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1、Serve for honor, good faith is gold!


2、One of the best real estate agency based in Macau.


3、Credibility is a prose, and the God-shaped casual leave and life changes is the integrity of the creatures, fair trading, everybody is a businessman and integrity;


4、"The Analects" says more about trust, but the trust means faith and honest, very similar to the "Sincerity ".


5、Integrity: honesty and trustworthiness in business and cooperation with the trust, win the people's trust.


6、Let us do all people of good faith, let us call the integrity of the Green Spring wind everyone's heart!


7、Tried and True Rent-a-Car.


8、He wants trust and honesty.


9、For trustworthiness, then, physiognomy works.

诚信企业文化诚信为本: 一个长久的企业立足于信誉。

10、The integrity of enterprise culture Faith-based: a long-term business based on reputation.


11、The prerequisite of carrying out the grant is honesty education and honesty quality.


12、Promote the loyalty of customers through figure value of enterprise's brand.

13、who lost his credit, is dead in this world. —— Herbert 失掉信用的人,在这个世界上是已经死了。


14、Integrity & Trust, to the letter of this tree.


15、Honesty: honesty, with letter is the confidence, said to do, pragmatic and realistic.


16、Beijing Kunlun Fidelity Technology Co. , Ltd. , referred to as Fidelity Kunlun.

17、Losing credit is one's greatest loss. —— Yorkclark 失去信用是一个人的最大损失。


18、Its specialtys brand with xinyuan-be honest, do something good faith! ! ! ! !

dishonesty is still a plague.在全国都在标榜诚信的时候,不诚信仍然比比皆是。

19、At a time when the nation is obsessed with sloganeering about honesty …


20、The honesty and faith of chinese traditional family admonish is intrinsically heart honesty and faith, not contract.

21、Start to create trustworthiness campus, the tree rises trustworthiness atmosphere of a school, becoming trustworthiness student.创起诚信校园,树起诚信学风,成为诚信学子。

22、Honesty: Treat people with sincerity hospitality to the letter to the cause.诚信:待人以诚、待客以信、忠于事业。

23、Trustworthiness is the mankind's civilized stairs; Trustworthiness is the crushed stones which fills up mankind's partition.诚信,是人类文明的阶梯;诚信,是填补人类间隔的碎石。

24、willful betrayal of fidelity, confidence, or trust; perfidy 背叛对忠诚、信任或信赖的有意背叛

25、Honesty and faith training is the unity of sincerity knowledge and sincerity practice.诚信修养是“知行合一”的过程,“行”诚信首先必须“知”诚信。

英文句子26:,26、By source of trust, accounting faith can be classified into three categories: institution-based accounting faith, contract-based accounting faith and credit-based accounting faith.按信任的来源分类,会计诚信可以分为基于制度的会计诚信、基于契约的会计诚信与基于信誉的会计诚信三种。

27、Be magnanimous. Be honest and keep promises.八叫做信,就是能忠信、诚实,信守诺言;

28、Integrity to our great benefit, we hope the Group is a family history of issuing credit history.诚信给我们带来很大的好处,我们希望集团的发家史就是一部诚信史。

29、Speak the importance of sincerity very much.都极言诚信的重要。

30、Integrity most studies through scale or from the individual credit report Chen measuring explicit attitude of honesty, rarely implicit attitude.诚信研究大多通过量表或自陈报告测量个体诚信的外显态度,鲜有诚信态度的内隐研究。

31、High quality, good faith.质高价优,诚信守诺。

32、Willful betrayal of fidelity, confidence, or trust; perfidy.背叛对忠诚、信任或信赖的有意背叛;

33、He sees himself as a man of integrity -- and the Buffett culture reinforced such beliefs.他自视是一个诚信的人——巴菲特文化更是强化了诚信信仰。

34、Faith suggests honesty and credit, on which Chinese modern businessmen base their career.“信”德是诚实、有信用,中国近现代的儒商都以诚信为事业之本。

35、In sum, the credibility was the mankind's basic requirement , the base of the trust and the root of career development.诚信是做人之本,诚信是人与人之间信任的基础,诚信是事业发展的之根。

36、Better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice. 口吐真言,永远坚立;

37、Honesty is the Chinese traditional virtue, let us honest feelings.诚实守信是中华传统美德,让我们将诚信薪火相传。

38、Confidence comes from strength and integrity.自信来自力量和诚实。

39、Getting credit costs a lot. —— Gerald 获取信用是要付出很高代价的。

40、honesty is the best policy. 做人诚信为本。

41、Honesty is the best policy. 做人诚信为本。

42、In conclusion, laying stress on honesty will become the public morals in our society.因此,要为让这个社会讲诚信施加压力,诚信就会变成社会的公共道德。

43、People who don't trust anyone know they have no credit. —— Albach 不相信任何人的人知道自己无信用。

44、We should create a kind of social atmosphere for credit education, establish students' archives of credit and guide students to foster the sense of credit.要针对大学生的实际,要营造诚信教育的社会氛围,加大宣传力度,建立大学生诚信档案,引导大学生树立诚信意识。

45、Do you bring loyalty, teamwork, or honesty to your workplace?你会给工作场所带去忠诚、团队合作还是诚信?

46、It is an inevitable way that we should build an integrity moral society when we carry out integrity education through school management.建设诚信道德社群,是学校管理实施诚信教育的应然之路。

47、The discreditable actions of our CPA is an expression of lack of social credit.我国注册会计师的非诚信行为是社会诚信缺失的一种表现。

48、To construct an environment of good faith is the foundation for improving their trustworthiness .提出提高大学生诚信度的对策:营造良好的诚信环境是提高大学生诚信度的基础;

49、Trust men and they will be true to you.相信他人,他人才会对你忠诚。/信人者人恒信之。

50、Fidelity and good faith, put civilization first;忠诚诚信,文明第


经典英文句子51:诚信,51、The cultivation of individual honesty is the subjective activities which the individual cultivates his honest personality and realizes the convert of the norm of honesty from heteronomy to autonomy.个体诚信修养是个体实现从诚信规范的他律向自律的转化,确立高尚的诚信人格的主体性活动。

52、Embedded in these signals is evidence of self-confidence, sincerity and trust.隐藏在这些信号中的是他们的自信、诚信和信任。

53、The value of honesty is the self-restraint and the other-restraint.诚信的价值即诚信对主体的自约性和对客体的他约性。

54、Enterprise Market Value:ideas guides developing. creation brings confidence. credit obtains customers, honesty guides future.企业市场观:思路决定出路,创新带来信心真诚赢得客户,诚信驾驭未来。

55、I believe that he is honest.我相信他是诚实的。

56、Honesty is the truth not to cheat , is "sincere at heart, " credit means keep one's word to somebody. Honesty and credit has the very important meaning in the self-development and social life.诚即真实无妄,指“内诚于心,”信则偏重“外信于人,”①诚信在个人的自我发展与社会生活中都有重大的意义。

57、SKE conducts business fully based upon the principle of honesty, equity and faith.以真诚、公平和诚信为原则,从事经营活动。

58、Honesty, competence, candor, commitment, integrity, courage, straightforwardness, imagination.诚信,能力,坦诚,承诺,正直,勇敢,正直,想象力。

59、Honesty and credit is to speak.诚信也就是讲信用。

60、And that of the accountants in the enterprises has been lost. The phenomenon has something to do with the neglect of accountant credit and honesty education in the educational fields.人们对诚信的意识淡薄了,企业会计诚信丧失了,这与会计教育界忽视会计诚信教育有关。



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