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关于”秋天的小诗“的英语句子53个,句子主体:Little poems of autumn。以下是关于秋天的小诗的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Little poems of autumn


1、This is an autumn afternoon. It's drizzly with winds rustling. They are walking along mountain path under umbrellas, to visit a friend who is reclusive here.


2、Liu Shitou and Li Tongzhong were old friends. The previous fall, both of them had ridden the 'tortoise' together and served time in the commune lock-up.


3、Van Aelst sees fall as small boys climbing grape vines.


4、IF YOU HAD BEEN in the rice and cotton fields of China during autumn of 1988, you might have seen a strange sight farmers building little tepees out of straw.


5、However, the more good people more easy to cause jealousy, TongXiaoQiu is with the department doctor Lin, doctor Lin expose TongXiaoQiu defective hearing.


6、Team up with other small businesses in your area to share the cost of a trainer if you need to schedule training this fall.


7、Foot gingerly stepping on the fallen leaves of autumn, a crisp sweet, lingering in the ears.


8、Fall is a time for comfort food. Thanksgiving dinner, pies, grandma’s cookies, and family gatherings all lead to some serious calorie intake.


9、Then one day the boy came to the tree and the tree said, "Come, Boy, come and climb up my trunk and swing from my".

xx岁的萨利·哈德森(Sally Hudson)是缅因州Brunswick小镇鲍登学院大四学生,将在今年秋天前往德国国会实习。

10、Sally Hudson, 21, a senior at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Me., is heading to Germany this fall to work at the parliament.


11、Autumn, jujube Whispering, and rice-sized scilloides shy like hiding under the leaves.


12、Qiu Qiu the dog peed on my speech, about an hour before I was supposed to deliver it.


13、And suddenly I realized that marguerite doesn't belong to falls only.


14、Originally a little yellow grass, also strong raised his head, stubborn in autumn last touch of green.


15、The little yellow plant at the backyard when all other leaves are all withered in the autumn wind. What do you see?


16、Through that summer and fall, the team searched for toxic or radioactive pollution in river sediments, groundwater, soil and air.


17、The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung called it "phenomenal, moving and humbling novel, perhaps the most memorable read of the autumn".


18、We find evidence that, particularly at younger ages, summer-born children are more likely to report being unhappy at school and to have experienced bullying than autumn-born children.


19、She peered closer. They were little grey things.


20、Childhood and youth, the music often admired this dream, this autumn's sweet serenade me sleep better.

21、Great landscapes, tree-nesting birds, interesting small mammals and wildflowers are all at their peak in June, and snowcapped mountains and brilliant foliage color the fall.xx月时节,依树筑巢的鸟儿高声鸣唱,有趣的小哺乳动物肆意玩耍,山花烂漫,正得其时;冰雪覆盖的山脉和辉煌的秋叶为秋天涂上了鲜艳的色彩。

22、Today, the small cricket in particular joy is that this autumn scenery to the boring cricket infinite happiness!今天,小蛐蛐特别快乐,是这秋天的景色给了无聊的蛐蛐无穷的快乐!

23、Oda autumn qin company work, back in the fall of qin early know his mind, to wit the opportunity to debunk oda for fear of bear responsibility, and give up boxing and xiao Ming.小田回秋芹的公司工作时,秋芹早了解他的心事,即借机会揭穿小田因为害怕背负责任,而放弃拳击及小明。

24、He was always laughing lightheartedly ; in the golden fields of autumn he liked to wear a greasy old army jacket and play the harmonica all day.那小伙子总是在快活地笑着,在秋天金黄一片的大田里,他总是喜欢穿一件油污的坦克兵夹克,整天都吹着一支口琴。

25、The Lost Maples State Natural Area, about an hour and a half outside of San Antonio, is full of the autumn beauties.遗失枫树州立自然保护区,大约在圣•安东尼奥外面约一个半小时的行车路程,它充满着秋天的美。

英文句子26:,26、"Autumn outing to go! ", "Looking for words to fall! " We are carrying pennants, back bags, walking in the mountain road.“秋游去!”、“找秋语去!”我们扛着队旗,背上书包,行走在山间小路上。

27、So, "Autumn frost red autumnal leaves " love novel, the person enrages freeboard.所以,“秋霜红叶”的爱情小说,人气超高。

28、Its yield is higher than that of the main crop variety Akitakaomaqi.产量高于主栽品种秋田小町。

29、Bouchard begins a three-year term at the next GIF Policy Group meeting in Paris this fall.布沙尔将在决策小组于今年秋天在巴黎举行下届会议时正式就职,任期xx年。

30、They walked with umbrellas up to a winding mountain path on a drizzling and windy autumn afternoon for a visit to a friend living in seclusion .这是一个秋天的下午。细雨淅沥,秋风瑟瑟。


31、Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo.什锦菜,小龙虾派,秋葵加肉片。

32、Accordingly, although do not have serious skin problem, also want to pay close attention to change tinily everyday, want Youjianyi to the leaf falls and know the foreknowledge of the world autumn.因此,即使没有严重的皮肤问题,也要天天密切注重微小的变化,要有见一叶落而知天下秋的先见之明。

33、The skeptical Pelle had a look around the surrounding environment.生性多疑的小秋巡视了一圈周边环境。

34、My little cousins are taking turns on the swing.我的小表妹们在轮流 玩秋千。

35、There once was a small town in Germany where acacia flowers were in full bloom, and apple and pear trees bore fruit in autumn.从前,德国有一个小镇,那里刺槐花恣意盛开,到了秋天的时候苹果和梨挂满枝头。

36、The annual spectacle of leaves turning color and falling to the ground has long inspired poets, entranced children, and tasked homeowners with autumn raking.每年一度的树叶换色,飘落地面一直激发着诗人,吸引着小孩,还能让房屋主疲惫不堪应付秋季打扫,它是个盛景。

37、It was in the spring of 1994 when Zichen had met Margaret and John, in a supermarket; the autumn of 1995 when Margaret had been buried in a hillside cemetery.紫宸是在超市里遇到玛格丽特和约翰的,那是xx年春天。 到了xx年秋天,玛格丽特就去世了,安眠在小山脚下的墓地里。

38、Child of catastrophe, a Bengali girl waits for relief food during a famine that wracked Bangladesh last autumn.一个大灾难后的小女孩在等待救济粮。去年秋天,一场饥荒摧毁了孟加拉国。

39、Zhu thought about it and closed the blue cloth so lightly as if he was holding a delicate dream in the bamboo basket of autumn.小柱又把花布轻轻、轻轻地合上,就像有一个秋天的梦正装在竹篮子里,生怕被吓醒了似的。

40、In late summer and fall, they enter a feeding-frenzy phase, foraging up to 夏末秋初,它们会进入疯狂觅食的阶段,每天要吃20个小时。

20 hours a day.

41、Granny Yinjiao liked Qiuqiu very much. She liked her little pigtail, her small mouth and her eyes which were always narrowed into slits.银娇奶奶很喜欢秋秋,喜欢她的小辫、小嘴和一双总是细眯的眼睛。

42、Knows of street stalls selling soya sheet rolls, there is grain full help business well, but is grasp in honor of less tooth chase, autumn held grain full flight.知秋想到摆街档卖腐皮卷,得有小满帮忙生意不错,却遇上荣少的抓牙追捕,知秋拉着小满逃走。

43、She kept rolling her eyes at the young man.她不断向那个小伙子传送秋波。

44、Beside them there was a small entainment park, where kids were playing swing.旁边是小小的游乐场,荡秋千的孩子们快活嬉闹,互不相扰。

45、Last fall, Qi-ming in two external examiners , students immersed in taking advantage of respondents, insert hand into several small US underwear.去年秋天,齐宝明又在两次监考时,趁着学生们埋头答卷,几次将手伸入小美的衣裤。

46、In Autumn crop, treatment 秋茬处理

1 had the best plot yield;

1 的小区产量最高;

47、The farmers look after their corn and wheat carefully so that they can have a good harvest next autumn.农民们小心地照看他们的玉米和小麦,以便明年秋天能有个好收成。

48、Out to the doorway, Qiuqiu gazed in tears in the direction of that thatched hut on the riverbank…秋秋走到门口去,用一对泪水朦胧的眼睛朝小河边上那间小茅屋望着……

49、They know the little pink flowers' dream of spring after autumn;他知道小粉红花的梦,秋后要有春;

50、Last fall, he started moonlighting as a small-business consultant and personal finance counselor.去年秋天,他开始兼职做小企业的顾问和个人理财顾问。

经典英文句子51:秋天的小诗,51、Autumn was already in the air on the late afternoon when she decided to fish near the island.当她决定在岛上钓鱼时,午后的天空正散发着秋天的味道,可爱的小船咕噜咕噜地穿过小河。

52、By the way, here is a picture of my meanest, toughest critic, Qiu Qiu the dog.在这儿,我顺便向各位展示一下铁面毒舌评论员——小狗秋秋的照片。

53、After being planted in the mid to late fall, winter wheat seedlings undergo a process called cold acclimation.在仲秋或晚秋播种后,冬小麦种子经历了被称为冷驯化的过程。

54、At that night, The big turnip and the small turnip light together in the frost farmyard. Sometimes the boy has a look at the big turnip, and sometimes he has a look at the small turnip.那天晚上,大萝卜和小萝卜发出的淡淡光亮,一起落在深夜挂着秋霜的农家小院里。

55、Once spring go beauty old, flower falls news two know.一晨秋去白颜小,花落人灭两不知。

56、Unless a child keeps pumping a swing, the back-and-forth motion decreases;荡秋千的小孩除非不停地屈伸,否则秋千的运动就会因阻尼而停止;

57、Mercury Marine's nearly 900 hourly workers voted last fall to reject such terms, but a few days later, they voted again and accepted them.Mercury Marine近900名小时工去年秋天投票反对这项条款,但是几天以后,他们重新投票,并且接受了这项条款。

58、I returned home that autumn unafraid of poverty, able to work for five to six hours at a stretch, and in possession of a 150-page personal manifesto.那年秋天我回家了。不再惧怕贫穷。


59、In the autumn of 1930 Edward went to stay with his friends Lord and Lady Furness.xx年的秋天,爱德华去他的朋友弗内斯勋爵夫妇那里小住。



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