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关于”表达心情失落“的英语句子29个,句子主体:Express feelings of loss。以下是关于表达心情失落的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Express feelings of loss


1、A young man sees a sunset and, unable to understand or to express the emotion that it rouses in him, concludes that it must be the gateway to a world that lies beyond.


2、You have lost heart, faith and patience.


3、The greatest loss is loss of self-confidence.


4、But the sense of loss he expresses in the face of changing technology resonates with the gloom I encountered on Long Island.


5、Don't take me as soul soup when u get upset!


6、I clenched the steering wheel in frustration as I drove home.

光海君感到失落,懿仁王后宽慰光海君的心情。 。

7、Light sea you feel lost, taken the kernel queen relief light mood of the sea king.


8、Milton's character Adam voices this harsh view of womankind, but only after the fall, as an expression of anger and frustration.


9、They may suffer from depression, insomnia and other psychological diseases.


10、But I'm here to tell ya that you cannot allow anyone or anything to darken your day, outlook or perspective...


11、It indicates that while recycling market function perfectly, Pigovian tax can reach social optimal.


12、Not taking any of those things for granted can slowly turn around a down day.


13、In the pray, quick gets down safely at heart, until the helicopter landing, I is also absentminded .


14、Bewildered and lost, they generally returned to self and tried to seek comfort in love affairs or leisure.


15、Miss her, but she is not around, so wistfully of the eyes a little more helpless, voice with a trace of a sigh, frustrated expression of Wei Lu dash, state of mind a little lost in the breeding Moran.


16、We commiserated with the losers.


17、Lily is an atmospheric and suspenseful tale of love, loss and obsession.


18、People with severe aphasia are usually extremely limited in explaining themselves by pantomime or gesture, except for expressions of emotion.


19、I have lost dispiritedly, brokenhearted, but all also have what use?


20、After you part ways, you can turn to your friend and express your frustration that he did not remember you.

21、Gilded and charming delightful yet insubstantial they dip their toes into the waters of love and vanish abruptly if the water gets too warm.镀金、迷人、细腻而单薄,他们动用自己的脚落水的爱心和突然消失的水若过于热情。

22、Factitious what is lose or when be lovelorn, the mood is low; / of human society of what see through?人为什么在失落或失恋的时候,情绪低落;所什么看破红尘/?

23、If you are upset, don't stand in the rain, don't listen to slow songs, and don't watch sentimental movies. Drink some wine while taking a bubble bath or just go hiking with your girlfriends.心情失落时不要淋雨,听慢歌,看悲情电影。泡在浴缸内喝红酒,叫个女友去爬山。

24、But deep down in my heart, I was conscious of an indescribable sense of lostness.但是我的内心,却有一种莫名的失落感。

25、 If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden有了你,我迷失了自我;

英文句子26:,26、Pale-skinned, depressed ladies beware!皮肤苍白、情绪低落的女士们当心了!

27、 there are three reasons for this.这样写可以避免套用中的表达失误。

28、"Afraid not. She's in bad shape. Heart rate's 220 with occasional VPCs. " She was referring to ventricular premature contractions, or abnormal and ineffective heartbeats.“恐怕没有,她的情况很糟,心率达到220并伴有偶发的心率失常”她已经出现心室早发收缩或者心率失常和心藏衰竭了。

29、The gorgeous racket is affixed to a song about feeling dead inside after another failed relationship: "Limbs parallel/ We stood so long, we fell."华丽的喧哗之声点缀了在再次经历一段失败心死后的心情:“双手平行/驻足常立,然后坠落”。

30、But then satellite, and everyone's fault that mood and fell into the bottom of a valley, and the feeling of loneliness, disappointed with difficult to, and people weep.但随后卫星宣告故障,大家的心情又跌入谷底,落寞、失望之情挥之难去,还有人潸然泪下。

31、Don’t try to hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的东西是在你最预计不到的时候出现。

32、Linda's a butter- fingers. She is always dropping everything.琳达手脚不俐落。她总是失手掉东西。

33、Jermaine Pennant has revealed his disappointment after being overlooked for England once again.再次落选英格兰队,彭南特难以掩饰失望之情。

34、Feeling lost, I wandered into the living room.我感到失落,心神恍惚地走进起居室。

35、Facing the defeat and the setback, the dear ones are a medicinal preparation good medicine, fills heart which your that loses, then regroups after a defeat, this is one kind of courage;面对失败和挫折,亲情是一剂良药,填补你那失落的心,然后重整旗鼓,这是一种勇气;

36、The realm of love will be frustrated, the enterprise to be blocked will only take to her short to be frustrated lowly, her therefore kind of reason will not degenerate or indulges .情场失意、事业受阻只会带给她短暂的失意低落,她不会因此类原因堕落或放纵。

37、Will be suspended, the scene was pick lost badge, jeter and jyoti, think brother was expressed anger at the unfair treatment.威尔被停职了,现场被摘失落徽章,吉特和乔蒂表达不满,以为哥哥遭到了不公平的待遇。

38、He lost patience when he failed to get into college for the 4th time.当第4次落榜的时候,他失去了耐心。

39、I was sitting in the corner, gradually, I became that corner, acuate, unmerciful, hard, sleepless.我坐在角落,渐渐的,我变成了那个角落,尖的,无情的,硬的,失眠的。

40、What under the skin-deep hustle-and-bustle of metropolis is the heart-struck absence of emotions.提问者对于翻译: 在都市的表面繁华下,是令人痛心的情感缺失。

41、I would like to express my regretfulness and my heartfelt sorrow and loss for all the crimes committed from 1975 to 1979.对于一切发生在xx年至xx年期间的罪行,我希望表达我的忏悔和我内心感受到的悲哀和失落。

42、Right now you are down and out and feeling really crappy .你现在应该心情很失落也觉得自己很彆脚吧?。

43、According to the South Africa-based Centre for Chinese Studies, implementation of FOCAC pledges is "fairly advanced" in Angola, DRC, Mozambique, Uganda and Tanzania.南非的中国研究中心表示,安哥拉、刚果(金)、莫桑比克、乌干达和坦桑尼亚等国落实中非合作论坛协议的情况“相当好”。

44、At present, moral dropping and belief losing are mutually exterior and interior in essence.目前,道德的失落和信仰的迷失实质上互为表里。

45、 Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人 At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet。

46、When the center is depressed with the finger, the radiating lines disappear, and then re-appear, when the finger is lifted.中心是用手指当情绪低落,辐射线消失,然后重新出现,当手指抬起。

47、The mayor depressed, suddenly heart disease and diabetes, and search for medicine found dallow to steal his brother early into the wrong medicine.市长心情低落,突然心脏病和糖尿病并发,而寻找解药时发现达洛给他哥哥早就偷换成错误的解药。

48、Cancer can exercise different degree of pressure on patients' mind, which is likely to lead their depressing emotion and lose their confidence of treatment.癌症一旦确诊,会给患者在心理上产生不同程度的压力,极易导致情绪低落,失去治疗的信心而悲观失望。

49、Surely His pleading with the lost, His offers of mercy to the reprobate, and the call of the gospel to all who hear are all sincere expressions of the heart of a loving God.他对迷失方向的的人的恳求,他对堕落的人的同情,他对所有听到他声音的人施与福音,这一切真挚的表达都源于他充满爱的心。

50、When it fell through, he became frustrated and an out-and-out couch potato.事情失败,他的情绪变得十分低落,成了一个彻底的电视懒虫。

经典英文句子51:表达心情失落,51、We condole with him on his loss.我们对他的损失深表同情。

52、That night, PeiShangXuan mood lost find Daniel drink, Daniel was Li Jun expression when during the day, love comes too fast, Daniel also have no idea how to reply Li Jun.当天晚上,裴尚轩心情失落找丹尼尔喝酒,丹尼尔白天的时候被李君表白,爱情降临得太快,丹尼尔还没有想好如何给李君答复。

53、Then there are the Australians who feel separation pains if they stray from the coast.有些澳大利亚人如果在海边走失就会感到伤心失落。

54、Then, because one sense of loss brought other losses close, I did something else for the first time – something much more foolish than bribing a doorman.因为一种失落感带来了另一种失落感,我第一次选择去做一件比贿赂看门人还要愚蠢得多的事情。

55、What makes his view of other people so cutting and his disappointment so unappeasable is the same thing that makes Hamlet's feelings so cutting and unappeasable: his grief.他看人带着刻薄,内心满怀失落,这恰与哈姆雷特的刻薄与失落同出一处:他的悲伤。

56、There is family, friendship and love; there is gain and loss, fame and worldliness . Even you are an open-minded person, you will still find something haunted in your memory.对亲情、友情和爱情,对得失、名利和世俗,即使你是一个豁达的人,心中也有些东西是放不下的。

57、Ayoung man sees a sunset and, unable to understand or to express the emotion it rouses in him, concludes that it must be the gateway to a world that lies beyond.年轻人看到日落,由于无法理解或表达心中激起的那种强烈感情,便断定日落处一定是通往遥远世界的大门。

58、Don’t cry because it is over ; Smile because it happened. 要因为结束而哭泣,应当为它的发生而微笑。

59、Anguish in his features, he watched on amid fears that Britain's chance had gone.他的表情十分的痛苦,因为他非常担心英国队因为他的失误而失去机会。

60、After a day of gains, markets showed their disappointment that the cut was not bigger, giving up some of their advances.正在经历一天上落之后,金融市场正在头盘表隐出对降作幅度不及预期的失望情绪,回吐部分落幅。

61、Secondly. not some people. finding yourself indulged in lottery. lose not only initiative for work however interest in life.第二,不少人对彩票痴心不改,对做事失落了主动性,对生活失落了兴味。

62、You share your feelings tactfully, so the other person won't feel put down.打个比方,在倾听过程中,你可以用“我觉得有点不舒服”来灵活的表达自己的感受,这样,倾诉者就不会感觉到自己的失落。

63、It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

64、A self-centered person shows little regard for the feelings of others. ;自我为 中央的人几乎失落臂及他人的感情。

65、How pompous some of the grand passages appeared; and how weak others were in which he thought he had expressed his full heart!有些华丽的段落显得浮而不实,也有些段落软弱无力,可是他当时却认为,它们表达了他的整个心灵!

66、A plain caption like this can not interpret the vague emotions swinging between the joyfulness of life and the sorrow of death laid inside the heart of the photographer.这样平淡的侧记无法表达出拍摄者内心在面对生命的喜悦和感受失去的悲痛之间辗转的微妙情绪。

67、Being gracious even in disappointment is a sign of good manners.在失望中仍流露出落落大方的风范是有风度的表现。


标签: 心情

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