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关于”修改的软件“的英语句子57个,句子主体:Modified Software。以下是关于修改的软件的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Modified Software

“CBD 帮助我们非常迅速地修改软件,以满足客户的特定需求,而不必历尽艰辛地适合该软件,”他说道。

1、"CBD helps us modify the software very quickly to a client's specific requirements, without requiring that they go through significant hardship to adapt to the software," he said.

能使用XSTELL等相关软件进行2D零件 构件图的修改,对3D模型进行全面的检查,对不完全的模型进行加工和修改,能解读建筑图。

2、XSTELL can use 2D and related software components map to amend parts of the 3D model to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the model is not fully processed and modified to read building plans.


3、In 1972, Parnas introduced information hiding as an approach to devising modular structures for software designs.


4、A small memory device changes, the program's functions and Jinshan drifter like similar software.


5、The situation was aggravated when the team, when developing core functions, used third-party software that does not allow them to make changes in the source code.


6、This includes software upgrades for security purposes, as well as content that changes.

修改此软体是被许可的,但无权散布修改过的程式码。 修改的内容必须用已释出版本的修补程式的方式散布。

7、Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to distribute the modified code. Modifications are to be distributed as patches to released version.


8、With that in mind, we’d change the question around a bit to state: “What role might PBE play in non-software engineering situations?”.


9、The amendment is an appendage of that contract.


10、Patria, together with its subcontractors, will contribute a significant part of the program including the software design, equipment shelter rearmament and modifications.


11、The Trojan specifically targets users that have modded their iPhone so they can install third-party applications.


12、We fixed the software at our site and delivered builds to the customer as appropriate.


13、Some used Painter or other image editing and retouching software.

编辑 /etc/security/limits 文件,修改软和硬核心大小的

14、Edit the /etc/security/limits file and change for soft and hard core size, respectively


15、Additionally, determinations should be made regarding requirements, software, hardware, safety impact, etc. , for regression testing to check the fixes didn't create other problems elsewhere.


16、Extendibility is the ease of adapting software products to changes of specification.


17、They insisted that we modify the software so that it did not compute a handicap and no longer referred to several of their trademarks.


18、The sample code must be modified as necessary, compiled, and linked with the remainder of the software package.


19、As a result, more and more people are needed to handle modifying the software and then testing to ensure that each modification hasn't destabilized the program.


20、The design of garment pattern CAD relates to many modification methods, one of which is free curve modification. However, many modification modules in the present CAD software have drawbacks.

21、Using components, Blinco is able to modify its software to suit the business needs of their clients.Blinco 能够使用组件来修改它的软件,以适应其客户的商业需求。

22、前面不变,后面,while people are all looking at the computers.

23、When installing this new software or modifying the environment in the virtual machine, it is important that you understand the disk layout of the virtual machine.在虚拟机中安装这个新的软件或修改环境时,一定要理解虚拟机的磁盘布局。

24、SEHK has the right at any time to vary, modify, delete, amend or otherwise change these terms.联交所有权随时更改、 修改、 删除、 修订或以其他方式改变本文件的条款及条件。

25、junit.jar, and htmlunit.libdir parameters.并修改 build.xml 文件,指定 build.dir 、 junit.jar 和 htmlunit.libdir 参数。

英文句子26:,26、The criminal detention has become coe…应进一步修改以完善刑事拘留条件。

27、The file can also be altered, augmented or deleted.文件能进行修改和增删。

28、There's not that much you can do to modify this box without replacing some of the software.如果不使用某些软件,您就无法对这个机顶盒做过多的修改。

29、They can be used surgically during maintenance to drill down to specific sections of an application that need correction.它们也可以用在维护期间,具体到应用软件某个特定的,需要修改的部分。

30、If the software is slightly modified, it can also be applied to constant current devices of other three phase fully controlled…如对软件稍加修改,也适于其他三相全控桥恒流装置。

31、If the software is slightly modified, it can also be applied to constant current devices of other three phase fully controlled bridges.如对软件稍加修改,也适于其他三相全控桥恒流装置。

32、At last, according to the modified IrDA Tiny Transport Protocol and the hardware, we designed the software and delivered the procedural flow chart.最后根据修改后的红外传输协议和红外遥控收发硬件设备的情况设计了相应的软件,给出了相关的程序流程图。

33、Here are my very first work. I did not edit the pictures but just put them together by a software.所有的片片都基本没有后期修改,只是用软件把它们组合在起了。

34、HKFE has the right at any time to vary, modify, delete, amend or otherwise change these terms.期交所有权随时更改、 修改、 删除、 修订或以其他方式改变本文件的条款及条件。

35、Content duplication in test scripts is insidious because software change requires testers to revise every script in which the repeated flow occurs.测试脚本中的内容副本是隐伏的,因为软件变更需要测试人员修改可重复流出现的每个脚本。

36、Domestic handset from dissembling lock, Software repair.国产手机免拆解锁,软件修复。

37、Of course, software (being soft) is also easier to fix: we can spackle in the hole (fix the bug) and instantly remanufacture the house.当然,软件易于修复:我们可以在洞上抹墙粉(修复 bug)立即改造房子。

38、To paraphrase, the Open Closed Principle is stated as: software entities should be open for extension but closed for modification.我来解释一下开闭原则,它的意思是:软件实体应该对于扩展是开放的,而对于修改是关闭的。

39、Continuous improvement and modification of perfect quality criteria.良品条件的持续改善与修订。

40、These scripts automate the processes of uploading files, creating new pages, modifying existing pages, creating/modifying categories, creating/modifying templates, and so on.这些脚本自动地执行相关过程,包括上传文件、创建新页面、修改现有页面、创建/修改类别、创建/修改模板等等。

41、Exactly which events constitute a modification is somewhat platform-specific, but suffice it to say that actually modifying the contents of a file always triggers a modify event.究竟是哪些事件组成了修改,在一定程度上是平台特定的,但是在这里只想说,其实对文件内容的修改总会触发一个修改事件。

42、To the best of our knowledge, the original author of the software do not say anything about not allowing non-commercial usage of this software.据我们所知,游戏的原作者并没有意图公开本软件的代码,但也没有在代码中明确表述禁止对本软件的修改和非商业应用。

43、tdbtool: Create, view, and modify TDB files.tdbtool:创建、查看并修改 TDB 文件。

44、Software maintenance typically involves bug fixing and enhancing the applications.软件维护一般包括修正缺陷和对应用程序做出改善。

45、Moblin and its various components are distributed under open source software licenses, which means that it can be freely modified and redistributed.Moblin和它的主要组件遵循开源软件协议(OPL),这意味着其他人可以对它自由修改和重组。

46、Further more Depending on CRC check in unfixed position, PE file judes and recover itself if modified.同时用变位置的CRC校验算法来判别文件是否被修改并实现对被修改文件的自我恢复。

47、Don't use the dimension elements of the image tag to size your image. Use your image editing software.避免利用图片标签中的内容,修改图片尺寸,应该利用图片编辑软件。

48、Any changes to the template need to be made to the template file; only the content area is dynamic.对模板的任何修改都需要修改模板文件;只有内容区是动态的。

49、Document management can change, and delete files, modify the contents of the documents, modify the file.文件管理可以更改,删除文件,修改文件内容,修改文件名。 -use id = main。

50、Create or modify the /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf file.创建或修改 /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf 文件。

经典英文句子51:修改的软件,51、The software is easy to launch from scratch, and its core features and portfolio of contributed modules make it flexible, extensible, and adaptable.本软件易于从无到有地启用,其核心特性和有用模块组合使之灵活、可扩展、可修改。

52、The modification of actual malicious code to bypass antivirus has not pleased many security-software vendors.修改真实的恶意代码来绕开防病毒软件没能让很多安全厂商高兴。

53、Sheet for this part of the error, error that sheet is selected click by selecting the "change image" to open the "drawing" and other software to modify read again the correct one by one.对于这部分出错的答题卡,那张答题卡出错选定后可以通过选择点击“修改图像”来打开“画图”等软件来一一修改正确再重新阅一下即可。

54、Microsoft's doctored advert was shown to users in Poland微软向波兰的用户展示了一幅被修改过的广告图片。

55、To make final small changes to improve hardware or software performance; to fine-tune a nearly complete product.为改进软件或硬件性能,对产品进行最后定型之前的修饰和润色。

56、This is a evc show time software, with wince platform can run, modify.这是一个evc制作的显示时间的软件,在wince平台可以运行,修改。

57、Software giant Microsoft has issued an apology after it emerged that the company's Polish arm had altered a promotional image to change the race of one of the people pictured.软件开发巨头微软公司发表道歉声明,因为在该公司的波兰分部上修改了一幅宣传图片令画中角色的种族被改换。

58、The software runs probes against the ports and services discovered in Step 扫描软件针对第

2, with the goal of returning information on the patch level, software revisions, or any one of a number of potential flaws.

2 步中发现的端口和服务运行探测,目标是显示关于补丁级别、软件修改或任意潜在缺陷的信息。

59、ASSOC Displays or modifies file extension associations.ASSOC显示或修改文件扩展名关联。

60、When the editor is exited, the command reads the temporary file and modifies the binary quota files to reflect any changes.在退出编辑器时,命令读取临时文件并修改二进制配额文件以反映修改。

61、For instance there is the method of tivoization, where the machine detects modified versions and shuts down.比如有一种叫Tivo化的手段, 机器一旦检测到修改了的(软件)版本就关闭.

62、The new A2DP solution can be easily ported to a new embedded platform by modifying these abstraction layers.只需根据目标设备的软硬件环境修改这些抽象层,即可把A2DP方案移植到各种嵌入式平台上。

63、Jazz is also process-aware and can be tailored to support different processes.Jazz还是可定制的软件,能够被修改而支持不同的过程。

64、For example, one proposed method for classifying types of stealthy malware is categorizing rootkits as Types I-III, identifying the level of the software stack they invade and modify to hide.一种值得推荐的为各类隐秘型的黑客软件分级的方法就是根据它们修改系统的内容来分成类型1-3,并以此来识别它们所入侵或修改并隐藏的软件存储栈的级别。

65、Correcting these problems will require extensive changes to the software and careful retesting.修复这些问题将要对该软件进行大规模的改变和十分谨慎的反复检测。

66、In other words, all software on the XO-1 laptop is open source and therefore free and modifiable.换言之,XO-1 膝上型电脑中的所有软件都是开源的,因而也都是免费和可修改的。

67、If the software is slightly modified, it can also be applied to constant current devices of other three phase fully cont…如对软件稍加修改,也适于其他三相全控桥恒流装置。

68、Could u tell me how to download the software that can creat the image with transparant effect?多谢各位高手帮忙,可否告诉我你们常用的修改图片软件及如何下载?。

69、He altered the colors with photo-retouching software.图片的色彩是他用照片处理软件修饰过的。

70、The changes that db2relocatedb makes to a database’s files and control structures are not logged and are therefore not recoverable.db2relocatedb 对数据库文件和控制结构的修改不记入日志,这些修改是不可修复的。

71、Design and construction involves architecting and modeling for design, model-driven development, software coding, fixing defects and responding to enhancement requests, and component testing.设计和构建包括建立建构和模型设计、模型驱动的开发、软件编码、修改缺陷和相应增强请求以及组件的测试。

72、Categorizations of malware are usually driven by how it infects, how it spreads, or what it modifies to hide or persist.我们通常按照感染方式、传播方式或者它试图通过修改来隐藏或保存自身的文件类型来分类黑客软件。

73、Keats says being able to see the software's source code, or computer language code, and being able to rewrite or make changes gives users a sense of ownership.济慈说软件源代码或电脑机器码可见性,以及软件可以任意重编或修改,这些都能使用户产生自主感。

74、In all the update packs in hundreds of bug fixes and improvements for Microsoft's suite of office applications, which you can see in their entirety in this Excel doc.你可以在这个Excel表格里看到所有的更新包,而它们是对微软的办公套装软件的bug修复和改善。

75、You must re-select the parent before you can modify this component.修改该组件前,必须重新选择父组件。

英文句子模板76:Modified Software,76、Continuous Integration is about integrating software assets often — and by often, I mean any time code changes.持续集成就是经常地集成软件资源 —所谓经常,我的意思就是 任何发生代码修改的时候。

77、For example, if you a fixing a defect, you may need to modify a C file and a header file.例如,如果你正在修改一个缺陷,你可能需要修改C文件和一个头文件。



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