1、Scientists differ as to whether the giant panda belongs to the bear or panda family.
2、Where is the panda?
3、He collects the excrement from a panda breeding center in southern China.
4、Kungfu panda is back in action!
5、Little panda, black and white.
6、A baby panda munches at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in China.
7、Let's see the pandas first .
8、It's a panda on stilts!
9、Xiao Po. My little panda.
10、Let's see the pandas.
11、They are now going to serve this panda at your local Panda Express.
12、How much is this toy panda?
13、Bless her, the mother looks knackered in the first pic. Cute cute cute! Love Panda's.
14、Are there any pandas in the zoo?
15、If a panda pair produces a cub, the host zoo also pays China a one-time fee of $600,000 to keep the cub until it returns to China according to the terms of the agreement.
16、Panda cubs play at the China Wolong Giant Panda Research Center in Sichuan province.
17、Let's see pandas.
18、Four buckets of panda noodles, please.
19、Shesaid: 'Brown and white pandas have only been seen in the Qinling Mountains. TheQinling Mountain pandas are considered a different sub-species from those foundin other mountain ranges.
tough call.猫熊跟小猫都好可爱喔,真难拿定主意。
20、To pick a panda or a kitten …
21、Is the panda related to the bear?猫熊和熊有关系吗?
22、The enemy is a panda.而敌人正是一只熊猫。
23、On Saturday morning, my parents and I go to the zoo, we went to the panda enclosure, "look, a mother panda and a baby panda. " I cried loudly.星期六早上,我和爸爸妈妈去动物园,我们来到了熊猫馆, ,“看,一只熊猫妈妈和一只熊猫宝宝。”我大声地叫起来。
24、China will implant high-tech identification tags into all its captive pandas in an effort to better monitor the population and prevent inbreeding.为了更好的监控全国大熊猫数量以及防止熊猫之间的同系繁殖,中国将为所有圈养大熊猫体内植入高科技身份标签。
25、Trojan panda?特洛伊熊猫?
英文句子26:,26、The pandas are in a nursery at the Giant Panda Breeding Centre in Chengdu, China.熊猫幼仔现在在中国成都大熊猫养育中心的育婴室里。
27、Snakes, pandas, kangaroos, squirrels, pangolins.蛇,熊猫,袋鼠,松鼠,穿山甲。
28、Usually pandas live alone unless it is a female taking care of her cub.通常熊猫会离群索居,除非是母熊猫要照顾牠的宝宝。
29、Around 目前世界上大约有1590只野外大熊猫,中国有239只圈养大熊猫,另外还有27只圈养大熊猫居住在世界各地的动物园里。
1, 590 giant pandas remain in the wild, China keeps 239 in captivity and another 27 are kept in zoos around the world.
30、Sao Po. My little panda.小宝,我的小熊猫。
31、The red panda is a chestnut-colored panda with alternating light and dark rings on the tail.小熊猫是一种栗色的熊猫,尾巴上有交互轻重颜色的圆环。
32、Didd you know panda cubs were this tiny? A panda has been born in Chengdu at a breeding base and weights just 145 grams.你知道熊猫宝宝原来只有这么小吗?成都大熊猫繁育研究基地诞生了一只熊猫宝宝,体重仅145克。 。
33、It was a photo up-to-date for nine baby pandas at the Wolong Panda Center in China.中国的卧龙熊猫保护中心拿出了一张关于九只熊猫宝宝的近照。
34、This panda is old and fat.这只大猫熊又老又胖。
35、This is a good panda.这只熊猫很憨厚。
36、Kung Fu Panda Puzzle, Panda Chinese style and its friends, come to complete them!功夫熊猫拼图,中国风格的熊猫和它的朋友们,快来完成他们吧!
37、Pandas are large, bear-like animals. They live in China.熊猫是一种体形似熊的大动物,产于中国。
38、I'm the Big Fat Panda!我是那个大胖熊猫!
39、Wow! ! Panda Pandy!哇!小熊猫!
40、Construction begins on center to train giant pandas to survive in the wild .成都开始建设大熊猫繁育野放研究中心,对大熊猫进行野外生存训练。
41、It suggested that giant panda might has closer relationship with bears than that with lesser panda and raccoon and should be classified into the Ursidae family with malayan bear .这暗示,从分类地位上来看,大熊猫与熊科马来熊的亲缘关系应更近于与小熊猫和浣熊的亲缘关系,应与马来熊一样划分为熊科。
42、Giant panda and spectacled bear are the earlier diverged species of bear family.大熊猫和眼镜熊是熊科分化较早的物种;
43、When in captivity, pandas typically produce more young than they do in their native habitat.大熊猫在关起来时通常分比在天生栖身地时生下更多的小熊猫。
44、2 --Pandas love/like bamboo.熊猫喜欢吃竹子。
45、A female panda named Chenggong bit a wildcat to death at Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.日前,成都大熊猫繁育研究基地一只名叫“成功”的雌性大熊猫咬死了一只野猫。
46、Master: After you, panda.熊猫,你先请。
47、Panda eats shoots and leaves.熊猫吃嫩竹叶。
48、The annual took the pandas were the breeding season, male, female rare giant pandas living together.每年的xx月份是大熊猫的繁殖季节,雄、雌大熊猫难得同居在一起。
49、Let's go see pandas! The news said that two pandas arrived at the zoo last week.我们去看熊猫吧!新闻说上个星期有两只熊猫到动物园了。
50、We first came to the panda enclosure along the path, there is a lovely panda is sleeping.我们顺着小路先来到熊猫馆,有一只可爱的小熊猫正在睡觉呢。
经典英文句子51:熊猫,51、Finally, we will go to the Panda House. The famous animals look very honest.最后我们去的是熊猫馆,著名的熊猫看上去憨态可掬,你们会喜欢它们的。
52、The 324-day gestation period broke the present 200-day Guinness record.这只大熊猫324天的怀孕期打破了目前大熊猫200天怀孕期的吉尼斯纪录。
53、The female has reached a fertile age. The zoo is hoping that the male will fertilize her.那只雌熊猫已经到了繁殖年龄,动物园希望雄熊猫能使她受精。
54、Are there any pandas in the mountains? 在山里有熊猫吗?
55、But why a panda?但为什么是大熊猫?
56、Tian Tian, a female, and Yangguang, a male, were both born in 2003 and are currently housed at Wolong Panda Breeding Centre in China's Sichuan Province, which is home to 250 breeding giant pandas.雌性大熊猫“甜甜”和雄性大熊猫“阳光”都出生于xx年,目前在中国四川卧龙大熊猫繁育中心生活。该中心已繁育出250只大熊猫。
57、There are several places you can see panda, the most famous one is Chengdu Panda Base.有几个地方可以看到大熊猫,最著名的是“成都熊猫基地”。
58、A panda lives on bamboo leaves.熊猫以吃竹叶为生。
59、I prefer Panda, please.我要熊猫牌的。
60、Red panda does not belong to Ursidae.小熊猫不属于熊科。
61、Papa loves the bamboo juice Mr Panda gives him.熊爸爸很喜欢熊猫先生送给他的竹子汁。
62、Oh, the panda is so cute.这熊猫真可爱。
63、Almost exclusively, Giant Pandas eat bamboo.大熊猫几乎非竹不食。
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