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关于”解读的软件“的英语句子37个,句子主体:Interpretation software。以下是关于解读的软件的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Interpretation software

BI 架构 - 技术层和软件解决方案

1、BI architecture - Technical layers and software solutions

通常病毒扫描软件需要至少一个参数 ?包含解药文件的文件夹的名字。

2、Usually virus scanners require only one parameter - the name of folder containing unpacked files.


3、Jesper Johansson's excellent article called "Anatomy of a malware scam."

尝试用 Info-ZIP 软件 解开该文件。

4、To unzip the files, try the Info-ZIP software.


5、The resolving solution for general purpose ATS is provided by COM technology, which is important technique reference criterion for future test software design.


6、Jailbreaking with Limera1n: Jailbreak, But Unlockers Beware

Lieberman 运用了一种很容易理解的方式,在这种方式的引导下您经常会忘了您是在阅读一本软件工程学的书。

7、Lieberman has an easy-to-read style where you often forget that you're reading a software engineering book.


8、Designed to crack passwords added ZIP compressed file of the software.


9、Green software codecs can be operational.


10、Software packers, shelling, encryption and decryption, etc. related to learning.


11、Before you go on with this article, you should know a few things about the protocols and the latest changes to the software.

实现 IT 解决方案的过程涉及集成并定制各种软硬件组件。

12、Implementing an IT solution involves integrating and customizing a variety of hardware and software components.


13、Basic understing in software engineering methodology e. g. SASD.

要了解更多有用的信息,请阅读 Jim Amsden 所写的有关基于面向服务的体系结构(Service-Oriented Architecture,SOA)开发软件的五篇系列文章

14、For additional useful information, read this series of five articles by Jim Amsden about developing software based on service-oriented architecture (SOA)


15、The ways to solve the them are summarized: software and hardware cooperating based methods;


16、To read Simon's letter using skimming and scanning skills, and know about Simon's life in the UK.


17、I show my respect to those who could decode Microsoft's software and share it with others.'


18、Very regretful is, your mistake unscrambled Microsoft and the property that Yahoo talks.


19、The software arithmetic mixed standard H. 263/H. 263+ arithmetic and image enhancing and dividing technology.


20、It is known that what sues the tomato garden together with Microsoft is the commercial software alliance.

21、In recent years, in order to resolve "software crisis", object-oriented component software technology is developing rapidly.近年来,为解决软件危机,面向对象的构件化技术蓬勃发展。

22、This will help you to understand the content of the application package.这将有助于您理解应用程序软件包的内容。

23、Engineering computing problems are solved by software MATHCAD.本文介绍使用数学软件MATHCAD解决工程计算问题;

24、Unable to unpack update package.无法解压缩更新软件包。

25、Deciphering food labels is tricky business.解读食品标签是一件棘手的事情。

英文句子26:,26、This third-party repository gives us access to all kinds of non-free software such as Adobe Reader, Skype and codecs for restricted media formats.第三方软件仓库给使我们可以获得非自由软件,例如 Adobe Reader,Skype和受限格式的解码包。

27、It has found a few niche, black-and-white applications in mobile phones and "electronic books" such as Sony's Reader and Amazon's Kindle.据了解,电子纸已经有了一些用武之地——手机中黑白的应用软件与“电子书”,如索尼的读书器与亚马逊的“燃具”(Kindle)。

28、Before getting acquainted with Stow, let's first take a look at software installation management, also known as package management.在我们开始了解 Stow 之前,先让我们研究一下 软件安装管理,它也称作 软件包管理。

29、The former is concerned on software for AT89C51 and other hardware which include FSK demodulation circuit soft keyboard circuit and so on.短信处理器由89C51软件和相应硬件组成,包括FSK解调电路、软键盘电路等。

30、Software understanding is always the bottleneck of the software maintenance process, it cost software workers quantities of time.软件理解一直是软件维护阶段的瓶颈问题,它需要花费维护人员大量的时间和精力。

31、Therefore, the main challenge will be software that fulfils the needs of adaptive, context-aware, personalized services and solutions.那么,主要的挑战将是软件,实现自适应,环境敏感,个性化服务和解决方案的软件。

32、Farhana : OK, so, please explain "smartly designed software" sir!好,那么请解释一下“设计敏捷的软件”。

33、Authentication, authorization, privacy, integrity, and non-reputation are the major security components of software or a software-based solution working over the network.在通过网络运行的软件或软件解决方案中,身份验证、授权、私密性、完整性和不可否认性是主要的安全组件。

34、We develop software to solve problems.我们开发软件是为了解决问题。

35、Concept of the knowledge of project management and relative soft wares.了解产品数据管理知识和常用软件。

36、Commissioned after the download process, extract the decompression software.下载委托程序后,用解压缩软件解压。

37、How to assure the quality of software, prompt the capability of the software productivity, develop and grandness the software industry, This is the most important things we must face and solve.如何保证软件的质量,提高软件产业的生产能力,发展和壮大软件产业,是我们必须面对和解决的重要问题。

38、As the impetuous development of computer software industry and Internet, the software piracy and cracking which is aiming at software are running rampantly.随着计算机软件业和互联网的迅猛发展,针对软件的盗版与破解也随之泛滥起来。

39、We have seen a number of fundamental shifts in the way software practitioners perceive software-intensive solutions.我们已经看到了一系列的软件从业者理解的软件密集的解决方案的基本转变。

40、Reinstallation of this software solved the problem.重新安装此软件即解决了问题。

41、Your intended recipients will be able to unscramble it with ease.您预期的收件人将能够轻松地解读它。

42、Common understanding of computer hardware and software installation, configuration, maintenance, skilled to solve various types of computer software and hardware failures.了解计算机硬件和常用软件的安装、配置、维护,熟练解决计算机各类软、硬件故障。

43、However, we find SCA addressing the intricacies of component orientated software development better.但是,我们发现SCA更好地解决了面向组件软件开发的复杂性。

44、Asset-based development is about developing software solutions by (re)using cohesive, documented software artifacts.基于资产的开发讨论的是通过使用(重用)具有内聚性且有恰当记录的软件构件开发软件解决方案。

45、Physics engines free you from having to develop the complex software to implement physics and collision detection in software.物理引擎将您从开发复杂软件以便在软件中实现物理现象和碰撞检测的工作中解放出来。

46、Facts have proved that it increased the processing capability and simplifyied the design of hardware and software greatly by using of ARM9 processor.通功实际当用证亮,ARM9处放器的当用大大降上了体解的处放才能,繁化了体解的软软件设计。

47、Domestic handset from dissembling lock, Software repair.国产手机免拆解锁,软件修复。

48、Read the paragraphs below to learn how the mail is delivered.信 件 的 流 程读下列段落了解信的流程。

49、Understand the concepts of software "best practices" and when they apply.理解软件“最优方法”的概念,以及它们何时适用。

50、Sensi Soft is a global services and software company specializing in classified advertising solutions.森西软是一个全球性的服务和软件公司在分类广告解决方案。

经典英文句子51:解读的软件,51、Two different approaches are described: one software-based solution and one hardware-based solution.这里介绍了两种不同的方法:一个是基于软件的解决方案,另一个是基于硬件的解决方案。

52、JES: The primary users of a software factory are software professionals building the solutions - these are the factory users that the factory builders design their factories for.JES:软件工厂的主要用户是构造解决方案的软件专家。

53、The native resolution of the scanner chip and firmware;扫描仪本身的解像力以及其所用的驱动软件;

54、Appliances are generally easier to use than creating similar solutions from general purpose hardware and software because the hardware and all required software come together as one purposed solution.与从通用硬件和软件创建类似解决方案相比,设备通常使用起来更方便,因为硬件和所有所需的软件全作为一个专用的解决方案提供。



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