇留出空间。

5、But little-used words can be removed from the smaller dictionaries to make way for newer ones.


6、TJTITR German-Chinese Title Translation System is based on automatic recognition of the features of a word and the synthesis of structure patterns of a German title.


7、Only partial interpretation can be achieved on the study on English locative inversion via the case theory in syntax, verbal unaccusativity in the lexicon, or focus theory in pragmatics separately;


8、Yet the Oxford dictionary lists only half as many.


9、Listen, repeat and trace the letters.


10、Listen and choose the words you hear.

11、轻轻松松背单词蒋刚 don't you get sick of the city?


12、Audio experiment results show that tri-phone HMM has higher word recognition rates than monophone HMM.


13、Circle the correct spelling of each word.


14、Write the words according to the phonetic transcriptions.


15、You get a chance like this only once in a blue moon。


16、A feature of this type should be the number of vowels that the word contains.


17、Afterwards, At the base of parsing tree, the author uses associating headword method to distill the character words the ability of which is strong in expressing the senses of ambiguous word ;


18、Each list contains synonyms of one word in the original name of the service.


19、Fuzzy search for words with a similar spelling as the search term


20、People call me Forrest Gump, " was ad libbed by Tom Hanks while filming the scene and director Robert Zemeckis liked it so much that he decided to keep it in."

21、Do you see any green in my eye? 你以为我那么好骗吗?

22、Hence, whitespace, a period, and a comma are each a valid word boundary.因而,空格、句点和逗号都是有效的词界。

23、Students typed in the words they remembered.学生们输入他们记得的单词。

24、Although the four, six new kinds of questions, the abolition of the vocabulary part of the multiple-choice questions, but that does not mean that candidates do not need to back words.虽然

四、六级的新题型中,取消 了词汇部分的选择题,但这并不意味着考生就不用背单词。

25、The last one is that the prototypic scenarios of anaphor and antecedent overlap.第三类,前指词的典型场景与先行词的典型场景有交集。

英文句子26:,26、Bayesian techniques built on a word model work rather well.贝叶斯技术建立在单词模型上,其工作良好。

27、To trigger an event when the user right-clicks a highlighted word, you define an eventType of type contextmenu.为了在用户右击选中的单词时触发一个事件,定义了 contextmenu 类型的 eventType。

28、Up to now I have argued that we can use singular terms significantly in sentences without presupposing that there are the entities-which those terms purport to name.到现在为止我已论证了,我们能够有意义地在语句中使用单独语词而无需预先假设有这些语词所要命名的对象。

29、W. relabelled 86% of the words with the same colour, while the control subjects only did so for 46% of the words.用同样的颜色重新标定了86%的单词,虽然控制题目的小组仅做对了46%的单词。

30、One is that since the time of the Anglo-Saxons there has been an almost complete reversal of the different devices for showing the relationship of words in a sentence.第一,自从撒盎格鲁——撒克逊时代以来,表达句中单词之间关系的方法几乎发生了彻底的转变。

31、Of particular importance to the New Critics, however, are individual words' etymology.然而,对新批评家来说,尤为重要的是单词的词源。

32、All the family is in the pink。全家人的身体都好极了。

33、Vocabulary can not be taught by the teachers, it should be memorized by the students.仅靠学生背单词表就能解决词汇量的问题吗?

34、Do not capitalize each word in so-called closed-form compound words.不要将所谓的紧凑格式复合词中的每个单词都大写。

35、How do you spell pen? P-E-N.提高学生拼写单词的能力。

36、Using the same principle, we can create lists of words broken up by type and use them to create more diverse Mad Libs.使用相同原则,我们可以创建按类型划分的单词列表并使用这些单词列表创建更加变化多端的米德里比斯游戏。

37、Wow. What a run, but it's all kind of text depiction here.多棒的跑句啊,不过它像是对歌词的解读

38、As the time interval between the two increases, the word suddenly pops into consciousness - accompanied by characteristic activity on a brain scan.当单词和图片之间的间隔时间增加时,志愿者会开始对单词产生意识知觉,同时伴随一个典型的大脑活动。

39、Group the words into similar categories and they will be more easily to remember.把类型相似的单词归类,记起来就更容易了。

40、It is helpful to be consistent with names derived from the ARTS Data Model, which uses English words.这有助于同来源于使用英语单词的 ARTS 数据模型的名称保持一致。

41、That, in turn, can help them overcome some specific reading challenges, such as learning irregular English words that don't follow typical letter patterns, like 'school' or 'laugh, ' she says.进而读写困难者可以解决一些特定的阅读难题,比如学习不规则的英语单词。像‘school’或‘laugh’之类的不规则的英语单词并不遵循典型的字母组合,她说。

42、Canonical MapReduce is the calculation of word frequency in a set of documents.典型的 MapReduce 示例是计算单词在文档集中出现的频率。

43、For example, while "IRS" and "BBC" are typically pronounced letter by letter, "NATO" and "UNESCO" are pronounced phonetically.例如,“IRS”和“BBC”典型地发音是一个字母一个字母,“NATO”和“UNESCO”就会以单词的形式发音。

44、Listen and tick the word you hear.听,然后把你听到的单词打勾。

45、A word or form in the dative case.与格单词,与格形式。

46、The size in address units of various data types may be determined by phrases such as 不同的资料型别的位址单位大小可以被用词组来决定, 像是 相似地, 对齐可以用词组像是

1 CHARS . Similarly, alignment may be determined by phrases such as



1 ALIGNED 来决定。

47、Coordinative words in Chinese has three subtypes, and different morpheme composition in different subtypes take different time for vocabulary recognition while consulting psychological dictionaries.汉语中的并列式合成词具有三种子类型,而这三种子类型内部不同的词素组合在心理词典中则需要不同的词汇识别时间。

48、Learn and read the new words.从旧知引入新单词的教学。

49、You can't make a full command of English words if you depend on mere mechanical memory.只靠死记单词是不能熟练掌握英语词汇的。

50、Lemmatization is the process of identifying the base, non-inflected form of a word.词元化 是确定一个单词的固定的基本部分的过程。

经典英文句子51:句型的单词,51、Carver found that college-level readers optimally take in and understand spoken words at the same word rate that they take in written words—typically about 300 words per minute.卡夫发现,处于大学水平的读者在最佳状态时,吸收和理解口语单词的速度和书面情况相仿——典型地为300词/分。

52、The words "freight prepayable" or "freight to be prepaid" or words of similar effect, if appearing on transport documents, will not be accepted as constituting evidence of the payment of freight.运输单据上如出现“运费可预付”或“运费应预付”或类似意义的词句,不能视为运费付讫的证明,这种单据将不予接受。

53、There should be two kinds of neologism dictionaries: the timely ones and the stable ones.新词语词典应分为两类:一类是即时型,一类为稳定型。

54、I think the word geisha also illustrates this changing approach to the study of history; in this case word history.我想单词geisha(艺伎)也证明了正在改变的历史研究方法;单词历史的研究也是这样。

55、Group by Access separates individual type members into a grouped list based on the member's access modifiers.依存取方式群组:依据成员的存取修饰词,将个别型别成员区分至群组清单中。


标签: 英文 单词

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