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关于”改写的方法和技巧“的英语句子31个,句子主体:Rewriting methods and techniques。以下是关于改写的方法和技巧的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Rewriting methods and techniques

社交论坛 » 社交技巧 » 虽然我们无法改变环境,但我们可以改变心境,这段话的英…

1、Although we can't change environment, but we can change the mood of this paragraph, the English translation.


2、At the same time, the novel method combining between the fieldbus and modern control theroy is presented which is running online and learning offline.


3、Hi, could you give us some tips on how to write better?


4、If done properly, these five NLP techniques can change many aspects of your life.

5、The fifth and sixth chapters illustrate basic training and exam skills as to the storage of writing practice.



6、Typically, they need skill-building, understanding of methodology, or both.


7、This week's drill features some different and fun ways to use a physio ball to work on technique for all your strokes.


8、A slightly lower proportion (58 per cent) said that writing for us had improved their interviewing skills.


9、Such applications typically use tricks that can greatly improve performance, such as partitioning, multi-threading, and write through caching.


10、Learn tips and techniques of the composition of your video in this free video clip on videography.


11、Conlusion: The therapy of plasma cell mastitis was effective by modified operation.

NLP 技巧第五名---改变信念

12、NLP Technique no.5 – Belief Change


13、You can develop accurate pronunciation and speaking, improve your listening, reading and writing skills, understand how to use grammar correctly, build your vocabulary and slang in a short time!


14、Learn about calligraphy and tips for writing 'B' words from a calligrapher in this free art video.


15、You will need some skills and experience in home remodelling to tackle the job.

方法修改,但 upcase 方法只返回大小写修改后的字符串副本。

16、method, but just the upcase method returns a copy of the string with case changed.


17、Learn about calligraphy and tips for writing the letter 'G' from a calligrapher in this free art video.


18、Therefore, effective management of classroom discipline method and the skill is worth each teacher continuously explore areas.


19、Lillian Hellman's plays are marked by insight and finesse.


20、Learn some tips on understanding stage directions from our play writing expert in this free video clip.

21、Edit for clarity, repetition, spelling and grammar.修改歧义,重复,拼写和语法。

22、The methods and techniques in writing the preconditioner of the finite element modeling of semi-rigid connections with programming language C are mainly introduced.主要介绍用C语言编写梁柱半刚性连接节点有限元模型前处理时的方法和技巧。

23、More work is needed to introduce orientation and mobility, daily living skills and communication skills as parts of special education.更多的工作要做以便把提高方向感和激动性,生活技巧,交流技巧作为特殊教育的一部分。

24、An artifice of passing through and evaluating bifurcation points and an improvement for the arc-length method are presented.一个跨越和求取分支点的技巧和对弧长法的一个改进在文中提出。

25、Students will be able to learn the algorithm skill including brute force, divide-and-conquer, …, and greedy technique.让学生学习到各种演算法的技巧,包括暴力法等七种方式。

英文句子26:,26、Listing 清单

4 demonstrates a more concise, more readable rewrite of the original method.

4 将原来的方法改写为更加紧凑、易读的方法。

27、The authors to write benign opuses must inhere the capability and skill of reining the language.作者要写出好的作品,必须具有驾驭语言文字的能力和技巧。

28、Analyses the author's writing techniques and the symbolization from the angle of color description.本文从色彩这一角度来分析作者的写作技巧和象征意义。

29、In addition, yoga is an excellent way for children to learn self-control and develop self-discipline as it introduces meditative techniques and, all importantly, correct breathing method.此外,瑜伽是儿童学习自我控制、提高自律很好的方法,因为它引进了冥想技巧,而且更重要的是改正了呼吸方法。

30、Writing event handlers and service methods that will interpret changes in the UI and modify ACLs and the registry accordingly.编写将用于解释 UI 中的更改并相应修改 ACL 和注册中心的事件处理程序和服务方法。

31、All these skills form part of a soft or gentle speaking style, which should form part of your communicative repertoire or toolbox.所有这些技巧构成了温和说话方式的一部分,这应当是交际技巧的组成部分。

32、Nor are legal skills surrounding Intellectual Property and Copyright very useful anymore. Nor are the skills of hoarding and scarcity.围绕着知识产权和版权的法律技巧风光不再,奇货可居的方式也无法满足这个时代。

33、A color changing deck without the sleights .没有技巧的一个颜色改变的甲板。

34、Your oil painting technique and your subject matter both changed whilst you were in France.旅法期间,您的油画技巧跟主题都有所改变。

35、Good reading habits inevitably lead to seeing the text not as a mere assemblage of words to be decoded with an electronic dictionary, but as writing.优良的阅读习惯不只是看到文本,用电子辞典查到一堆单字,而是看到文章的写作方法与技巧。

36、These classes were usually taught by different teachers. To practice our writing skills, we poured our thoughts, feelings, and dreams into a little journal every day.为了锻炼我们的写作技巧,我们每天要求写小日记,把我们的思想、感情和梦想都写进去。

37、I try to use clay and the realistic skills to make it a visual ready-made, which looks authentic.我努力用泥塑的方式和写实的技巧,让它变成视觉上的现成品,看起来真实可信。

38、Rational use of those approaches and Techniques will improve of CAI course-warc programming quality and efficiency.正确地采用这些方法和技巧可以显著地提高CAI课件的质量和研制开发效率。

39、The interim method is not only a question of interim in an article but alos a special skill in writing.文章过渡方法,这不仅是文章过渡的问题,而且是写作中一个特殊的技巧问题。

40、Another strategy is to honestly identify a weakness, one that the interviewer might identify with, and present it along with a plan.另一个技巧就是坦诚相告,说一个面试官可接受的弱点并谈谈改正方法。

41、These color-averaging and layer void-filling techniques are only one way to achieve similar effects.这些颜色平均和图层填空技巧只是实现类似效果的其中一种方法。

42、Learn how to mix yeast and flour for a traditional French baguette recipe in this baking video with bread recipes and bakery tips.学习如何烘焙视频混合于面粉面包酵母和面包的配方和技巧的传统法国面包配方。

43、Methods Take the medicine specialty anatomy educational model as the foundation, from aspects and so on teaching material construction, educational model, teaching skill carries on the reform.方法以医学类人体解剖学教学模式为基础,从教材建设、教学模式、教学技巧等方面进行改革。

44、Check out the article 这篇8个校对的窍门和技术的文章是关于这方面的技巧。

8 Proofreading Tips And Techniques for tips on this topic.

45、Students should become familiar with different styles of writing and techniques and principles of editing and punctuation in both source and target languages.学习者应该熟悉源语言和目标语言的不同写作风格,熟悉二者文字编辑的技巧和原则,以及二者的标点符号方法。

46、Support Junior - Assist and train the junior/entry-level developers on good programming guidelines and techniques.提携新人。 协助并且培养初级/入门的开发人员学习优秀的编程方法和技巧。

47、The article takes one pharmaceutical factor as a ease, and it tells us how to finish a good report.以《某药厂口服制剂技改项目竣工验收监测报告》编写过程为实例,对其方式、方法、内容和重点进行探讨。

48、Learn about calligraphy and tips for writing the letter 'L' from a calligrapher in this free art video.关于书法和写作技巧学习从书法家字母'L'在这个自由的艺术影片。

49、Reading and writing separate apart, so it is difficult for them to use the knowledge and skills they have learned writing in class.读写脱节,学生作文难以运用课堂上学到的写作知识和技巧;

50、Throughout the course, children will be taught not only the skills of Chinese calligraphy but also the posture of brush - holding and sitting.透过临摹书法家的作品, 小孩可掌握中国书法的基本技巧, 改进手写字体及坐姿, 陶治性情及增强自信。

经典英文句子51:改写的方法和技巧,51、A good technique is to write out your answers to the questions you anticipate, then edit them to make them more concise.有一个技巧是把你预测会出现的问题答案写下,修改它们让它们更简明。

52、One of the useful changes in the health reform law is that it encourages experimentation with such low-tech, high-touch strategies.医疗保健改革法方面有用的改变之一是支持那种落后技术和高技术个性化的策略。

53、Fluxgate technology has made great progress in recent years because new technology and methods are used.近年来采用新的技术和方法使磁通门技术得到不断的发展和改善。

54、Based on the application practice of network chart in repair work of construction machinery, a programming method and hints for network chart are offered.根据网络技术在工程机械修理工作中的应用实践,提出了网络图的编绘方法和技巧;

55、In cryptology, the art or science that treats of the principles, means and methods for rendering plaintext unintelligible and for converting encrypted messages into intelligible form.密码学中,将明文改变为不可能理解的密文和反过来将密文改变为可理解情势的方法、手段、理论的一门科学或技巧。

56、Their technique preferences are both brush stroke mainly expressed in color, and fine brushwork together with freehand brushwork.从表现技法看,大多偏爱工笔和兼工带写的方法。

57、This article adopts the method that "destroying and establishing happens simultaneously "in writing technique with evaluating constitution, simultaneously advancing the author's own views.文章在写作技巧上采取“边破边立”方法,一边评价宪法,一边提出自己的观点;

58、This course focuses on the written styles and conventions required in the workplace memos, e-mails, letters & faxes , reports and proposals, presentation.华通商务写作课程,重点介绍各种商务文体和写作技巧。

59、I must admit that the 303 trick is the least complex approach I've seen, and I'll be interested in watching how it develops with wider practice.我必须承认,303 技巧是我所见过的复杂性最低的方法,观察这种技巧的大量开发实践也非常有趣。

60、It is by no means a small feat to write a program that disassembles a host program;仅靠一点小技巧是没办法写出这样一个程序,它能:反汇编宿主程序;

61、We use graph-theoretic version to relate, use graph-theoretic methods and techniques to prove our results.我们采用图论的语言来描述、用图论的技巧和方法来研究我们的问题。

62、"Ascertain, " he wrote to Zwingli, "whether this man possesses sufficient prudence and skill;他写信给萨文黎说:“请你决定这个人是否具有充足的智慧和技巧;

63、He doesn't realize that the technique of writing has nothing to do with the birth of an author, and the technique of acting has nothing to do with the birth of a great actor.他不知道写作的技巧和作家的家世并没有关系; 演剧的技巧和名艺人的家世并没有关系。

64、The forth part explain Murakami Haruki using some writing skills, hybridization, which makes his fictions have more post-modern mode.第四部分介绍了文本中的后现代艺术技巧,如融各种题材为一炉的写作方式和碎片化的叙事手法。


标签: 技巧 方法

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