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关于”节日病“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Holiday disease。以下是关于节日病的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Holiday disease

Since a disease has been found all over the world, when people hear about it, they will feel afraid and change their faces. The name of the disease is AIDS. In the past few years, it has spread so fast that more and more people are infected.

The bad news is that there is no way to cure this disease to remind people of the spread of AIDS. December 1 is designated as World AIDS Day However, AIDS is very dangerous, but people can protect themselves from its harm, we should use our own daily life, do not mix them with others, the most important thing is not to have sex with other people in addition to your partner. Although AIDS is frightening, it is safe to communicate with patients.

They will not infect you by shaking hands or hugging, so that we can There's no need to push them out, they need to care.




We have only one earth, but this unique earth is not simple. There are many things that people need to understand. To solve this problem, let me take diseases as an example.

Everyone will get sick, such as cold, fever, cough, diabetes and so on. These diseases are common diseases that people pay attention to. No one with this disease has to worry too much that they will eventually be cured.

However, there are some rare diseases, not many people realize that some people have broken heads touching bones, some people are white all over the body, some people fall down and bleed, it is difficult to control the bleeding, some people are weak and atrophic, the chance of this disease is one in a million, but it is difficult for them to be diagnosed, even if they are diagnosed, the cure is limited and The expensive poor need social attention, they need treatment, they need to be cared for and understood, please help them.




With the improvement of living standards, more and more people care about their health, 30% of the world's population died of heart disease. In China, thousands of people die of heart disease, which is a necessary method for people to study the prevention of heart disease. So I would like to give you some suggestions first.

When the pressure is too high, you should learn to release the pressure. If it is bad for your heart, don't be angry often. Keep a good attitude.

For example, it's very important to eat carbohydrates, such as corn, wheat, barley Rice and potatoes, maintain a balanced diet, third, eat more vegetables and fruits, exercise, you can get up early in the morning, go outdoors, breathe fresh air, do physical exercise. Exercise can make the heart stronger, non-smoking makes the heart pump faster, so that oxygen eventually reaches the heart muscles, and you have to have a heart check-up. If you don't feel well, your doctor will give you the most valuable advice to keep your heart healthy.

If you don't feel well, you should see a doctor because these things sound easy to do, but not everyone can do it if you want to maintain a healthy heart, enjoy a healthy lifestyle, eat widely, exercise regularly, learn to relax and never smoke.





标签: 初中 英文 作文 满分 节日

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