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关于”分析的app“的英语句子31个,句子主体:Analyzed app。以下是关于分析的app的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Analyzed app


1、The polymerization conditions of ammonium polyphosphate(APP) were studied by microwave reactor and muffle furnace respectively with ammonium dihydrogen phosphate and urea as raw materials.


2、Analysis of the fauna and fauna diversity was performed.


3、With that breakup app, users select friends they want to monitor.

从底部的App server组件开始然后顺时针方向移动。

4、Starting with the App server component at the bottom and moving clockwise.

公司的员工分工比例与其收入结构是吻合的——22%的收入来自苹果公司的App Store,这是智乐最大的收入来源。

5、The company's workforce split ratio matches revenue -- 22% of its money comes from Apple's (AAPL) App Store, the largest contributor to Gameloft's balance sheet.


6、Policy is value-laden, and values permeate policy processes.


7、All right. I need to come back to synchrony and diachrony.


8、The purpose is to find out the most serotype-specific antigen through the cross-reaction test between different APP serotype, and can provide information for identifying the APP serotype.


9、AHP is app lied to determine the weight of each indicator and the comprehensive indexes for the eco-environmental quality of the region are calculated.

10、All in all,things worked out for the better. 不管怎么说,一切都在好转。

在 /column/protected/cakephp/app/models 目录中创建名为 post.php 的文件。

11、Create a file called post.php in the /column/protected/cakephp/app/models directory.


12、Building a Strategy, Part III: Beyond the Brand Affinity App

13、It's not the only chance in life to do well on a test.There'll be many more. 打起精神来!


14、As well as the picture-sharing app, the researchers created a tool for sharing location information with friends.

定义 grails-app/controller/UserController.groovy 的核心行为,如清单

15、Scaffold out the core behavior of grails-app/controller/UserController.groovy, as shown in Listing 2

2 所示


16、The author also presented distinguishing aspects between liquid chromatograph and gas chromatograph, the classification, the basic principle and the structure of high efficiency liquid chromatograph.


17、The hydrochemical types and water temperature of the springs are variable.

欧洲体育已经有了一个自由新闻和分数应用程序 。

18、Eurosport already had a free news and scores app.


19、Another Jewish app called Siddur uses the same GPS technology to give prayer times.

在文件夹 #PortalserverRoot#\wcm\shared\app 中创建一个名为 myblogs.properties 的文件。

20、Create a file called myblogs.properties in the folder #PortalserverRoot#\wcm\shared\app.

21、The real-time shaft power is being monitored by calculating the torsional angle and shaft speed on line. 研究了磁阻效应的扭矩信号处理方法,分析了信号相位差的相关分析法和频谱分析法,并进行了仿真计算与误差分析。

2) The torsion signal processing method is researched on.

22、Google's (GOOG) YouTube has tens of millions more users than other content distribution platforms, such as Apple's (AAPL) iPhone App Store or Amazon's (AMZN) Kindle e-book store.比起苹果的App Store或者Amazon的Kindle电子书商店这种内容分发平台,Google的YouTube比它们多几千万用户。

23、Analyze this!分析这个!

24、According to the regulations, both conservative and best estimate methodology can be used for licensing LOCA evaluation.有关法规规定保守性分析和最佳估算加不确定性分析的评估方法均可用于核电厂认证级LOCA分析。

25、An app developed by CBS Interactive, the TV.com app allows you to watch television on your Android phone. You can see episodes of your favorite programs for free.现在,你终于可以直接用安卓系统手机看所有的电视节目了,并且有相当一部分是高清的。

英文句子26:,26、Expanded flame-retardant composites were prepared by using ammonium polyphosphate (APP) 21%, melamine (MEL) 4%, charring agent 5% and high density polyethylene (HDPE).用21%(质量分数,下同)聚磷酸铵(APP)、4%三聚氰胺(MEL)、5%成炭剂和高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)制备膨胀型阻燃复合材料。

27、First of all, you get an empty form, which is part of the Web App Debugger client (you do not get this form in a CGI or DSO target).首先,有一个空的表单(form), 它是 Web App Debugger 客户机的一部分(在 CGI 或 DSO 目标中没有此表单)。

28、It would be better that app can proccess both catched and play music!若能够把下载与播放分开进行会更好!

29、Researchers have undertaken a large-scale investigation into the molecular environment of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), a protein centrally associated with Alzheimer's disease.研究人员已经开展了大规模的调查,淀粉样前体蛋白(APP)的分子环境,这种与阿尔茨海默病密切相关的蛋白质。

30、Company co-founder Ouriel Ohayon told us today that the app will be free and will be monetized through affiliate app links and other mechanisms.公司的共同创始人Ouriel Ohayon今天告诉我们,这款应用将是免费的,公司会通过分销应用程序的链接以及其他机制来赚钱。

31、Analyze your doubt.分析你的怀疑。

32、Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis(FMECA) is a good scientific method summarized from engineering practice. It is very useful in the Criticality Analysis of medical device.故障模式影响及危害性分析技术是从工程实践中总结的分析方法,也是目前医疗器械产品安全性分析中最基本的、应用最广泛的、收效最大的分析方法之

33、For version 对于

5.0.2, engine.tld is in directory wp_root/shared/app/WEB-INF/tld.

5.0.2 版本, engine.tld 在目录 wp_root/shared/app/WEB-INF/tld 中。

34、For example, place those files in #Portalroot#\wcm\shared\app.例如,可以将这些文件放在 #Portalroot#\wcm\shared\app 中。

35、The H2SMEDOR is a gas chromatograph dedicated to the hydrogen disulphide present in different matrices.H2S MEDOR分析仪是一台设计用于分析所有种类气体中存在的硫化氢(H2S)的色谱分析仪。

36、Start with a mobile web app and just view PhoneGap as a progressive enhancement technique for app store distribution and early access to Device APIs.从一个移动Web开始,只把PhoneGap视为一个积极的增强技术,用于应用商店的分发和早期介入设备API。

37、With the non-line finite element method, the numberical value calculation on the stress and deformation of surrounding rock of deep mine roadways has been presented.传统的预测深井动压巷道围岩移近量的方法主要有:解析法、数值分析法、回归分析法、概率分析法、模糊分析法等。

38、The dissertation (app roxiniately thirty-five thousand words)mainly consists qffour parts except introduction and conclusion.文章约三万五千字,除前言和结束语外,主要分为四个部分。

39、While ANTLR based parser is easier to maintain than others, migration to v3 will help us to make it better and cleaner.基于ANTLR的分析器比别的分析器更容易维护,迁移到v3将帮助我们把分析器做得更好更清晰。

40、Experimental research on reducing gold grade in cyanidation slag of copper-gold concentrate containing arsenic and sulfur;以鑫汇金矿的氰化尾渣为研究对象,利用工艺矿物学研究方法,分别进行光谱分析、物相分析和化学分析。

41、Sometimes money--a share of the profits or ad revenue they can get for their app in an app store.有时候,会因为钱——他们从应用程序商店获得的利润分享或广告收入。

42、Rename grails-app/conf/spring/resources.xml to resources.xml.old. Add the code shown in Listing 将 grails-app/conf/spring/resources.xml 重命名为 resources.xml.old。

11 to resources.groovy

43、In the experiment, the viscosity is studied by means of High Temperature Viscometer, the structure and the appearance are studied by means of DTA, XRD, SEM and IR and so on.本实验应用高温粘度测试分析了玻璃液的高温粘度;应用差热分析(DTA)、X射线衍射分析(XRD)、扫描电镜分析(SEM)、红外光谱(IR)等测试手段分析了微晶玻璃的内部结构和形貌;

44、This app allows users to share text, tasks and files.这款应用允许用户分享文本、任务和文件。

45、Create grails-app/utils/UnderscoreCodec and add the code in Listing 10创建 grails-app/utils/UnderscoreCodec 并添加清单

10 所示代码

46、Most of the features needed for the app would be on the back-end side.大部分的应用程序将需要在后端方面的功能。

47、Use profilers.使用分析器。

48、Note: when we combine parsers , we end up with a "bigger" parser, But it's still a parser.注意:当我们组合分析器时,结果是获得“更大的”分析器,但它仍然是分析器。

49、To start Grails in beta mode, type grails -Dgrails.env=beta run-app.要在 beta 模式下启动 Grails,请输入 grails -Dgrails.env=beta run-app。

50、A new player in the service-based cloud computing market is Google App Engine.Google App Engine 是基于服务的云计算市场的一个新生力量。

经典英文句子51:分析的app,51、Blogito already has two TagLibs in grails-app/taglib: DateTagLib.groovy and LoginTagLib.groovy.Blogito 在 grails-app/taglib 中已经有两个 TagLib:DateTagLib.groovy 和 LoginTagLib.groovy。

52、The adsorption isotherms of adsorbents (NA and NB) were obtained by high-vacuum gravimetric method.用热分析法对吸附剂的脱附性能进行了分析;

53、Separating content from your app bundle keeps your app's initial download small.把内容从应用束中分离可以让你的应用在初次下载时小。

54、The output from this process provides the elements for not only Relationship Analysis, but also for aspects of Target Analysis and Harmonization Analysis.该过程的输入提供的元素不仅用于关系分析,而且用于目标分析、校准及协调分析。

55、Update the list view (app/views/triage/list.rhtml), as in Listing 修改 list 视图(app/view/triage/list.rhtml),如清单


8 所示。

56、Webapps can be now launched from the 'app bar' now floating on top of the 'new tab' page.Webapps现在可运行于新标签页顶端的'app bar' 。

57、Analyze it.分析它。

58、Cloud computing on distributed, commodity platforms — like Google App Engine and Amazon EC2 — is perhaps the most exciting new trend in Web 分布式商用平台上的云计算——比如 Google App Engine和 Amazon EC2——也许是Web

2.0 application development.


59、The link to the time tracker chart is created in the app/views/employees/index.html.erb file.链接是在app/views/employees/index.html.erb文件中创建。

60、This method is also good for 该分析方法也适用于1,2,3,6-四氢化邻苯二甲酸酐的分析。



3, 6-tetrahydrophthalic anhydride.

61、Second, add the has_one :xml_content association to the /app/models/document.rb file.第二,在 /app/models/document.rb 文件中添加 has_one :xml_content 关联。



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