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关于”我的寒假过年“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:My winter vacation for the new year。以下是关于我的寒假过年的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My winter vacation for the new year

Today, I played go with a few friends. At first, we didn't play it. But after a while, three other young men of my age came and asked to play as well.

In total, odd numbers made it difficult for us to divide into two groups equally. Therefore, we decided to divide us into three groups. The group that lost the game will be replaced by the third group.

In this way, every player is not only organic We can play, and everyone will have the will to win the game, which makes the game have a lot of fun, even vetach is very cold, we sweat two hours so fast, before we go home, we become good friends, hope to see them on the playground next time.




标签: 小学 英文 作文 真题

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