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1、But nobody needs to teach you how to use the search. It's so easy.


2、It's a long letter, but in brief , he says"No."


3、But why not simply raise taxes on high incomes instead?


4、Simply put, you have to give up on earth.


5、This is not like raising goldfish or guppies.

在这里,将它转换成一个 Scala 解析器非常简单,如清单

6、From here, turning this into a Scala parser is insultingly straightforward, as shown in Listing 5

5 所示


7、B: That's easy. If I were you, I'd date me!


8、"Snape, " she said curtly as she passed him.


9、The answer is easy! If you want to be thinner and healthier.


10、High-penetration accelerating agent for fast and easy hair colouring.


11、"Easy, " said the young guy. "Buy me out. "


12、Soup is remarkably healthy, inexpensive and easy to make.


13、The evening was no longer joy, but delirium.


14、Yet here the dogma can be accused of oversimplification.


15、How about steamed codfish? It's quick and easy.


16、AMZ: This mode is an easier version which has no obstacle and distraction.


17、Those three words can make her heart jump for joy, you know?


18、That's all -- you don't even need to recompile.


19、Simple Scriptable Wizard that lets you perform an undo several times.


20、Setting of the knife mold is rapid, accurate and easy-to- leam .

21、So, you can just mount it and go.所以,您可以简单地安装它就可以使用了。

22、That, in short, is the charge sheet against the industry.简而言之,这是对该行业开出的问罪单。

23、I was there simply to give people directions, hand them a 我在那儿只是简单地给人指示方向、发传单以及引路。

1)flyer and send them on their way.

24、Moreover, THA owns sparser weight matrixes (IWM) with 1-D interconnections, which brings more convenience to optical implementation.且其互连权矩阵更加简单稀疏并可平面化,光学实现更为简便。

25、Don't make a long speech. Just keep it short and sweet.演讲不要长篇大论。简单扼要即可。

英文句子26:,26、So the payoffs here are as follows, and I'll explain them in a second.收益如下,我简单来解释一下

27、The mechanism of laser induced fluorescence(LIF) is introduced.简单介绍了激光诱导荧光(LIF) 产生的机理。

28、Simple to use: no computer, no cables, no syncing.简单易用:无需电脑,无绳索,无需同步接收。

29、Look for the people who will make your job easier.找那些可以让你的工作变得简单的人。

30、Learn more through with Sun Wukong Xianqi that simply.学千术跟孙悟空吹仙气一样那么简单。

31、They're simply working within their own very narrow ambit.他们只是简单地在有限范围的内部工作

32、This adds many advantages such as reusability and simplicity.这增加了许多好处,比如可重用性和简单。

33、The situation is even a bit more complicated than simply using 现在的情况甚至有点儿复杂了,不单单是用1表示“真”,用0代表“假”那么简单了。

1 for ture and 0 for false.

34、Skip the inheritable attributes briefly -- I dive into those next.简单跳过继承属性(我将稍后深入介绍)。

35、Registering this function in your database is also straight-forward.将这个函数注册到数据库中也很简单。

36、Simply trudge through it and move onto your next idea.简单的放在一边继续你的下一个创意。

37、In short, pigs can fly, and hell really can freeze over.简单点说,猪也能飞了,地狱也封冻了。

38、A differential equation is simply an equation that contains a derivate.微分方程简单说是含有导数的方程。

39、We're going to also look at the irreversible case briefly.以后我们会简单地讲下不可逆过程。

40、If it was too easy, it wouldn’t help you grow.如果太简单了,你就不可能有所长进。

41、Simply put, most business plans are written too soon.简单来说,大多数事业计画都写得太早。

42、In the old days, it was easy -- 'No work, no job.'在以前,可简单了:‘不工作,就失业。’

43、Let me just briefly look at the ride on the way down.让我简单的来讲解一下下降过程

44、The impact goes far beyond mere sniffles and inconvenience.影响决不仅仅是鼻塞或者不适那么简单。

45、The other shoe, to put it plainly, hasn't dropped.简单地说就是,另一只鞋还没掉下来。

46、Additive technique is used to resynthesis the sound.声音信号的重新合成使用简单的叠加方法。

47、Application and source of plant haploids were concisely introduced.对单倍体的用途和来源作了简略的概括。

48、In scratch, a condition looks a little something like this.简单来说,一个条件判断就像这一样。

49、This production is suitable to be carried on in locomotive depot.生产工艺简单,适于在机务段内进行;

50、Thirdly, the slope protection for cutting side slope is simply designed.最后简单设计了路堑边坡坡面防护。

经典英文句子51:简单,51、The phase shift for each unique element is simply an additive combination of the above equations.一个特定单元上的相移量可以由以上方程简单相加得到。

52、Simply multiply your weight by your body fat percentage.简单地用你的体重乘以你的体脂百分比。

53、Let's draw a little picture on the side here.我们在边上简单地画个图来看看吧

54、Consciousness arises in the mind, purely and simply without producing suffering.意识从心中升起, 清净简单, 却不造苦。

55、Moist skin is far beyond eight glasses of water per day.肌肤保湿岂止八杯水那么简单。

56、Can you tell me something about West Lake Longjing Tea?你可以简单介绍一下西湖龙井茶吗?

57、They simply aren't going to buy on your say-so.他们不会简单因为你这样说就买。


标签: 翻译 简单

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