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关于”有强大的心理素质“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Have strong psychological quality。以下是关于有强大的心理素质的小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Have strong psychological quality

With the continuous improvement of economic level, many people want to travel abroad, but a survey shows that China is one of the five worst tourist countries, including India, France, Russia and the United Kingdom. I'm not surprised, because there are always news about the bad behavior of Chinese tourists that impress the local people. They are noisy in public, unfriendly to the environment, and stingy in tips.

The worst thing is, every time I hear these things, I feel sorry for my country. China is an ancient civilization, polite people, we are very good to foreigners, as a good east Lord, I hope everyone who travels abroad will understand that he / she represents our country's responsibility to safeguard national dignity. We should show the best side of China to the whole world.




As shown in the bar chart above, there are a variety of psychological problems among college students. Among them, mental depression, chores, suicide and other psychological problems are at the top of the list. This is indeed a brief explanation of the implied meaning of the above table.

On the one hand, college students encounter more psychological problems than ever before. The reason is that most college students are young and ignorant, and their learning burden is heavy On the other hand, some students are in financial difficulties, so it is necessary to carry out necessary psychological work for college students. It is shocking that at least 40% of college students suffer from mental depression.

This fact can not be ignored, and effective countermeasures must be taken to reverse the current severe situation Psychological problems should be put on our agenda. In my opinion, we should first make great efforts to ensure the healthy growth of college students. Secondly, we should fully realize the necessity of psychological counseling among college students.

In addition, government departments and relevant departments at all levels should make joint efforts to create a more relaxed environment for college students In order to get good development.




"Quality education" is a terrible history. The stupidity of changing your spiritual life is a slow reflection. It's not a fairy tale.

There are two wisdom forgetting your age. This is a kingdom of human machine fantasy. The disappearance chain of the devil's brain washing is a happy age.

Our sorrow has gone through a thousand years and a night. How can we change four roars: Cannibalism is terrible and terrible               .


“素质教育”这是一个恐怖的历史,花你的精神生活改变的愚蠢是很缓慢的反映这不是一个童话真的存在两个忘记你年龄的智慧这是一个人类机器幻想王国消失链魔鬼只洗脑三折是幸福时代我们的悲哀走过千年一夜怎么变四吼:食人可怕可怕                               。


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