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关于”写一篇卖电脑“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Write an article about selling computers。以下是关于写一篇卖电脑的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write an article about selling computers

With the development of economy and science, almost every family has a computer. Therefore, I think that more and more students are addicted to computer games. It is not a good phenomenon to indulge in computer games excessively.

As we all know, many students spend so much time on computer games that they often fail. Some students are forbidden to use computers by their parents, and even steal their parents' money to go to Internet cafes. This is a dishonest and serious student.

I think our most basic thing is to study, so we should stay away from computer games and study hard to repay our parents.




Recently, there was a boom in group dance competition in our school. Our monitor encouraged us to participate in the competition. These days, I will definitely participate in this passionate activity.

I have two reasons for my decision. The first reason is that I believe I am an excellent dancer, because I am born with a good feeling of dancing. When I was a child, my mother was very happy I found my dancing talent and sent me to a great dance school.

With the full use of my special talent, I always do better than anyone I have ever met. I don't have to worry about the competition. More importantly, this competition is a good opportunity for me to exercise.

Competition is a new form, in order to improve the health of students, not long ago, we did Gymnastics in school every day, very boring, no one did not play. This new form can clearly prove the students' enthusiasm for exercise, and I will be the first to participate in this competition without hesitation.




You think the computer is very useful to us. The Internet is a good information collection facility. The Internet makes it easy for us to establish social connections.

We can have many friends all over the world and get a lot of knowledge through the Internet. Today, millions of people communicate through e-mail. But there are also some disadvantages of computers.

Network information may be false and the network will be socialized If we are weak in our ability to deal with interpersonal relationships in the real world, the weak may indulge in online games and online entertainment, thus making their caregivers in disrepair. The loveliness of the Internet is infinite and rich, but to strengthen the management of it, only when we have an appropriate Internet method can we make full use of it. You think computers play a very important role in our daily life.

There are thousands of people surfing the Internet every day. You can get a lot of useful information. You can make friends with people you know or don't know You can ask for help or ask for answers.

Every coin has two sides. There is so much garbage on the Internet. It is some media information about crime or sex.

But the cost is huge, which also makes people waste time on the Internet. We should make good use of the Internet to make our life better.




标签: 作文 真题 专业 电脑

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