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关于”雷锋的()“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Lei Feng's ()。以下是关于雷锋的()的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Lei Feng's ()

Lei Feng is a model soldier. He was born in a poor peasant family in a small mountain village in Hunan Province on December 12. He didn't go to school until he became a steel worker.

When he joined the army in January, he was often praised for his outstanding work; in the same year, he joined the Communist Party, loved the party and the people, and continued to do good for others. After his death, he became a model soldier. Chairman Mao called on the people to "learn from Comrade Lei Feng".

The people of the whole country were moved by his deeds, and Lei Feng spirit will live in our hearts forever.




After reading this news, I feel very excited. Lei Feng is a good example for young people in our country to learn from in the s and S. however, people seem to have given up Lei Feng's thought these years.

They don't care about the public interest and never think about others. All these have caused great harm to the society. Our students have realized the seriousness of the problem and decided to turn to Lei Feng We are very happy that Lei Feng is back.




May Lei Feng's spirit have a glorious future. This is my watch the story of Lei Feng. Lei Feng is an ordinary auto soldier.

However, he has made remarkable achievements in his ordinary post. He has integrated his lofty ideals with his daily work and guided his words and deeds with Communist thoughts, which shows the broad mind and noble sentiment of a communist soldier Today is March 5, the day to learn from Lei Feng, but Lei Feng only stayed in the world for 22 years, which brought him warmth. There is a saying here: Lei Feng has traveled a long way to do a good job in training.

Lei Feng once said: "life is limited, but serving the people is infinite. I will devote my limited life to unlimited service for the people. We should carry forward Lei Feng's selfless dedication." In fact, in the United States, there are many to Lei Feng, such as a friend of mine.

A few days ago, when he went out to play with me, he saw a poor orphan. The orphan was staring at us blankly. My friend asked a voice.

Are you hungry? It's the bread my mother gave me. I gave you to eat the orphan's tears. The bread thank you.

My friend heard his voice Yin thought that he had no water for a long time. Without any objection, he went to the small supermarket nearby to buy a bottle of water and gave it to the orphan. Then we chatted together.

I didn't know the name of the orphan was Liu Liang. Since this incident, my friend had a nickname "Xiao Lei Feng". I know Lei Feng is on my side, but I want to be a "little Lei Feng" for those who need help here.




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