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关于”下册的单词和“的英语句子26个,句子主体:The words and。以下是关于下册的单词和的高二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The words and


1、Finally, proved the word-building characteristic of the new born color word and social phenomenon which it reflect briefly.


2、Does memorize them like memorize normal words?

具有单一注册中心的直连 ESB

3、Directly Connected ESB with single registry


4、Match the words or phrases to the clues you hear. Number them (1-8).


5、You can separate words within the probe name using a double underscore.


6、The teacher let us memorize all the new words we've just learnt in this unit.


7、I don't know how to spell the word; why don't you look it up in the dictionary?


8、A multiword identifier traditionally either contains an underscore between each word or capitalizes the first letter of each embedded word.

查询同义词的语义模式如下:synonymsOfBloviate,其中所要查的单词(Bloviate)跟在 synonymsOf 后面。

9、The semantics for querying synonyms has the following pattern: synonymsOfBloviate where the desired word (Bloviate) follows synonymsOf.


10、Second, spelling, if you want to memorize the word how to spell, you'd better learn some knowledge for word building and pronunciation rules.


11、The following text shows the same word before and after a contextual swash is applied.


12、In not more than 80 words write an account of the tree at Thika. Write two different paragraphs using the points and connections given below.


13、Would you mind remembering new words by flashcards.


14、After that, guide Ss to finish the exercise on page52. Find out which word is countable and which is uncountable.


15、The teacher asked us to copy the list of words.

命名规则 。 避免使用“注册”之类的常规词语,这样会让用户觉得整个表单都没意思。

16、Naming conventions Avoid generic words such as “Submit” for actions, because they give the impression that the form itself is generic.


17、IATF Vision: A single Global Automotive Quality System Standard & Registration Process.


18、Look at the pictures. Write the word number in ( ) .


19、What word, when written in capital letters, is the same forwards, backwards and upsidedown?


20、Plese input the following word and send your report.

21、I have some such reference books as dictionaries and handbooks .我有几本像词典、手册之类的参考书。

22、Please take a brief look at the list of words.请把单词表过目一下。

23、Sign up for auto-billpay.注册自动付账单系统。

24、Type "regedit" (without quotes) in the Run text box, and click OK or press Enter.型“注册表” (没有引号) ,在运行文本框中,并单击确定或按下进入。

25、There are currently 23 albums 0.223 words in our database.目前有23个相册,223歌词在我们的数据库。

英文句子26:,26、Inside CHUser.body.php, the init method registers two tags: and (see Listing 在 CHUser.body.php 内,init 方法注册了两个标记: 和 (参见清单



27、Over the next few weeks Spelke and colleagues tested Diane and John's higher-level awareness of the dictated lists.在下面的两周,Spelke和同事们考验了Diane 和John在听写单词表更高层的觉察度。

28、In not more than 80 words, write an account of what had happened at the Escalopian Embassy. Write two different paragraphs using the points and connections given below.用不超过80个单词的篇幅,描述一下艾斯卡罗比亚大使馆发生的事情,用以下要点和连词写出两段不同的文字。

29、Following this publication, ECHA can provide contact details of the downstream user to this potential registrant.公布清单之后,ECHA会向潜在注册人提供下游用户的联系信息。

30、The only bad word that has fallen from fashion is sustainable, down from 111 last year to just 42.在不再流行的 单词中,唯一一个不应该的 单词是“可持续的”,使用频率从去年的111次下降至仅仅42次。

31、The instructions said: Look at the word, try to visualize it (see "tree;" imagine "tree") and then go on to the next word.试验说明是:看着每个单词,努力将它形象化(看到”树“时,想像”树“),然后继续下一个单词。

32、M: OK and ask them to send us some more brochures and order forms.M:好吧,让他们再送点宣传册和定单来。

33、Let's look at the definitions here, to deceive by trickery, well that's got nothgin to do with drinking or drinking vessels.让我们来看下单词的定义,看能否凭着小伎俩蒙混过关,其实,单词本身和饮酒或饮酒器皿毫无关联。

34、Review flashcards 6-11; Pupil's Book page 复习单词卡片6-11;·(学生用书第11页和68页下)用68页下面的图片在11页上拼起来。

11 put the puzzle together with the pieces from page 68.

35、To register , call the 800 number below or print out and send us the order form (click on the Order Form button to display the order form).要注册,请拨以下的800 号码,或打印出订单后寄给我们(单击“订购单”按钮以便显示此表单)。

36、The context menu is registered to the site and attached to the control of the ListViewer.上下文菜单被注册到站点中并附加到 ListViewer 的控件中。

37、A lone asterisk matches all registrations).单一星号匹配所有注册)。

38、Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting …时间相关单光子计数手册。

39、"Yes" and "no" are the only words it knows.“是的”和“没有”是它唯一知道的单词。

40、The words below are all names of the sports round the page ---but the letters in the words are in the wrong order.下面的单词是在这页里所有运动的名称,但是单词里面的字母顺序已经打乱了。

41、This service allows others to register a word and map it to another word (a synonym).此项服务允许其他服务注册一个词并将其映射到另一个词(同义词)。

42、Let's try again with maybe a different word.让我们用不同的单词试一下。

43、The longer you are swiping, the fewer words could possibly match.因为你掠过的字母越多,能匹配上的单词就越少(译注:言下之意,就是单词越长,模糊匹配的结果就会越少,于是Swype越不会犯错)。

44、When do I use capital letters with people and places?在什么况下人名和地名的单词首字母要大写?

45、Tender at each stage shall comprise of the following parts which shall be packed or bound separately.各阶段的应征文件应包括以下几个部分,并单独包装或成册。

46、According to the eontent, which word should be used?根据上下文哪个单词应填在这里?

47、Here’s how: Each new word that cannot be read correctly by OCR is given to a user in conjunction with another word for which the answer is already known.其过程如下:把每个不能被OCR正确读取的单词连同 另一个的答案已知单词一起给用户,然后 用户被要求阅读这两个词。

48、Circle as many words as possible and write them do…尽可能多地圈画单词,并将它们写下来 …

49、Listing 清单 清单

12 shows the sample code demonstrating how to register and start a VM using vmware-cmd; Listing

13 shows the sample code demonstrating how to register and start a VM using vmrun

12 显示了演示如何使用 vmware-cmd 注册和启动 VM 的样例代码;

13 显示了演示如何使用 vmrun 注册和启动 VM 的样例代码

50、These meanings are made more evident in looking at the etymology for these words.只要查一下这些单词的词源,它们的意思就会变得更加明晰。

经典英文句子51:下册的单词和,51、Next, it registers its subscription request for daily notification, as shown in Listing 接下来,它为每日通知注册其订阅请求,如 清单 2所示。


52、Can you work out what the underlined words refer to?你能弄明自下边划线的单词指代的含义吗?

53、As predicted, their recall for either the word list or the motor-skill task had decreased when they were re-tested.和预计的一样,测试显示他们对于单词测试和运动技能的掌握都有所下降。

54、The whole nation 100 famous school element testing demonstrate roll of · two high last of two or three volumes · mathematics volume (three) and (four) asks urgently! ! !全国100所名校单元测试示范卷·高二下册·数学卷(


四) 急求!!!

55、Hey Jack, if you can't understand that phrase, just Engkoo it!杰克,你要是有什么不懂的单词就“英库”一下吧!

56、With over 2000 alphabetical entries, this encyclopaedia of Shakespeare is the most comprehensive one-volume resource on the man and his works.本书有2000余条按字母排序的词目,是最综合性的单册莎士比亚百科全书,介绍莎翁其人其作品。

57、To firmly grasp those words, it needs great efforts .要牢固掌握常考单词,是必须要下一番功夫的的。

58、In order to prove it, Houdini left his wife a secret note with 为了证明这个,霍迪尼留下了一张只有十个随意选择的单词的纸条,他将会用这些单词在他死后和他妻子交流。

10 randomly selected words that he would communicate to her after his death.

59、In contrast, context-based searches are based not just on individual words but also on the context in which those words occur.与此不同的是,基于上下文的搜索不仅以个别的单词作为依据,它还会考虑出现这些单词的上下文。

60、Here is a price list together with a booklet illustrating our products.这儿有一份价目单和先容阐明我方产品的小册子。

61、No relation with paralysis or paraplegia is intended, though the word Paralympic was originally a portmanteau combining paraplegic and Olympic.虽然残奥会的单词是瘫痪和奥运会的合成词,但是与瘫痪或者下肢瘫痪没有直接联系。

62、Now that the puzzle is built, I scan it for words and calculate the fitness of all the cells based on the words they have formed.既然已经构建了字谜,那么接下来我扫描它的单词,并根据细胞构成的单词计算所有细胞的适合度。

63、GVI now includes a link to the product registration web page under the Help menu.GVI 现在包括一个链接对产品注册网页在帮助菜单之下。

64、Unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular shall include the plural and in the plural include the singular.除非上下文另有要求,单词的单数应包括复数,且复数也包括单数。

65、The controlled quality manual, procedure documentations and list of required documents.受控的质量手册和程序文件及必需的文件清单。

66、And she reviewed the rest words in lesson 103 this afternoon.今天下午,她复习了第一百零三课的单词。

67、Those words are underlined in the English book.那本英语书中有些单词下画着线进行强调。

68、Give an account of the history of the Crystal Palace in not more than 85 words. Write two different paragraphs using the points and connections given below.用不超过85个单词的篇幅来讲述一下水晶宫的历史。用以下要点和连词写出两段不同的文字。

69、Please register your copy of HyperTerminal. Registration is easy, and allows you to receive notifications of product news and updates.请注册您的超级终端。注册过程很简单,它可使您能收到有关产品的新闻和更新的通知。

70、In the end she was succeeded in reciting the content and the new words of lesson 59.最后,她成功地背下了第五十九课的课文和单词。

71、Why couldn't you look up the correct spelling of the word?为什么你不查一下那个单词的正确拼写呢?


标签: 单词

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