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关于”自动划分成分的软件“的英语句子28个,句子主体:Software for automatic compartmentalization。以下是关于自动划分成分的软件的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Software for automatic compartmentalization


1、Box.net is a SaaS collaboration and file-sharing platform that positions itself as a SharePoint alternative.


2、For the free software movement, however, nonfree software is a social problem, and the solution is to stop using it and move to free software.


3、When that’s not possible or feasible, usually due to software that requires additional components, I much prefer when software uses Apple’s own installer tool.


4、These activities become part of my test plans; their results become part of my iteration exit criteria.


5、With block storage, a file is divided into blocks, and the blocks are dispersed among the drives.


6、Described the design scheme of separation mechanism of agricultural produce which shape is circular, such as apple-pear and onion etc.


7、Have told especially the software measuring and automatic sorting function in length realizing thought.


8、Software subdivision and "virtual frequency conversion" technology were adopted in this solution, which realized multigrade, adaptive subdivided drive in operation of stepping motor.


9、I argued that the success of the internet as a non - proprietary platform built largely on commodity open source software could lead to a new kind of proprietary lock - in in the cloud .


10、Objective:Study the application of Time Lapse software and Spiral Automatic Start technique in Multi-layers spiral CT on abdomen contrast enhancement scanning.


11、Deleted partition recovery by using either editing partition table using low-level HEX editor, or via automated partition software.


12、Now my days are divided into natural thirds.


13、Software that automatically assigns the best frequencies for use by each device as the warfighters move and the mission needs change.


14、The dynamic buckling condition is expressed as the bifurcating condition and the buckling force and the buckling modes are obtained.


15、We started the free software movement because this power is unjust.


16、Experiments show that compared with the current automatic hardware-software partitioning methods, the proposed algorithm can reduce 25% of the programs' execution time on the average.


17、Fractionating the conditioned medium first by solubility revealed that its tumor suppressive activity could be divided into a morphogenic insoluble fraction and a cytotoxic soluble fraction.


18、The principles driving the use of these practices, along with the integrative nature of using a specific minimal set of practices, make XP a novel solution to modern software development problems.


19、Thus parts sequences of subassemblies can be automatically planned.


20、Submit the autobuilt package to LCG.

21、It is installed automatically and is clasified as a spyware.它被自动与间谍 软件安装。

22、"Consumers of mobile software downloads are likely to be confused as to whether Amazon's mobile software download service is sponsored or approved by Apple, " Apple said in its complaint.苹果在诉状中表示:“亚马逊的移动软件下载服务可能会对移动软件的下载者造成混淆,后者可能分辨不清该服务是否是由苹果赞助,或是经过了苹果许可。”

23、The helper functions are covered in the respective control sections Build the auto-complete JSP TagLib control and Build the cascading drop-down JSP TagLib control.构建自动完成 JSP TagLib 控件 和 构建级联式下拉 JSP TagLib 控件 这两个对应的控件的介绍部分将分别介绍 helper 函数。

24、With the rapid development of Auto-Control, computer science and communication technology, configuration software is become an active part in the monitoring field.随着控制自动化技术、计算机技术、通讯技术的迅速发展,监控组态软件正成为监控领域中十分活跃的部分。

25、M: Volatility of project-related software development efforts (branch, stream, Unified Change Management (UCM) activities).软件项目开发工作的挥发性(分支、流、统一变更管理(UCM)活动)。

英文句子26:,26、Therefore, it has great significance to develop corresponding software with independent intellectual property rights for the split unit of IVS201A.因此,开发具有自主知识产权的IVS201A自动电脑视野仪分体机的配套软件具有较大的意义。

27、Providing automatic detection of software failure提供软件故障自动检测

28、Just Enough Software Architecture book, by author George Fairbanks, focuses on a risk-driven approach to software architecture development.由George Fairbanks编著的《恰如其分的软件架构》一书致力于通过风险驱动的方法进行软件架构开发。

29、To improve the quality and reliability of the auto-calibration software, error proofing technology is applied to development of auto-calibration software.为提高自动校准软件的质量和可靠性,在自动校准软件开发中应用了防错技术。

30、Part Four is about the effects and problems. It is to summarize the experiences.第四个部分说明了“教育行动区计划”的成效,总结了“教育行动区计划”的经验和教训。

31、The layout of distribution automation for the whole city is primarily necessary to the implementation of network integration.制定与城网规划配套的复盖整个城市的配电自动化规划是分阶段实施网络集成的前题。

32、In software design, it performs time-sharing collecting to the detected points, diagnoses the fault and drives other terminal.在软件设计上,完成检测点分时采集,故障的诊断及各种终端的驱动。

33、Workflow is the whole or partial business process of automatic or semi-automatic under the software and hardware environments.工作流是指整体或部分的业务过程在软硬件环境支持下的全自动或半自动化。

34、This article illustrates some of the support that Rational Software Architect 本文演示了 Rational Software Architect

8.0.2 provides for automating the creation of software service artifacts from service models.

8.0.2 为从服务模型自动创建软件服务工件而提供的部分支持。

35、A sculling stroke consists of the following elements: catch, drive/pull, through, finish, and recovery.双桨艇划桨由以下动作成分组成:提桨,拉桨,划桨,结束和回桨。

36、Vegetarians fall into groups defined by the types of animal-derived foods they eat根据素食者对源自动物的食物的态度,他们可划分成如下几类

37、Some try to disparage the free software movement by comparing our disagreement with open source to the disagreements of those radical groups.有些人通过比较我们与开源运动的分歧和激进团体间的分歧,试图贬低自由软件运动。

38、It is composed of Base Station, Rover Station and Experiment.软件包括移动站程序、基站程序和实验程序三部分。

39、Others such as machine translation ( MT ), speech synthesis, automatic classification, automatic summarization, automatic proofreading etc. , require the use of word segmentation.其他的比如机器翻译(MT)、语音合成、自动分类、自动摘要、自动校对等等,都需要用到分词。

40、It was instead the most conspicuous part of the physical and metaphorical Iron Curtain dividing free and unfree Europe.它是划分自由欧洲和不自由欧洲的最醒目的有形和无形铁幕的组成部分。

41、To the signal from the detector, automatic separation of pneumatic components.由探伤仪给信号,气动元件自动分离。

42、The China Software Industry Association said it also planned to take action against Microsoft.中国软件行业协会表示它也计划对微软采取行动。

43、Declarative transaction demarcation lets you declare rules for the transactional behavior of the software, and have the transaction manager automatically carry out these rules.声明式事务划分 允许您为软件的事务行为声明规则,并让事务管理器自动执行这些规则。

44、The G142 fault block was classified 基于流动单元划分,将官142 断块划分出13个小层,分为

13 minilayers and

4 kinds of flow unit based on the flow unit classification.

4 类流动单元。

45、IBM’s software is built for the SKA telescope (Square Kilometre Array) and allows to automatically classify astronomical objects.IBM的这款软件为SKA(平方公里阵列)望远镜项目而建,能够自动分类天体对象。

46、An automatic forming method of detail drawing for bolt sphere machining is put forward, combined with bolt sphere machining, as post process of CAD software for grids(reticulated shell).作为网架网壳CAD软件开发的后处理部分,结合螺栓球的加工,提出了一种自动生成螺栓球加工图的方法。

47、By using the object oriented technology, the model oriented auto-construct software modelling tool can be developed.利用组件技术,开发面向模型的软件自动生成建模工具。

48、The advantage of off-the-shelf business planning software is that it helps you organize your business plan and gives you good examples to help you craft your own document.优势小康-现成的业务规划软件,是因为它有助于您组织您的业务计划,并让您很好的例子,以帮助您自己的工艺文件。

49、Analyzes the method of auto balance, parameter calculation, hardware circuit and software flow chart of electric bridge of NDP in the non -destructive testing of EED.分析了NDP在电火工品无损检测中电桥自动调平衡的方法、参数计算及硬件电路和软件流程图。

50、FFTW also includes software that automatically generates code tailored to chunks of specific size.FFTW也包括自动生成用于对指定大小块进行裁剪的软件。

经典英文句子51:自动划分成分的软件,51、Twitter started its own t.co shortening service in part to curb malware on its service.Twitter启动了其自带的t.co缩短服务,以制止一部分在Twitter上散播的恶意软件。

52、Geological data treatment is a part of the soft ware package for optimization of short-term plans in open pit coal mines.地质处理是为露天煤矿研制的短期生产计划优化软件包的一部分。

53、Of course, the plug-in could be part of a bigger application that has its own way of packaging plug-ins.当然,这个插件可以是拥有它自己打包插件功能的大型应用软件的一部分。

54、Now at abroad CFD is heading for generating mesh entirely automatically at a high speed and high precision, yet the development of CFD is still at primary level at home.目前,国外CFD软件正朝着全自动划分网格、高速高精度的计算方面发展,而国内对CFD的研究发展还处于一个初级水平。

55、The PDE will automate large portions of the tasks to prepare feature and plug-in content for a full run-time environment.插件开发环境(PDE)可以自动完成为完整的运行期环境准备功能部件和插件的大部分工作。

56、The software uses typical up to down and modular designing methods. The software includes main program, interrupt service routine and fault processing program, which are explained in detail.装置的软件设计遵循模块化,自顶向下的设计思路,软件整体分为主程序、中断服务程序和故障处理程序三大部分,并对各部分的流程做了详细的说明。

57、Merely reassigning the Story will not move its children, or subtasks.仅仅再分配 Story,将不会移动它的子计划或自任务。

58、By functionality, market has been segmented into four segments, namely stand alone, real time, networked and mobile.在功能上,市场可以划分成四大块,分别是单机、实时、网络和移动。

59、Presents a layout strategy based on partitioning, that can efficiently solve the problem of automatic generation of logic schematics for VLSI.提出基于划分的逻辑图布图策略 ,有效解决超大规模集成电路 (VL SI)逻辑原理图自动生成中规模与速度的矛盾 ,给出详细的划分模型 。

60、If, after ten minutes, the UOW is not completed, then the DB2 software will automatically force off that application.如果在

10 分钟之后,UOW 未完成,那么 DB2 软件会自动强制关闭该应用程序。

61、Automated trading in MT4 software folder navigation bar.自动交易的文件夹会在MT4软件导航栏中显示。

62、Rational Quality Manager is collaborative, Web-based, quality management software for comprehensive test planning, manual testing, and integration with automated test tools.Rational Quality Manager 是一种协作性的、基于网络的质量管理软件,用于集成性测试规划,手工测试,以及和自动测试工具的集成。

63、The cartilage is derived postnatally from the connective tissue of the aortic fibrous ring of the hearts.大白鼠心脏软骨系出生后由主动脉纤维环结缔组织内未分化的细胞成分演化而成。

64、Or do you think it's an accident that file-sharing and free culture have roots in the free software community?那么你想一想文件分享和自由文化是否是根植于自由软件文化的?

65、The test is an important part of the auto-calibration software development, and it is an important means of ensuring the quality of auto-calibration software.测试是自动校准软件开发的重要内容,也是保证自动校准软件质量的重要手段。

66、Now at abroad CFD is heading or generating mesh entirely automatically at a high speed and high precision, yet the development of CFD is still at primary level at home.如今,国外CFD软件正朝全自动划分网格、高速高精度的计算方面发展,而国内对CFD的研究发展还处于一个初级水平。



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