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关于”描写西红杮“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Description of xihongben。以下是关于描写西红杮的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Description of xihongben

England's pioneers are gone and the national team may dominate the world, but Spanish football is constantly being refreshed by foreigners from South America. In the's of Real Madrid, the Spanish football miracle team was led by Argentines Alfredo Di Stefano and Fernando Puskas, and the Hungarian's most exciting player today is another Argentinian, Messi (although he joined Barcelona as a child, all of which are of great interest to Mr. burns, especially a Dutchman who played for the Barcelona, coach Barcelona, still has a huge influence.

Any football reader will envy the author who can write this article: I met John Cruyff for the first time, just like many football teams. However, the end of the book is even disappointing. Modern photos are black and white, and Mr.

Cruyff's picture is orange in Holland Instead of Barcelona's red and blue arrived at Real Madrid, the cliche David was like the legendary phoenix rising from the ashes, calmly facing the challenges of the world media. Mr. burns showed that Spanish football is far more than today's success on the field.




In the early s of the s, bandits were rampant in Gaomi District of Shandong Province. Jiuzi, an old and disreputable landowner's daughter in Northeast Township, agreed to Qian bianlang's leprosy just for his father's love. One of the master's sons passed Aojiang like Jiuzi on his thick stick head and was killed by a pair of father and son.

Zhan Jiu and Aojiang began a love affair that was not recognized by the villagers, and with the help of the wine makers from the ocean Having two children, Jiu gradually grew from a simple girl to a capable female boss of a sorghum distillery. The revitalized single family winery is full of fangs, led by brothers and led by their armed forces, together with the local government and bandits, many forces such as neck and neck were established.




Write a letter to tell a friend how to be a better English learner. Dear lion, I know it's not easy to learn English, but I have some ideas to help you say that you can't understand people who speak fast. You can try to listen to the most important words, not every word is yours, Justin volleneerolypic game homework love smoking: "the weather of the year" my dream school good morning, children, I'm excited to speak here today.

The theme of my speech is that I love my dream school, so let's try our best to achieve it. Thank you for listing `"My dream".




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