关于英语单词的思维导图 英语

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关于的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为with respect to,还经常被译作as regards,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到63个与关于相关的译文和例句。


1. with respect to

关于翻译为with respect to。

示例:关于她的过去,她说了些谎话。 She's told some whoppers about her past.


2. as regards

关于翻译为as regards。

示例:关于这个课题缺乏可靠资料。 There was a dearth of reliable information on the subject.


3. with regard to

关于翻译为 with regard to 。

示例:校长将发表关于学校的演讲。 The president will deliver a speech about schools.


4. as regards

关于翻译为 as regards 。

示例:As regards transparency... 你刚才谈到透明度 很理想,但实际可行吗?



1. concerning(关于


2. regarding(关于


3. in regard(关于…

4. in respect to(关于)

5. with regard to(关于)

英语短语&俚语, About Us HOME Index Regarding our ( 关于我们 )

On Proletarian Culture On Proletarian Culture О пролетарской культуре ( 关于无产阶级文化 )

On the Draft Constitution of the U.S.S.R О проекте конституции Союза ССР On the Draft Constitution ( 关于苏联宪法草案 )

Theses on Feuerbach Thesen über Feuerbach Theses on Feuerbach thesen under feuerbach ( 关于费尔巴哈的提纲 )

Ideas Concerning a Philosophy of Nature Ideen zu einer Philosophie der Natur Ideas Concerning a Phi( 关于自然哲学的一些概念 )

Observation on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen u( 关于美感和崇高感的观察 )

Preliminary Theses on the Reform of Philosophy Vorläufige Thesen zur Reform der Philosophie Prelimi( 关于哲学改造的临时纲要 )

Philosophical Principles of Matter and Motion Le principe philosophique sur la matiêre et le mouvem( 关于物质和运动的哲学原理 )

Studies in the Philosophy of Marxism Очерки по философии Марксизма Studies in the Philosophy of Mar( 关于马克思主义哲学的概论 )


1. about the others... about the past.


2. About turning the guns on the guards, about escaping.

译文:关于开启守卫的枪 关于逃跑。

3. About him, Dreamworld. About what he'd done.

译文:关于他 关于梦幻世界...。

4. Cheryl. Yeah. About, um, when we can meet again.


5. - About dinner. About dinner.

译文:- 关于晚饭 关于晚饭。

6. About the proposed match...


7. Life is about daring greatly, about being in the arena.

译文:关于生命的意义,关于无所畏惧, 关于站到竞技场上。 。

8. Like shaving the beard it's like...


9. On this one... i know enough about the others to force them to be part of it and they know it.


10. Had to be about, God, about yea wide.


11. - Yes and concerning the food...


12. Not of their death not of the accident.

译文:关于他们的死 关于那起车祸。

13. it's not about the power, it's about the form.


14. i'm calling about Bob's suit.

译文:喂... 关于...。

15. it's about this desk... and seniority.

译文:关于桌子 关于资历。


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