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关于”简单的和“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Simple and。以下是关于简单的和的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Simple and

Once upon a time, there was a noble farmer who would go to work in the rice field every day. Every night after work, he would see a cobra on the ground on his way to the rice field in the winter morning. With compassion, the farmer took the cobra, took it home, and put it by the fire.

It was warm and warm there and covered it with a blanket. He really treated the cobra like his own son. When the cobra was warm again and fully recovered, it bit the farmer and bit it.

Its animal instinct made it any gratitude or pity for the man who effectively saved it. The poison was so quick and deadly that the farmer was killed immediately. He died alone in his own home without the help or comfort of a sole of his foot.




College life is very beautiful. College life was once our dream. Now my college life is different from that on weekends.

I work part-time in the nearby supermarket. I need to experience the outside world. I need to grow from it.

I have got real improvement. My academic performance is the same as that of weak subjects. But I think I must study hard.

I believe that: no pay, no pay I hope my future work is my favorite major. I know I have to start from the grass-roots level. So, from now on, I hope I can.




A: Nice to meet you. B: nice to meet you. TUA: my name is Xiaoming.

What's your name? Please B: my name is Xiao Gang: Hello, I'm Xiaoming, nice to meet you. B: nice to meet you, too. I'm Xiao Gang.

A: Hello, how are you? A: I'm fine. What's your name? B: Oh, I'm Xiaogang. What's your name? Please answer: I'm Xiaoming.

Nice to meet you. B: me too nice to meet you.


A: 很高兴认识你B:很高兴认识你,图阿:我叫小明,你叫什么名字请B:我叫肖钢:你好,我是小明,很高兴认识你B:我也很高兴认识你,我是肖钢A:你好B:你好,你好吗A:我很好你叫什么名字请回答B:哦,我是小刚你呢/你叫什么名字请回答:我是小明很高兴见到你B:我也很高兴见到你。


标签: 翻译 高分 作文 专业 简单

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