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1、Let us draw to a close this era of meta-narratives.


2、Might come true the old saying: Aged ginger is more pungent.


3、He wanted a one-word answer: yes or no.


4、To be fair.He is not only one to be blamed for that.

中国还有句老话,叫“ 道不同, 不相为谋”,这句话多体现在部分游戏企业的中高层管理者身上。

5、China still has an adage, cry " the method is different, do not be seek " , this word is reflected more those who be in partial play business is medium high-level controller on the body.


6、In other words, this camera can focus and shoot simultaneously.


7、He shrugs shoulders ,shakes his head and has on words.


8、How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?



9、He hoked me with a few words, then let me go away.


10、As the sentence was read, she collapsed into her lawyer's arms.


11、And now, there’s someone else who’d like to say a few words.


12、If the control's handle does not exist yet, this method searches up the control's parent chain until it finds a control or form that does have a window handle.


13、Still, there's something to be said for age-old wisdom.


14、The last time he taught it, the final time he taught it, he never got beyond the first sentence, ? "I went down to the Piraeus." What does it mean?


15、He wrote on the wall, knowing it was as much a reminder to himself as it was a marking for his friend Hem, hopefully, to follow


16、In other words, maybe we’ll all just get over it.


17、For God's sake, do speak out the truth this time.


18、Nothing in mind , but I can still everything is there.


19、The teacher is hard gardener The teacher is the human soul engineer of marriage Teacher, I love you!


20、The landlord whispered a word in the scullion's ear.

21、In other words: we could all be descendants of Martians.换句话说:我们可能都是火星人的后代。

22、If, in this Heavenly Stems of the farm, they are taboo.若在这天干了农活,就属于犯忌句号。

23、And, I might add, that was a good look.还有,我能加一句吗? 那样会看起来很棒的。

24、He carved this sentence on the gate of his school.他把这句话刻在他所办学校的门楣上。

25、But they said it is difficult not to talk in begging.又有人说,跟人讨饭不说句话那太难了。

英文句子26:,26、In other words, some of them prefer money to morals.换句话说,许多人宁愿挣钱而舍掉道德。

27、These chickens were being fed with left-over rice.这句话的意思是: 这些鸡是用剩饭(米)喂的。

28、He took a few good-natured shies at his opponents.他对他的对手并无歹意地嘲讽了几句。

29、Darren:Really?My boss never even speaks to me!真的吗?我的老板连话都没有和我说过一句!

30、Again depending on each of these statement attributes, they can be set at different times: before/after executing the SQL statement or at any time.同样,这些语句属性可以在不同的时候设置,具体情况取决于每个属性:在执行 SQL 语句之前/之后或任何时候。

31、He hasn't finished what he had to say and is going to make it up.他话没讲完, 还得找补几句。

32、Could we have a word before you go to the meeting?你去开会之前,咱们能私下说句话吗?

33、We asked the teacher to explain the difficult sentences again.我们要求教师再解释(explanation)一下这些难句。

34、That old dog next door finally kicked the bucket.这句话的意思是:“隔壁的那条狗终于死了。

35、May I make bold to suggest that you were wrong to do so?我斗胆说一句, 这件事您做错了。

36、By rights, his work should draw a period, but Huang Tao said: the period enlarged is zero, zero is all from the beginning starts, I can also work on a book.按理说,他的工作应该画个句号了,可黄涛说:“句号放大了就是零,零就是一切从头开始,我还能编书。”

37、If you dare say another word, you'll die a horrible death.如果你敢再说一句话,你会死得很难看。

38、I now call on the best man to make a speech.我现在请男傧相讲几句话。(号召,要求)

39、The friend saw everything but did not say a single word.这哥儿们都看在眼里,却一句话没说。

40、In other words, weapons and equipment are procure on-site.换句话说,武器装备都要就地寻获才行。

41、If you want to reissue the same statement multiple times, the odbc_exec() function is an expensive approach because it prepares and executes the statement every time.如果您想多次重复发出同一条语句,那么 odbc_exec() 函数是一种代价高昂的方法,因为它每次都要编译并执行该语句。

42、A: In other words, you are all working against the clock now.换句话说,你们现在全都在赶时间。

43、Tess was red with anger but said nothing .苔丝气得涨红了脸,可是一句话都说不出来。

44、She is sitting there so civilized, without saying a word.她斯斯文文地坐在那里,一句话也不说。

45、Next, we encounter our first conditional statement, if [ $$ -ne 接下来,碰到了第一个条件语句, if [ $$ -ne

1 ].

1 ] 。

46、We had forgotten to say that Jacopo was a Corsican.我们忘了提一句,雅格布也是科西嘉人。

47、In other words, you would want someone like Sherlock Holmes.换句话说,你会希望那人就像福尔摩斯。

48、Being its representative, Matsuo Basho not only carried forward fully the advantages of Haiku but exalted it to an unprecedented position as well.其代表人物松尾芭蕉不仅充分发扬了俳句的优势,更以其探索性的创作把俳句带到了一个前所未有的高度。

49、She let them sit and boil without saying a word.她就让他们在锅里煮,一句话也没有说。

50、Whenever we use the letter P, that means that sentence.不管什么时候你用P,这意味着那句话。

经典英文句子51:句,51、The student always hangs on the professor's every word.那个学生总是全神贯注于教授的每句话。

52、She was all wet with tears, but just said nothing.她哭得如同泪人一样,可一句话也不说。

53、In other words it is reflexive and therefore indeterminate.换句话说,它是自反的,因此是不可确定的。

54、Fair words say,It can't blame him alone in this thing.说句公平话,这事不能全怪他一个人。

55、Should I write down every word that every-one says?我要不要把每个人的每句话都记下来?

56、"Crabs" in the context of this statement refers to "crab lice.实际上,“螃蟹”在这句话里指的是“阴虱”。

57、For example, notice that the period at the end of the first paragraph is marked as style T4, while the period in the final paragraph is outside any span.比方说,请注意第一段后面的句点被标记为样式 T4,而最后一段中的句点则在任何样式作用范围之外。

58、Methods to generalize the main idea of paragraph:( 概括段旨的方法主要有:(

1) make clauses extracts;


59、Really? My boss never even speaks to me!真的吗?我的老板连话都没有和我说过一句。

60、In other words, we are the only ones with anything to offer.换句话说,我们是绝无仅有的供方。

61、Excuse me, Mry Wang, May I have a word with you?对不起,王先生我可以同你说句话吗?


标签: 英文

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