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关于”对什么有不同的看法“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Have different views on what。以下是关于对什么有不同的看法的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Have different views on what

How to understand success seems to know that money or wealth will be the only measure of a person's success. Maybe they are right, because it is difficult to find another way to judge. However, in my opinion, money is not the only criterion for success.

In fact, rich people have many reasons to become rich, including opportunism and ability. Sometimes they should get wealth because they pay a price for it. I don't belong to the gangs that hate the rich.

However, I don't agree with the view that the more you earn, the more successful you will be. Money is only a tool to achieve your goals. However, never let your goals be satisfied with your life for a short time.

Being kind to your lover and living a colorful life is more important than making endless money. I got my own answer, that is, never give up your dream and happiness.





Life in primary school is different from that in middle school. As a self-motivated middle school student, I feel more pressure than before. I find that middle school is a different environment for students.

Although studying there, it provides more opportunities for students to learn independently and socially. We change our life step by step. Through social learning, we change us In middle school, we always find that people of the same sex always walk and play together.

Unlike in primary school, the reason why this happens is that students begin to realize the difference between men and women. Students like to play with people of the same sex because their views are similar. That's why boys always play on the playground, And the girls are not very enthusiastic about sports.

Another change is that we have more complex thinking about our life and behavior before primary school. We are always taught the rules that we should or should not do, such as letting the elderly sit on the bus, but sometimes we don't understand why in middle school, when we rise, we begin to understand what morality is by understanding when we encounter different situations We will understand the social rules and make our own choices. The third change is that we must complete academic work independently.

Unlike primary school study, middle school teachers always only teach you about the title to absorb the knowledge in the book. We must try our personal learning through personal learning. In middle school, we can acquire learning skills.

Learning is a difficult standard Education, so many students feel pressure, like me, to improve our learning level, the only thing we can do is to accept the changes in secondary school. Paying more attention to your study can also help you successfully accept your education.




It is true that what is rooted in the heart can be expressed through action. Teachers are not the only providers of knowledge. Their partners are textbooks.

Since we live in a pluralistic society, the author must provide a product of thought worth appreciating, not just a mediocre one. Besides, deped must also be an advocate of their faith, no matter what exception, so that they can achieve better and best results.




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