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关于”老板的好处“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Benefits of the boss。以下是关于老板的好处的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Benefits of the boss

Whatever kind of F-K I want, this is a comment by Tillman fetita, the world's richest restaurateur, and, as recently quoted by Forbes magazine, does it reflect a common belief among successful entrepreneurs that at the latest gathering of business elites, I surveyed their main motivation, not wealth Wealth, power or fame, among these self-made men and women, the most important driving force is the desire for autonomy. Of course, if you are your own boss, no one can fire you, because many entrepreneurs, from Michael blonberg, have been able to fire you In the beginning, being fired was the trigger for them to start their own performances: they all vowed that it would never happen to them again after they were fired · (Michael blonberg rich entrepreneurs can also wear the clothes they want to wear, be late and get away with it, spend money to get out of trouble, take a year off, retire early, or go on until they go out of business Close your door, sell it, give it out, hang your name on the door, or post a picture of yourself in every store - just as the founder of pizza express once wanted to do (my partner and I convinced him that if you have a big business, it's not a good idea, and that ownership gives you the right to make all the corporate decisions you want to make. In contrast, CEOs of listed companies have to persuade the board of directors to support them, and sometimes put things to shareholders for voting.

They are actually employees. Being CEO of a large company is an unstable job - the average tenure of employees in this position is only six years; there are exceptions, of course - Steve jobs is one of them—— All of his personal data after his death described how autocratic he was, how he could bully his subordinates and even give orders to customers, but he allowed his seemingly unreasonable behavior to go unpunished at Apple.



1、当然,如果你是自己的老板,没有人可以解雇你,因为很多企业家,从迈克尔·布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)开始,被解雇是他们开始自己表演的导火索:他们都发誓,被解雇以后再也不会发生在他们身上了····(迈克尔·布隆伯格





2:,When the font of my printer began to blur, I called a repair shop, where a friendly person told me that the printer might only need to be cleaned, because the cost of cleaning in this shop was pounds. He told me that I'd better read the instructions of the printer and try it myself. His words surprised me, and I asked, "your boss knows you don't encourage me Do you do business? "" it's actually my boss's idea, "the employee replied," if we let others fix things ourselves first, we usually make more money.





3:老板的好处,There is no consensus within the company on how to hire employees. Some bosses are in favor of hiring young people. They think that young people are more enthusiastic, while others think they prefer their elders because they are more experienced.

If I am the boss, I will hire young people because young people have greater enthusiasm, they will accept new ideas and things, they are open, which will make my company more creative experience, I can give Their time, because no one is born to be a veteran.




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