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关于”被通报“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Be informed。以下是关于被通报的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Be informed

Dear customer, our company (DDD) Department greetingsmr / Mrs / MS (N1 formerly known as (PPP position), due to personal reasons, has terminated the working relationship with our company, he / she and your company's work affairs have no relationship with our current employees, Mr / MS / MS (N2 name now in charge of Mr / MS / MS (N1 name) is responsible for your company He / she will contact your company immediately and understand any inconvenience this may cause.




After about ten days in Italy, depression and loneliness have been following me. One night, after a happy day at school, I was walking through the villa Borges, and the sun was shining golden on St. Peter's Cathedral, and I was satisfied with the romantic scene, even if I was alone, when other people in the park were either touching their loved ones or playing with a laughing child, I stopped and leaned against the railing to watch the sunset, I thought Too much, and then my thoughts turned to contemplation, when they caught up with me, they came to me in silence and menace like Pinkerton detectives, they were on my left, alone on my right, they didn't need to show me their badges, and I know these guys well, we've been playing for years, although I admit I'm surprised at this elegant evening I met them in the Italian garden, which is not where they belong, and I said to them, "how could you find me here and tell you that I came to Rome?" Depression, always smart people, says, "you're not happy to see us"; "go away," I told him, lonely, a more sensitive policeman, saying, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but I may have to follow you all the time you travel, which is my task"; I really hope you don't, "I told him, shrugging almost apologetically, but only came closer one o'clock.


在意大利呆了大约十天之后,沮丧和孤独一直在追踪着我。一天晚上,在学校度过了快乐的一天之后,我正在穿过博尔盖斯别墅,太阳在圣彼得大教堂上落下金色的光芒,我对这浪漫的场景感到满足,即使我一个人,当公园里的其他人不是在抚摸爱人,就是在和一个笑着的孩子玩耍时,我停下来靠在栏杆上看日落,我想得太多了,然后我的想法就变成了沉思,这时他们追上了我,他们像平克顿侦探一样沉默而充满威胁地来找我,他们在我的左边,孤独在我的右边,他们不需要给我看他们的徽章我很了解这些家伙我们已经玩了很多年了虽然我承认我很惊讶在黄昏的时候在这个优雅的意大利花园里遇见他们这不是他们属于的地方我对他们说,“你怎么会在这里找到我告诉你我来罗马的?”抑郁症,总是聪明的人,说,“你不高兴看到我们”;“走开,”我告诉他,孤独,一个更敏感的警察,说,“对不起,女士,但我可能不得不在你旅行的整个时间里跟踪你,这是我的任务”; 我真的希望你不要,”我告诉他,他几乎抱歉地耸了耸肩,但只走近了一点。


What you touch: in stores, signs that encourage customers to touch a product are far less common than signs that ask them not to, but research shows that retailers may have missed a lucrative boat. "There are three ways to touch an item that you're willing to pay a higher price for," says JoAnn peck, associate professor of marketing at New York Business School Peck said the Wisconsin School of business in Madison Business) has done a lot of research and analyzed the role of touch in shopping behavior. One of the most obvious ways is to provide shoppers with information that they can't get, such as the weight of items, soft or hard, rough or smooth.

You are also quite intuitive. Maybe you are willing to pay more for a cashmere sweater or a piece just because you like its feeling Small, sleek smartphones; what's more surprising is that, in addition to any information or pleasure it gives you, simply touching an object can make you feel a sense of belonging, "and you'll pay more for anything you feel you have" (sometimes more) in an experiment at Duke University, researchers asked who won the last four basketball games The average answer to how much tickets students are willing to sell is US dollars. They also asked students who participated in the lottery but didn't win the lottery how much they were willing to pay for tickets in this case.

Peck said that the degree to which people like to touch things varies greatly, but the rule of thumb may be, "if you don't want it, don't touch it"; impulse buying assumes that you go to the store and buy a new USB cable for your camera, and that's you You want it, but it may not be all you buy. When you stand in line at the cash register, ready to pay for your home, you'll be surprised to find that you have the best shepherd dog in the world, in addition to "hair traffic controller - the world's best pet hair remover." and, well, it's not just random good luck. You should find this amazing product on sale, Not to mention where you are, retailers often find potential "impulse buying" and store them at the end of the aisle and near the cash register.

Shoppers may not plan to make such purchases, but stores do plan to make such sales.


你触摸的东西:在商店里,鼓励顾客触摸商品的招牌远不如恳求他们不要的招牌常见,但研究表明,零售商可能错过了一条相当有利可图的船,“触摸一件物品有三种方式可以让你愿意为它付出更高的代价,”纽约商学院市场营销副教授乔安·派克(Joann Peck)说位于麦迪逊的威斯康星州商学院(Wisconsin School of Business)进行了大量研究,分析了触摸在购物行为中的作用,其中一个最明显的方法就是向购物者提供他们无法获得的信息,例如物品的重量、软或硬、粗糙或光滑的第二种方式,你也相当直观也许仅仅因为你喜欢它的感觉,就愿意花更多的钱买一件羊绒衫或一部小巧、光滑的智能手机;更令人惊讶的是,除了它给你的任何信息或乐趣外,仅仅触摸一个物体就能让你感觉到某种归属感,“而且你会为你觉得自己拥有的任何东西付出更多的钱”(有时会更多)在杜克大学的一个实验中,研究人员问那些赢得了最后四场篮球赛门票的学生,他们愿意卖多少钱,答案平均是美元。他们还问那些参加了彩票但没有中奖的学生,在这种情况下,他们愿意出多少钱买票,佩克说,人们喜欢触摸东西的程度存在很大的个体差异,但经验法则可能是,“如果你不想要,就不要碰”;“冲动购买”假设你去商店为你的相机买了一条新的USB线,这就是你想要的,但它可能不是你买的全部当你站在收银机前排队,准备付账回家时,你会惊讶地发现,除了“头发交通管制员——世界上最棒的宠物脱毛器”之外,你拥有了世界上最棒的牧羊犬,而且,好吧 这不仅仅是随机的好运气,你应该发现这一惊人的产品在销售,更不必说你在哪里,零售商通常会发现潜在的“冲动购买”,并将其储存在过道的尽头和收银台附近。购物者可能不打算进行这类购买,但商店确实计划进行此类销售。


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