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关于”治理污染“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:pollution treatment。以下是关于治理污染的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:pollution treatment

Pollution is harmful to human beings. Polluted water can cause diarrhea, enteritis and other diseases, which sometimes even take human lives. Air or garbage in the air can irritate the eyes and runny nose.

Pollutants are destructive. They can cause nylon socks and rubber tires to break and erode stones and rust. Measures have been taken in recent years to control pollution.

Legislative measures have been taken to control pollution. Rivers are being purified. Air is being cleaned.

Pollutants are trapped before they are poured out of the chimney. However, the problem of pollution has not been completely solved. Pesticides are widely used in all places that pollute the soil.

Water and food have the ability to keep our streams free of fish and our gardens and woodlands quiet and bird free. Some factories are still using air as waste dumping sites, some lakes are still dirty, many chimneys are still discharging smoke into the air, and noise pollution is still serious.





标签: 高二 作文 真题 范文

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