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关于”快手的利弊“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of Kwai Fu。以下是关于快手的利弊的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of Kwai Fu

The advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones are becoming more and more popular in China. No matter where you go, you can see people using mobile phones. Many college students, even high school students, have mobile phones.

Mobile phones bring a lot of benefits to people. But the most important thing is that they use mobile phones conveniently. They can keep in touch with anyone if they want to get them from the Internet Some information, they can also easily through the mobile phone to realize their dream.

In addition, if someone has a heart attack or a traffic accident, a phone call from an emergency hospital or a police officer can quickly bring him the help he wants. However, mobile phones can also cause problems. The most serious is radio radiation, which is considered to be harmful to the user's brain.

Another problem is that when people are in meetings, classes, concerts, etc., the ring tone of the mobile phone may interrupt others, so I think people should use their mobile phones as little as possible and turn them off when they attend important meetings or classes.




The computer has brought more convenience, such as online access to information, publishing articles, watching movies, online distance virtual learning and other functions, which have brought a lot of benefits to it. It can also timely understand the latest weather information, news events and tourism information of the day, can also see the newspaper of the day, stocks can stay at home, shopping, entertainment, leisure, enjoy telemedicine and distance education The improper use of computers will affect the physical and mental health of teenagers who are addicted to the Internet world for a long time. You will not know how to communicate with the reality, resulting in the symptoms of network listlessness and physical discomfort.

Therefore, we give up our own study and work. When we use computers, we must reasonably surf the Internet and correctly use this kind of high-tech products so that we can provide better services.




Computers are becoming more and more popular in people's daily life. There are more computers per family than there are TV sets. Some people think it's a gift from heaven.

However, some people think that it brings us more harm than good. Both views are correct. But if we can use the computer properly, on the one hand, its advantages and disadvantages I have several reasons: on the one hand, computers make human life easier.

People can do a lot of things that they can do without buying newspapers, just sit in front of the computer and click the mouse to open it Online shopping, watching movies, listening to music and playing computer games are things people often use computers to do, but without computers, they can't do all these things. In addition, computers are also very helpful to study and work. People can have classes and work on computers.

Computers have many attractive things. Some people will join them. Some people may be busy looking for fun and neglect their own work, such as study and work.

This will have a great negative impact on their future. In short, computers have advantages and disadvantages, but if people can control themselves to use computers correctly, it is useful for their whole life.





标签: 小学 英文 作文 万能 利弊

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