工作时间翻译为英语可以这样说:work time -,其次还可以说成"working time -",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到17个与工作时间相关的译文和例句。
1. work time -
工作时间翻译为 work time - 。
示例:很多从事这种工作的人往往工作时间很长。 Most people in this kind of job tend to work long hours.
2. working time -
工作时间翻译为 working time - 。
示例:我的工作时间很不固定。 I worked quite irregular hours.
3. working time
工作时间翻译为working time。
示例:他在xx年的工作时间里曾生过1星期的病。 In fifty-two years of working he had one week of sickness.
4. company time
工作时间翻译为 company time 。
示例:ingram, Nash, Reynolds, Coben and company. Coben and company.
1. working time(工作时间)
2. direct working time(直接工作时间)
3. job time study(工作时间研究)
4. lwime( 工作时间)
5. make up time(补足工作时间)
英语短语&俚语, Flextime ( 弹性工作时间 )
MTBF mean time between failures fault-free mean-time-between-failure rate ( 平均无故障工作时间 )
flextime Flexible working hours system flexible time ( 弹性工作时间制 )
Continuons Operating Honrs Continuous working hours HR Continuous operating time ( 连续工作时间 )
Job Time Card job time ticket labourer ticket ( 工作时间卡 )
on one's own time Non-Working Time Vrije tijd ( 非工作时间 )
normal working hours good time up-time regular hours ( 正常工作时间 劳经 )
after office hours off-the-job ( 工作时间外 )
1. -Yvonne, let's go, wake up.
译文:- 伊芳,现在是工作时间!。
2. Come on, little lady. it's time to work.
译文:快去 小女士 工作时间到。
3. This is a business establishment with posted hours.
4. We didn't pay attention to the long hours he worked.
5. Work. it's time to work, you lazy Americans.
译文:工作 工作时间到了 懒惰的美国人。
6. You're busy, and i can't change my work schedule either.
7. iBM Japan encourages flexitime.
8. Those are long hours, right?
9. Uh, just... just not at work.
10. "Business hours are over at five o'clock."
译文:“工作时间在5点结束。” 。
11. Rico, no sleeping on the job, buddy. Come on.
译文:Rico 工作时间不准睡觉 坚持住。
12. The working hours is overlong.
译文:工作时间过长。 。
13. You have working hours now?
14. He has a different schedule than a lot of other dads.
15. Well, you see, i... i have office hours.
译文:是这样的 我有工作时间。
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