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1、The fashion show is fashionable.


2、Beijing Olympic fashion wind blowing strong, well-known brands also had a sharp fashion competition.


3、The data shows that loyalty of readers of Trends Health is the highest compare to all the other fashion magazines.


4、"The mature sending out youth charm , graceful contains the fashionable breath, "annotates Saadiya. Li accurate the fashionable posture .


5、Horses' hooves' in fashion?


6、Leading the fad of house decoration.


7、Fashion is made to become unfashionable.


8、Ring desain fashion.


9、It's an awkward reality of royal reporting that we're also in the fashion business.


10、Jenny: A fashion emergency.


11、In trademark fashion: By running away.

时尚之美-T23屏风特点 屏风厚度:23mm,产品设计:时尚;

12、The beauty of Fashionable - T23 office partition features thickness: 23mm The design is fashionable.


13、One-piece structure wisdom soft standards, elegant fashion, fashionable life taste.


14、Hoop skirts were once the vogue.


15、High-fashion clothing is expensive;

与之相反, 鲳“时尚平民” 的时尚品味则没有那么好。

16、Quite the contrary, fashion civilian is a person whose fashion sense is not so good.


17、Don't say it's early.


18、Coco Chanel: Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.


19、and always one step ahead of anywhere else in Europe, I would say.


20、And da fashion model. So, fashion is another big thing.

21、The shop's eccentric owner and Vogue blogger VirginiaBates is regularly seen at London fashion parties wearing amazingvintage creations.该店的店主,时尚(Vogue)博主贝茨总是衣着耀眼的古着时装出现在伦敦的时尚秀场。

22、You have quite a sense of fashion!你真有时尚感!

23、It was those fabrics that got me thinking about fashion, and I did a degree in fashion design.是那些纺织物让我思考时尚,我修了一个时尚设计学位。

24、You have great fashion sense.您有很强的时尚感。

25、“This is about business,” said Angelica Cheung, the editor in chief of Vogue China.《时尚》杂志中国版总编张女士说:“时尚在中国是一门大生意。

英文句子26:,26、This time, cat people aiming at home service, still, as always, lock-fashion-fashion clothing at home.此次,猫人瞄准家居服,仍旧一如既往地锁定时尚——时尚家居服。

27、Celebrities may have hordes of stylists and minions to ensure that they’re always ready to be snapped in the latest trends, but even they can’t get it right every time.为了保证能够永远紧跟时尚最前沿,名流们总是有一大批时尚顾问或是助理,但他们也有对时尚拿捏的不到位的时候。

28、Bai Eliya wardrobe, fashion house Home Furnishing custom, leading the fashion Home Furnishing custom, happy life!柏莱雅衣柜,时尚全屋家居定制,引领时尚家居,定制幸福生活!

29、Appearance vogue, chapter show individual character.外观时尚, 章显个性。

30、Monica dress, women's fashion.“蒙妮卡”服装,妇女时尚。

31、The company's name refers to the Chinese characters for "fashion" ("shang" is a shortened version of "shi shang, " the full character for "fashion") and "taste" ("pin").“尚品”二字在中文里别有深意。 “尚”是“时尚”的简写,“品”代表“品味”。

32、Everyone laughed at the old fashion, but reverently pursuit of new fashion.每一个人都嘲笑陈旧的时尚,却虔诚地追求新的时尚。——梭罗。

33、SEAN : Time's up.尚恩 : 时间到了。

34、Fashion industry is very cut-throat at times, a lot of competition, a lot of deadlines , but its also an industry where you can be creative.时尚界是很残酷的,竞争激烈、完稿时间的压力,但是时尚界也是最具创意的,我觉得时尚不简单。

35、September 2010, MyWay formal fashion business.时尚正式营业。

36、They are fashion capitals because they are the home of many top designers, modeling agencies, fashion and design schools, and are centers of business generated through media in fashion.之所以被尊为时尚之都,因为他们拥有众多顶尖设计师,模特,时尚设计中心和媒体热谈的时尚业。

37、Fashion focuses on contemporary fashion design (womenswear and menswear) and encourages students to be innovative and creative while developing an understanding of the needs of the fashion industry.时尚侧重于当代时尚设计(女装和男装),鼓励学生创新和培养创意,同时能够开拓理解时尚产业的需求。

38、Advocate white is vogue, people need is involute medium halcyon.崇尚白色是时尚,人们需要纷乱中的宁静。

39、Thus, both bars and the anti-art activities have become a fashion of consumption.酒吧已成为消费的时尚, 艺术的反叛亦成为一种消费时尚。

40、One day the young monk said to the old monk, "How slowly the time goes!"有一天,小和尚对老和尚说:“时间过得真慢呀!”

41、If you need ear-piercing and tattooing, ensure that the needles used are sterilized.你可能觉得有个酷酷的耳洞或者纹身“时尚时尚最时尚”,但是在行动之前一定要确保针头消过毒哦!

42、On the first line of products of Onlyao fashion shopping e-station, there are four categories of fashion wigs, fashion jewelry, hair ornaments and hair accessories, .欧雅时尚购物e站首批上线的产品有时尚假发、流行饰品、头饰发饰、时尚配饰等4大类。

43、In opposition to the current men's fashionphotography, Evans called his work "documentary fashionphotography."相对于当时的时尚摄影,伊文斯称他的作品为纪实时尚摄影。

44、Unique beautiful modeling, dynamic fashion.独特炫丽造型,时尚动感。

45、One day the young monk said to the old monk,” How slowly the time goes!有一天,小和尚对老和尚说:“时间过得真慢呀!”

46、As the leading global fashion media, FTV has a great influence on the international fashion world.作为全球时尚传媒的领军媒体, FTV 对于国际时尚界有着巨大的影响。

47、In a show known for its fabulous fashion, Carrie was the style ringleader.这部电视剧以其时尚元素著称,而凯莉就是其中的时尚领军人物。

48、Your boot is latest fashion.你的马靴很时尚。

49、Pearl Fashion and Ornament Evolution;珍珠时尚与饰品演变;

50、Main production - fashion belt;主要皮具—— 时尚腰带;

经典英文句子51:时尚,51、Shang Jian is the subject of fashion building materials and creative life fusion.尚建园 的主题是时尚建材与生活创意的融合。

52、Believe it or not, most of those fashion rules are completely outdated and false!无论相信与否,这些时尚规则大部分都是完全过时和错误的! 对于那些追求时尚又不想遵从旧时尚法则的人,我要说,是把这些陈规旧习永远丢掉的时候了。

53、Introduce:" diary of article apricot vogue " it is first gear vogue collocation shares kind of program.简介:《文杏时尚日记》是一档时尚搭配分享类节目。

54、But London Fashion Week is back in style.但伦敦时装周又重现时尚风光。

55、High fashion HauteCouture is according to the needs of customer cutting the garment according to the figure hand-made fashion.高时尚女式时装设计是根据客户的需要,按图切割服装,手工制作的时尚。

56、Fashion titanium gold ornament piece, both sides silica gel skid prevention pad, sympathizes fine.时尚钛金饰片,引领时尚潮流两侧硅胶防滑垫,精致体贴。

57、Mainly engaged in various types of casual fashion woman bag, high fashion handbags, briefcases, wallets, belts, etc.主要经营各类型休闲时尚女包,高档时尚手袋、公文包、银包、皮带等等;

58、Most fashion-challenged people - I fall into that category - rely on trusted fashion-conscious friends and family to recommend new clothes to them.时尚-挑战人们-我接受时尚-依靠值得依赖的有时尚意识的朋友和家人,把衣服推荐给他们。

59、Thoreau philosophized that "every generation laughs at the old fashions but follows religiously the new."Thoreau从哲学的角度这样诠释:“每一代人都嘲笑旧的时尚,却照例去追求新时尚。”

60、Leading the fashion, renew your vision and feel, it'll be your first choice of beauty product.引领时尚潮流,更新视觉感观,美丽首选,时尚之尊的国际品牌。

61、They wear high-fashion clothes to show off their sense of style and wealth.他们穿着时尚的衣服展示他们的时尚感和财富。

62、Fashion Street on Jiangda Road (s) is the characteristic street taking fashionable consumption and leisure entertainment as keystone.江大南路时尚风情街,重点发展时尚消费、休闲娱情为主的特色街;

63、Fashionable design: Streamline shape and harmonious color combination always honor you at the heading of fashion.时尚设计:流线造型?钆铖f调的用色,让您永远走在时尚尖端。

64、This fashion mobile is popular.这部时尚手机很流行。

65、There are also lavishness men's fashionable wallets which a few observe as a fashion symbol.也有一些高档的男士时尚钱包被少数人引为时尚的象征。

66、“This is about business, ” said Angelica Cheung, the editor in chief of Vogue China.《时尚》杂志中国版总编张女士说:“时尚在中国是一门大生意。

67、The opportunity has not yet arrived.时机尚未成熟。


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