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关于”不同寻常的事物“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Something unusual。以下是关于不同寻常的事物的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Something unusual

It's sunny today, and a hundred flowers bloom. "I wore swimming glasses. I sang a little song.

I walked to the swimming pool of Zhoushan middle school. Today, I went to the swimming pool of Zhoushan middle school. Many people really could.

A group of three students, five in a pile, pushed and pushed in the pool. However good it was, I lost my interest. With a light" bang ", I caught a stream of spring water and ducks It seems that I am swimming freely in the water, but I am not like a girl swimming in the water freely Get up, roll forward "wow", the water is cold and deep, the thrilling "crash" my original "deep somersault" started, I push hands, kick feet, jump back, for a more perfect performance and turn over sideways ah, I was cheering, the air into the water, students suddenly came to my swimming pool, swimming posture is: breaststroke, butterfly, dog machine, one With the laughter of both sides, the sound of playing became tired.

I lay quietly on the water: if water is my friend and teacher every day, my job is just swimming. It's very good. When the sun goes down, my classmates and I are still playing billiards.

Finally, we are on the shore, and the sunset in the evening drags us a long, long shadow of happiness I like swimming.




Charles cogland was a 9th century Irish actor. He went to Canada and then moved to New York, where he became famous at the end of the S. he moved to Galveston, where he died.

A year ago, the hurricane hit the place destroyed by the hurricane. Eight years later, the fishermen found cogland's coffin in Prince Edward Island, eastern Canada Off the coast of his home, the Gulf Stream advanced several kilometers along the eastern coast of the United States toward Prince Edward Island, where he was buried in Texas and returned to Canada.


查尔斯科格兰是一个9世纪的爱尔兰演员,他去了加拿大,然后搬到了纽约,在那里他在年代末成名,他搬到加尔维斯顿,在那里他死了,xx年前飓风袭击了被飓风摧毁的地方,科格兰的棺材在xx年后被渔民发现了在他位于加拿大东部爱德华王子岛(prince edward island)家附近的海面上,墨西哥湾流沿着美国东部海岸向爱德华王子岛(prince edward island)前进了数公里,科格兰在德克萨斯州下葬后回到了加拿大。


(my unusual experience) I had a very unusual experience on Sunday. It was a fine day and our school was on holiday. My friends and I had a good time swimming together.

very interesting. Then I went to the largest and deepest part of the pool. Then something terrible happened.

You can imagine how strange it was that I couldn't swim. I was scared and dangerous, and then my friends swam to me and saved me. He saved my life.

I got out of danger. My friend became my liberal. I said, "thank you very much." I walked home in silence with my friends.

It's an unusual experience. It's terrible. I can't forget it.





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