关于”写动物“的英语句子60个,句子主体:Write about animals.。以下是关于写动物的专业英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Write about animals.
1、The Voluntary routine must also be written down on the competition card with difficulty value of each skill.
2、Editing Group for Experimental Animal Anatomy of Nankai University.
3、Looking from the writing overall flow, the emotion not only actuates the article writing, moreover is also capturing the entire writing process.
4、The cat is playing with a live mouse. 这只猫正在玩一只活老鼠。
5、Auto-fill for fields.
6、Every student had to write a report on their favorite animal.
7、Don’t trust a goat with the kitchengarden,or a wolf with sheepfold。
8、Software Description: About Wild Animals Living Screensaver, View close-up , professional photos of wildlife.
9、Let's me write a shopping list first.
10、In the book it said: "Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole, without chewing it."
11、I'm kind of addict to the nature, so I drew those sketches!
12、And I write Animal Liberation to try to get people to think about that and not only think about that, but actually act differently.
13、She was good at writing stories of nobodies in the South of America and reflected the social realities of the South.
14、And I'll write it as vibrational.
15、In word processing, movement of the writing position in a direction opposite to the writing direction along the writing line.
16、Listen to the movie and write down the names of the animals you hear.
17、When the rabbit was full, the three of them ran about in the sand, like little snow balls rolling.
18、At the end, there is a brief introduction of Linux device drivers and CAN-Bus driver's writing.
19、The momentum of writing fades out briefly and then a new cast of people, and a new crisis, materializes .
20、The best fish swim near the bottom。
21、Therecould be several mechanisms for animals to sense the beginnings of anearthquake, wrote Grant in the Journal of Zoology.格兰特在期刊上的文章中写道,动物身上可能拥有某些感知地震发生的机制。
22、After studying many stories such as this, Professor Guldberg wrote an article in which he discussed "Circular Motion as the Basic Motion of Animals."在研究了许多这样的故事以后,古尔伯格教授针对他的发现写了篇论文“转圈运动是动物的基本运动方式”。
23、In July, 2007 she completed compiles "Atlas of Pathologically Removing Organ Blocksof Common Laboratory Animals".xx年xx月副主编编写《常用实验动物解剖病理取材图谱》。
24、Art is the production of sensibility which is quite necessary for the intellectual writing.艺术是心动的产物,撩人的心动对于灵气飞动的写作是相当必要的。
25、Virginia Morell is writing a book about animal minds.弗吉尼亚·莫雷尔正在写一本有关动物思维的书。
英文句子26:,26、Teacher Katy will be our teacher for July and will teach us still life drawing.xx月份习画活动由郑可达老师指导。她会教导静物写生。
27、The cat is playing with a live mouse. 这只猫正在玩一只活老鼠。
28、JK Rowling, author of the Harry 哈利·波特》系列丛书的作者JK罗琳,将根据她在xx年写的54页霍格沃茨教科书《神奇动物在哪里》撰写三部电影剧本。
1 Potter book series, is going to write three films based on the 54-page Hogwarts textbook she wrote in 2001.
29、Elephant is the largest animal on land today. 大象是当今陆地上最大的动物。
30、Elephant is the largest animal on land today. 大象是当今陆地上最大的动物。
31、I'm kind of addict to the nature, so I drew those sketches! Hope you like it!现在又迷上了大自然,于是画了张动物的速写。希望你能喜欢!
32、Darwin also agreed to write several books including the "Zoology of the Voyage of the H.M.S. Beagle."达尔文还同意撰写几本书,这包括《Zoology of the Voyage of the H.M.S. Beagle》(《贝尔格号的动物学》)。
33、They write letters to the Littles and even create math tests for them.他们给小动物写信,甚至还给他们出数学测试题呢。
34、The captain's caption for Lucy was "capacity to forgive and love her captor."他在脑子里给这个想法写下的说明是:“能力无限的动物。”
35、Writing is an exercise.写作是一项运动。
36、You'll begin by creating two "shopping lists."你将会写出两张“购物单”。
37、If the supermarket you use doesn’t stock welfare friendly foods, write to them requesting that they do.如果你常去的超级市场不卖善待动物的农场出品的食物,那就写信要求他们进货吧。
38、In the last twodecades, he has written several books on the emotional lives ofanimals: elephants, farm animals, cats and dogs.在过去xx年里,他写了几本动物感情生活的书:有大象、农场动物、猫和狗。
39、"I soon discovered the joys of being a natural animal in my natural habitat, " he wrote.“我很快就发现,作为一个自然的动物在其自然栖息地游逛的乐趣,”他写道。
40、Parkour (sometimes abbreviated to PK), or l'art du déplacement (the art of movement) is where participants jump, vault, and climb over obstacles in a fluid manner.“跑酷”(有时缩写为PK),也称为“移动的艺术”,指参与者用跳跃、跨越或者攀爬等一系列流畅的动作通过障碍物的一种运动。
41、He wrote that, "It's hardly an exaggeration to say that the tip of the radicle acts like the brain of one of the lower animals."他写到,我们可以毫不夸张地说,这些植物的根尖扮演着类似于低等动物大脑的角色。
42、JK Rowling, author of the Harry Potter book series, is going to write three films based on the 54-page Hogwarts textbook she wrote in 2001.《哈利·波特》系列丛书的作者JK罗琳,将根据她在xx年写的54页霍格沃茨教科书《神奇动物在哪里》撰写三部电影剧本。
43、Too much pudding will choke a dog。 布丁太多噎死狗。
44、Thie author tries to give the question "what is a human" a new definition: a species for writing.试图对“人是什么”作出新的阐释:人是写作的动物。
45、I had read my grandfather's zoonomy earlier, and it had contained similar views.我以前读过我祖父的动物生理学类书籍,书中就写着类似的观点。
46、I decided then and there that I was going to be a zoologist, and I had a notebook filled with information about various animals.我当场决定我要成为一个动物学家。 我有一个写满着各种各样动物的信息的本子。
47、The wind water rain snow the process of plants multiplying and animal moving disasters spreading in nature carves on earth.大自然的风、水、雨、雪,植物的繁衍和动物的运动过程,灾害的蔓延过程等等,都刻写在大地上。
48、He wrote that they were worshippers of god who did not practice animalistic sacrifices.他写道他们是上帝的崇拜者,他们不实行动物祭祀。
49、The fox preys farthest from his hole。 狐狸捕食,远离洞府。
50、For me, blogging is a drug.对我来说,写博是一种药物。
经典英文句子51:写动物,51、Practise writing smoothly and quickly. Cursive or "running" writing causes less stress than non-cursive writing, and enables the hand to move faster across the page.练习流畅快速地写作。手写体或“流动式”书写比非手写体的压力要小得多,而且手在纸上移动的速度更快。
52、In the shape of U, the initial letter of "Universiade, " it represents a great departure from tradition as important sport meetings tend to use human figures, animals or plants as their mascots.它具有“Universiade”的首写字母“U”的形状,打破了严重体育赛事通常用人物或动植物抽象作为不祥物的传统。
53、He tends to make spelling mistakes.他动不动就犯拼写错误。
54、Motion capture from human actors will always look realistic... for a human.对人类动画来说,来源于人物演员的运动捕捉总是会看起来很写实的。
55、Mr. Hamilton, in his Animal Science class, did both, " Errebo wrote.汉密尔顿先生,在他的动物科学课上,也就是这么做的”埃雷波写道。
56、Mike wrote articles for learned journals.迈克为学术刊物写文章。
57、This cute little poodle, the little black tail wagging like a rolling ball. 那条小黑狗,一身乌黑发亮的皮毛,就像黑缎子一般油亮光滑;
58、Observe whether "No Pets" is included in "For Lease Signs" around town.观察镇上“动物束链”的标识上是否写着“宠物禁止入内”的字眼。
59、Having raised gibbons , studied their ecology, and written The Gibbon in China, van Gulik can also be termed a zoologist.自养长臂猿、研究其生态,并写成「长臂猿考」,高罗佩称得上是个动物学家。
60、On the North part of the church one can see a sundial, ancient inscriptions and images of different animals.在教堂的北面有一个日晷,上面有古代文字书写的碑文和各种动物图案。
61、So everywhere where it says configurational, you can just write in vibrational.所以所有写构型的地方,都可以写成振动。
62、Difficulty Learn to write Lost and Found .学习写寻物启示和失物招领启示。
63、Recreational Active Vehiclewith 4-wheel drive.的缩写,意为“四轮驱动的休闲运动车”。
64、“Unless human numbers are in balance with those of neighboring wildlife populations the decline of wildlife will continue to be a hard reality ” they wrote.“除非人口数量与那些与之为邻的野生动物数量处于平衡状态,否则的话,野生动物的减少将继续成为不争的事实,”他们这样写到。
65、And congratulations again on your amazing new book, “The Social Animal.” What a year you’re having.还要祝贺您那部写得很棒的新书《群居动物》,xx年来您收获真不小啊。
66、To encourage her, I told her that Michener liked to write about animals.为了鼓励她,我告诉她,麦切纳喜爱用动物作写作题材。
67、Let me write a shopping list first.让我先写一个购物单。
68、'We automatically think of domestication as something we do to other species, ' Pollan writes. 'But it makes just as much sense to think of it as something certain plants and animals have done to us.“我们自动地把驯化动植物看作是我们对其它物种的行为,”坡兰写道,“但是把它看作是其它动植物为我们所做的事也是同样有意义的。”
69、The caption he placed in his head under this thought was, 'animals with unlimited capacity'.他在脑子里给这个想法写下的说明是:“能力无限的动物。”
70、Larval migrations of such extent and duration…are altogether unique in the animal kingdom.xx年,他写道,“如此长的路程,如此长时间的幼体迁移……在动物界中完全是独一无二的。”
71、The Egyptians wrote on a kind of material made of a water plant.埃及人写字写在一种水生植物做成的材料上。
72、Many 3D models and animation software have their built-in physical engines which are capable of simulating specified animation.许多3D模型和动画软件也有内建的物理引擎,能写实地模拟出特定的动作。
73、The little black cat's long tail wagged like a whip. 小猫有一对透亮灵活的大眼睛,黑黑的瞳仁还会变:早晨,像枣核;
74、According to physics, handwritings are some traces of writing tools on carriers under the function of forces.从物理学角度看,笔迹是书写工具在力的作用下在载体上形成的运动轨迹。
75、“Exercise addicts display all of the hallmarks of substance addicts: tolerance, craving, withdrawal and the need to exercise ‘just to feel normal,’ ” Linden writes.“运动上瘾具备药物上瘾的一切症状,”林登写道:“容忍、渴望、需要自己通过运动来‘感到正常’。”林登教授写道。
英文句子模板76:Write about animals.,76、Animating very cartoony motion with lots of squash and stretch on a realistic looking object may not look believable, as would realistic motion on a caricatured object.在写实风格的物体上用许多挤压和拉伸做很卡通的运动也许看起来不可信,在一个漫画风格的物体上做写实般的运动也是这样。
77、"As if the violence of being confined was not sufficient, these animals are also now victims of all kinds of abandonment, " it said.“似乎仅用暴力囚禁动物还嫌不够,这些动物现在被抛弃的受害者,”文章还写道。
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