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关于”小玛利亚“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Ozawa Maria 。以下是关于小玛利亚的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ozawa Maria

Today is Mary's birthday. Early in the morning, she put on the pink skirt that her mother bought for her as a birthday present. She looks very beautiful.

In the afternoon, her friends came to give her best wishes. Mary and her friends played a lot of games. They sang and danced and joked with each other.

It was a good time for Mary.




Maria Kelly is a famous American R & B singer, songwriter, record producer and occasional actress. Kelly has been named the best-selling female pop singer in the millennium at the world music awards. Kelly has recorded 17 singles.

She is the third best-selling female record artist in the United States. Kelly has won five Grammys and is famous for her range, strength and use of the whistle register R & B,.




Marienplatz (English: Marienplatz, our lady's Square) is a central square in the center of Munich, Germany. Since it was named after Marian square, it has been the main square of the city. In, a Marian cylinder was erected in the center of the square to celebrate the end of the occupation by the Swiss.

On the north side of Marian square is the main body of the new city hall (Neues Rathaus). Inspired by these competitions, glockenspiel in the tower of the new town hall attracts millions of visitors a year to the old Altes Rathaus in Munich's east side. This is a Gothic conference hall, dance hall and tower, which was rebuilt in the middle ages.

The city square held markets and competitions. The pedestrian area between karlsplatz and Marion Platz is a crowded area with many shops and restaurants. Marian Platz sbahn and ubahn stations are an important transport hub located below the square.


玛丽安广场(Marienplatz,英语:玛丽广场,即圣玛丽,我们的女士广场)是德国慕尼黑市中心的一个中心广场,自从玛丽安广场以玛丽安广场命名以来,它一直是城市的主要广场,年,为庆祝瑞典占领的结束而在其中心竖立了一根玛丽安圆柱。玛丽安广场的北侧是新市政厅(Neues Rathaus)的主体。新市政厅塔楼中的格洛肯斯皮尔(Glockenspiel)受到了这些比赛的启发,慕尼黑东区的老市政厅(Altes Rathaus)每年吸引数以百万计的游客。



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