关于”冬天的小诗“的英语句子28个,句子主体:Winter's Poems。以下是关于冬天的小诗的小学英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Winter's Poems
1、Even the river seemed to lose the grey, glutted look of winter and flowed more merrily, reflecting the blue skies and the green, overhanging trees of a small grove by the waters' edge.
夏天她光着脚丫子,因为家里穷; 冬天她穿着大木鞋,把她的小脚背磨得通通红。
2、But in summer time she was obliged to go barefooted because she was poor, and in winter she had to wear large wooden shoes, so that her little instep grew quite red.
3、Glass windows steam over quickly at night in winter.
4、Unfortunately, winter never gave me the special gift of snow on my birthday.
杰克: 那儿的冬天最冷。
5、JACK:Well, they have some of the coldest winters around. I grew up there, near Chippewa Falls.
6、It used to nest in groups in the forest, and would feed at rice fields and marshes, eating insects in the summer and small fish and shellfish in the winter.
7、Violin Concerto in F minor, Op.
8 No.
4 L'Inverno(Winter)
8、If nuclear winter really is here, it may be safer to be a cockroach even than to keep your job.
9、March wheat ended up
3.5 cents at $5.742 with concerns that bitter cold in the Midwest will hurt some of the winter wheat crop.
3 月期小麦收盘上涨了
10、Planting areas of corns have expanded rapidly in Gansu.
11、Craig loves athletics – he skis in winter and has been fishing and hunting since he was a child.
yeas old that was my first time saw snow. It was amaizing and I had the first snowman of myself which was made together with father. 我至今仍然记得,那是在我xx岁时,第一才看到下雪,也是第一次和爸爸做了一个雪人。
12、I still remember that when I was
13、The decline of the precipitation during winter wheat growing period had adverse impacts on the stability of the winter wheat yield.
14、Hours later than Dublin in winter time.
15、Usually sold out of a pushcart until summer, they are one of the healthiest snacks in town.
16、Remember when I was a child, in winter, you took me by the hand, walk from street to street, not how far apart will meet a street dealers.
17、Some people saw symbolic value in the gold medal won by the Ukrainian women's biathlon team at the Winter Olympics, edging out the Russian squad.
18、He recalls his shock at the Wyoming winter.
19、The duckling looks for food. It is not easy to find any. Soon, there is snow in the air. Winter is coming. The rivers and lakes are very cold.
20、The lily of the valley in winter draw on emerald green breath.
21、The number of main stem leaf age of wheat before winter was studied through small plot experiment and high yield demonstration of many years and many places.通过多年多点的小区试验和高产示范,对冬小麦冬前主茎叶龄数进行了研究。
22、All winter, the two wealthy adventurers carefully navigate the icy sidewalks, knowing that a minor injury could ground them.整个冬天这两个有钱的冒险者在结冰的人行道上小心翼翼地行走,他们知道微小的伤害都有可能坏事。
23、Even in winter the roadsides were places of beauty.即使在冬天,路边道旁也是美丽的地方。
24、Whistler is an hour and a half from downtown, and while winter there is all about skiing, in summer, you have access to great mountain biking, fishing and golfing.惠斯勒离市中心一小时半路程,冬天你能在那儿滑雪,夏天你能骑山地车、钓鱼或打高尔夫。
25、The winter was so bitterly cold that the duckling swam about in the water to keep himself from freezing.冬天非常地寒冷刺骨,因此这只小鸭在水中游来游去以免冻僵了。
英文句子26:,26、Inside are some winter clothes, a few packs of candy, as well as a child my favorite book, the "Outlaws of the Marsh."里面是一些冬天的衣物,几包糖果,还有那本小时候我最喜欢的《 水浒传》。
27、The snowflakes are the thick quilts for the wheat.雪花是冬小麦的厚厚棉被。
28、These little animals gather nuts from the ground in the autumn, and store them for the winter.在秋天,这些小动物从 地里把坚果收集回来,并贮存起来以备过冬之用。
29、Winter's Bone is a 2010 drama film, an adaptation of Daniel Woodrell's 2006 novel of the same name.《冬天的骨头》是一部于xx年上映的剧情片,改编自丹尼尔·伍德瑞尔创作于xx年的同名小说。
30、MethodsEvaluating the antitussive effect by cough times of mice caused by ammonia.方法通过小鼠氨水引咳实验观察款冬花、款冬花与紫菀配伍的止咳作用。
31、Little Ben goes to Drawing Camp.小本被送去参加一个绘画冬令营。
32、Day, a thin wax gourd was abandoned in a small river.xx日,一个瘦小的冬瓜被遗弃在了小河边。
33、It is necessary to remove them frequently, but I always leave one or two small stalks behind in the pot, so that the pot isn't so bare in winter.每次清理时, 都会故意留下
34、Hedgehog has just finished building a cosy nest ready for winter when…小刺猬刚刚建好了她的过冬小巢,这时候…… 哎哟!
35、A woman's mind and winter wind change oft.女人的心和冬天的风说变就变。水性杨花。
36、Key point of the technique is to solve water shortage during winter wheat growing period by collecting water from peak rainfall in summer fallow season and storing it in the soil bank.这项技术突出的特点是:把解决旱地冬小麦生长期缺水问题的重点放在降雨高峰期,将天然降雨蓄、盖、聚在土壤中,并与冬小麦全生育期地膜覆盖穴播有机的结合起来。
37、Like water-based windmills, small turbines will begin generating power this winter from tidal flows in New York City's East River.原理和利用水的风车一样,这个冬天小涡轮将利用纽约市东河的潮汐发电。
38、That winter he happily carried water from his stream and cut wood with a chain saw.在那个冬天,他高兴地从他的小溪上将水打回来,又用锯子伐木上火。
39、And then winter come, that was the well-known old Russian winter, with horrible frosts and lots of snow.然后冬天来了,这是众所周知的老俄罗斯的寒冬,与可怕的霜冻和雪很多。
40、The experimental vegetables were winter pakchoi and summer pakchoi.供试蔬菜为冬季小白菜和夏季小白菜。
41、The little tree has weathered several bitter winters.这棵小树经受了好几个严冬。
42、The town of 70,000—unbearably hot in summer, freezing cold in winter and dusty all year around—is isolated from the outside world by hundreds of miles of scrubland.小城有7万人口,夏天酷热难耐,冬天严寒冰冻,全年尘土飞扬,延绵百里的灌木丛林将其与外界隔绝。
43、Precipitation reduction, temperature rise, and large evaporation in growth period are main climate reasons why winter wheat drought of Langfang city occur.降水量的减少,气温的上升,冬小麦生育期蒸发量大等因素,是造成廊坊市冬小麦干旱的主要气候因素。
44、Snow geese travel thousands of miles to their winter homes.雪雁飞行数千英里去它们冬天的家。
45、Lao Huang and his son is setting up a cooking range beside the brook. The job of the cooking range is to boil salt every winter.老黄和他的儿子树江小溪边搭建一个炉灶,土灶每年冬天的工作就是熬盐。
46、If an asteroid that big struck Earth, firestorms could produce worldwide clouds of soot that would block sunlight and plunge the planet into an “asteroid winter.”如果那么大的小行星袭击地球,引发的大火产生的烟尘会弥漫全球,遮蔽阳光,使地球进入“小行星冬天”。
47、The big compound consisted of many small courtyards furnished with stoves for heating in winter. The dining-hall was on the opposite side of the compound.大院套着小院,冬天生的是炉子,吃饭是在大院对面的一个大食堂。
48、RS-virus is short for respiratory syncytial virus which, in the winter months, is a common cause of acute bronchitis in small children.RS病毒是呼吸道合胞病毒的简称。在冬天,它是诱发小孩子急性气管炎的普遍原因。
49、The winter is coming now, how about your cool bareheaded feeling?(冬天已经来了,你的酷光头不冷吗?
50、It was a wintry afternoon, the snow swirling around the cedar trees outside, forcing little icicles to form the tips of the deep green foliage clinging to the branches.一个冬天的下午,雪在门外的雪松四周飞舞,使树枝上深绿色的叶尖挂上了小小的冰柱。
经典英文句子51:冬天的小诗,51、We moved to the small apartment, there was only a shower in the bathroom, it was so cold to take a shower in such a freezing winter.我们搬到了一个小公寓,只有一个洗澡间,在这样的冬天洗澡真是冻死人了。 加幸福小湿妹薇信"mei387",每天都要你好看!
52、Transport costs are a small fraction of labor costs, but they are now rebounding from a vertiginous plunge over the winter.相对劳动力成本,运输费用所占比例很小,去年冬天大幅下跌,现在已有反弹。
53、Catch this, Jaykit! Hollykit's a slow slug!抓住它,小松鸦!小冬青是一只慢毛虫!
54、The swimming time of mice in cold water increased in water soluble extracts groups and the high dosage group of total polysaccharide.天冬水提液低、高剂量组和总多糖的高剂量组能增加小鼠在冰水中的游泳时间。
55、A little chook was flying south for the Winter.一只小鸟飞到南边去过冬。
56、Little winter for divorce with Mr. Peng.小冬要跟彭院长离婚。
57、The inflammasomes join together and activate a protein, caspase-1, that in turn triggers an inflammatory response.这些炎症小体联合起来可以激活半胱天冬酶-1,这种蛋白依次激活炎症的级联反应。
58、Aspartic peptidase made little contribution on the formation of NH3-N and AA-N. degradation of protein into peptides was attributed to aspartic-and cysteine peptidases.天冬氨酸蛋白酶在氨态氮和游离氨基酸的形成过程中,贡献率最小;在将蛋白水解成肽氮的过程中,天冬氨酸蛋白酶和半胱氨酸蛋白酶起到了主要作用。
59、In the meantime, anyone planning a trip to the Alps might want to select their winter headgear very carefully.在此期间,打算去阿尔卑斯山旅行的人恐怕要非常小心地选择冬天的帽子了。
60、Until one raw day the following March when I glanced out the window. Dismal. Overcast. Little piles of dirty snow still stubbornly littering the lawn. Would winter ever end?第xx年xx月的一天,潮湿阴冷,我朝窗外望了望,外面阴沉沉,灰蒙蒙,草坪上到处是一小堆一小堆顽固不“化”的的污雪。难道冬天没完没了了吗?
61、When I was a kid, there was a pond behind our village, where we swam in summer and skated in winter. The pond was a paradise for us then.小时候在村子的后面有个水塘,我们夏天在里面游泳,冬天在上面滑冰,这时水塘便成为我们的乐园。
62、One winter, I spent several evenings drooling over rose catalogs and planning a small garden.一个冬天,我花了几个晚上的时间去修剪玫瑰的垂枝,种植出了一个小花园。
63、For reasons that are still unclear, one of the hunkiest actors alive decided to sport a never-ending goatee last winter.还有一些不太清楚的原因,这名现在最像东欧人的演员自去年冬天起就一直蓄着小羊胡子。
64、He reappeared just in time for the winter frost.冬天的薄暮出现的时候他也刚好出现。
65、Frost flower, little frost flower, you're the guide of dawn;霜花,小小的霜花,你是黎明的前导,你是冬令的先行。
66、And rent it out in the winter time for the snowbirds that come down to the desert.李维斯说,“然后在冬天租出去,总有些北方来的候鸟族喜欢在这荒漠里过冬的。”
67、Roses and honeysuckle entwine the little cottage.玫瑰与忍冬盘绕着小屋。
68、The branch was polluted and the honeysuckles had died.小溪污染了,忍冬花凋零了。
69、“Cold winter is coming,” said the swallow, “and I am going to fly away into warmer countries.“寒冷的冬天现在要到来了,”小燕子说。 “我要飞得很远,飞到温暖的国度里去。
70、Objective:To study the mechanisms underlying N methyl D aspartate (NMDA) induced excitoprotection in cultured rat cerebellar granule neurons.目的:研究N甲基D天冬氨酸(NMDA)诱导大鼠小脑颗粒神经元兴奋毒性保护作用的机制。
71、Russian winter heating for 24 hours, at room temperature 30 degrees in distribution, the interior is often wear trousers light clothing.俄罗斯的冬天24小时供暖,室温在30度分配,室内通常都是穿单衣单裤。
72、Straw mulching in combination with wide-precision planting pattern was a sound measure to improve stalk lodging resistance characteristics of winter wheat, but reduced the grain yield significantly.秸秆覆盖和宽幅精播相结合有利于改善冬小麦的抗倒性能,但显著降低冬小麦产量。
73、Hearing the leaving of winter, I wake up someday.听见冬天的离开我在某年某月醒过来。
74、Tung Suet plays Bach's minuet at home.周冬雪在家演奏小步舞曲。
75、If an asteroid that big struck Earth, firestorms could produce worldwide clouds of soot that would block sunlight and plunge the planet into an “asteroid winter.如果那么大的小行星袭击地球,引发的大火产生的烟尘会弥漫全球,遮蔽阳光,使地球进入“小行星冬天”。
英文句子模板76:Winter's Poems,76、Days were drawing out as the winter ended, and, in the sun , my dog played in his wild way with the pet deer.冬天已经过去,白天渐渐地变长;在阳光下,我的狗狂野地和那只为玩赏而豢养的小鹿尽情地嬉戏。
77、The results indicated that nitrogen stress at tillering and turn green-jointing stage could reduce the yield of winter wheat, but had no effect at late stage;结果表明,越冬期和拔节期氮素亏缺对冬小麦的产量影响最大,后期缺氮对其产量的影响最小。
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