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Parents and children peep into the diary. Some parents often refer to their children's diaries. They think that it is a manifestation of their concern for their children's life and their love for their children.

In fact, they care about their children. The children have grown up and have their own ideas and secrets. Children generally don't like their parents saying that if they write their own diaries, they already have a small box in their mind Treasure your own happy things, sad things and unforgettable things.

It is a good starting point for parents to peek at their children's diaries, which is to timely understand the children's life and ideas. The children and parents cherish the good intentions. Although it is not the way you want, it does not prove that parents do not love your children.

Please understand and love yourself and care about your parents.




Margaret thatcherburn: Birthplace: Lincolnshire is the daughter of a businessman and mayor of Grantham. She was educated at the local grammar school and received a chemistry degree from Oxford University. She is the chairman of the conservative Association.

After graduation, she worked as a chemist for four years, then became a lawyer, specializing in tax law. As Miss Margaret Roberts, she twice participated in conservative parliamentary elections and was later elected to the house of Commons. As a member of Finchley Thatcher's first ministerial appointment in, she soon became the front desk speaker of her party and a member of the shadow cabinet.

When the conservative party returned to power in June, she was appointed secretary of state for education and science. After her abolition, she was called "Thatcher, the milk snatcher" free school milk program for all. After the conservative party lost power, she was appointed to the shadow cabinet, and was elected as the leader of the Conservative Party in May, becoming the first female prime minister in Britain, She is known for undermining traditional British culture, through her attacks on labor organizations, such as the miners' Union, mass privatisation of social housing and public transport, and for her right, the state Parliamentary Union with US President Regan she resigned in November after trying to impose a fixed rate of local tax (head tax) and deprive those who did not pay it Human rights have led to huge public protests and opposition within the party.

She was appointed to the house of Lords, as Baroness Thatcher of kesteweining. Over the past few years, she has been busy with writing and profitable speech activities. Her increasingly poor health has forced her to reduce public activities at the latest.





Dear judges, ladies and gentlemen, good morning / afternoon: / I'm very glad to be here. My name is Wang Qihang. I'm 10 years old.

I'm from Huanxi primary school. I'm in class as a happy boy, I have many hobbies, such as sports, playing the piano, singing and painting. Travel is my favorite.

I have been to Beijing, Hainan, Chongqing, Guangxi, Qingdao, Dalian and other cities. Everywhere I go, I enjoy the natural scenery and cultural landscape. I want to go abroad in the future to appreciate the customs of other countries.

I even dream of it What it's like when we live on a planet other than Earth, which is why I'm so interested in the following scientific report recently, which shows that European astronomers have discovered a new planet, which they named glitzer C. Glitzer C. About light years from earth, they estimated that the average temperature of the planet is between degrees centigrade and centigrade.

It's orbiting around the red dwarf star. Gliese is the most important. It's an earth like planet.

There may be mountains, sea water and liquid water. So astronomers think it might be habitable. However, glitzer C may be "tidal locked" to its sun, just as our moon and earth do, which means it must always show the same face to the sun, when one side of the earth is too hot to sustain life, the other side is too cold.

This report made me realize how precious our earth is. We can see sunrise and sunset every day.


尊敬的评委,女士们,先生们,同学们,早上好/下午好: / 我很高兴来到这里,我叫王启航 我xx岁,来自环溪小学,我在班上 作为一个快乐的男孩,我有很多爱好,比如运动、弹钢琴、唱歌和画画等,旅行是我最喜欢的一种,我去过北京、海南、重庆、广西、青岛、大连等城市,我去的每一个地方,我都很欣赏自然风光和人文景观,我想将来出国去领略其他国家的风俗美,我甚至梦想着当我们在地球以外的行星上生活时会是什么样的,这就是为什么我最近对下面的科学报告如此感兴趣这表明欧洲天文学家发现了一颗新的行星,他们把它命名为格利泽c。格利泽c。在离地球大约光年的地方,他们估计了这颗行星的平均温度在摄氏度到摄氏度之间,它正围绕着红矮星运行,格利泽摄氏度,格利泽是最重要的,它是一颗类似地球的行星,那里可能有山脉、海水和液态水,因此天文学家认为它有可能适合居住。



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