音节通常被说作:" slab"在日常中也可以翻译为" yuan",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到99个与音节相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. slab
音节翻译为 slab 。
示例:她重读这些音节,像教小孩似的。 She stresses the syllables as though teaching a child.
2. yuan
音节翻译为 yuan 。
示例:我们这些孩子叫她,两个音节都重读。 We children called her Oma, accenting both syllables.
3. syllable -
音节翻译为 syllable - 。
示例:today一词的重音在第二音节。 In 'today' the accent is on the second syllable.
4. [语] syllable
音节翻译为 [语] syllable 。
示例:Yes, "meat."One syllable. 对,肉,一个音节。 Yes, "meat."One syllable.
1. syllable(音节
2. final syllable(最后音节,词尾音节)
3. free syllable(自由音节(即开音节))
4. syllabic consonants( 音节辅音;
5. syllable structure( 音节结构;
英语短语&俚语, syllabary sillabario ( 音节文字 )
elision elisie ( 音节省略 )
syllable chart Bar sheets Table of Cantonese Syllables ( 音节表 )
syllable articulation syllabric articulation ( 音节清晰度 )
single syllable One-syllable Monosyllable ( 单音节 )
disyllabic disyllable ( 双音节的 )
open syllable free syllable syllabe ouverte ( 开音节 )
closed syllable Close syllables blocked syllable ( 闭音节 )
1. Just lay back, elongate the notes, but still project.
译文:拉长音节 表达情感。
2. The total number of Chinese syllables is only a little over 400 while that of English is difficult to imagine.
3. - Their accents. They didn't have accents.
译文:你知道 法语开音节结构。
4. He was in town for the gospel festival.
5. Only in the case of Minnan region are there as many monosyllable words as disyllable words, while there are few trisyllable words.
译文:只有闽语区,单音节词与双音节词数量相当,三音节词很少。 。
6. He also seemed to combine phonemes to construct new words.
译文:把音节组合成新单词。 。
7. The syllabary requires iOS
译文:该音节表需要iOS 。
8. Placenames is special. Though the two syllables is a simper, but the two syllables are lack of enough distinct function.
9. They've got lots of syllables.
译文:那些单词都有很多音节。 。
10. in terms of phonetic form, disyllabic and tri-syllabic words feature prominently in plant vocabulary.
译文:在语音形式上,植物词语以双音节词和三音节词居多。 。
11. Dactyl: it's made up of one stressed and two unstressed syllables, with the stressed in front.
译文:扬抑抑格:扬抑抑格由一个重度音节和两个非重度音节组成,重读音节在前。 。
12. Two syllables, better off that way.
译文:两个音节 不错。
13. metrical foot consisting of two short or unstressed syllables followed by one long or stressed syllable.
14. That's called a beat, sister.
译文:这叫音节 姊妹。
15. You're missing a syllable, but i like it.
译文:你漏了个音节 不过我喜欢。
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