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关于”吸烟建议“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Smoking advice。以下是关于吸烟建议的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Smoking advice

Tobacco smoke kills tens of thousands of people every year, and tens of thousands of people are injured every day, just like children. Federal officials have released a large-scale report, which has triggered a new round of efforts to ban smoking in public places. Second hand smoke is listed as a known carcinogen.

There are only 10 other pollutants in this category, including benzene, asbestos and directly from cigarettes Smoke inhalation the government has asked the legislature to ban smoking on campus. Anti smoking advocates say they will impose similar bans on airlines and fast-food chains to prevent lung development. Smoking related cancer occurs in nonsmokers and non-smoking spouses.

However, the risk of smoking is caused by passive smoking between bronchitis cases, less than a month old Emphysema and similar infectious diseases worsen the condition of millions of children with asthma. There is no point in allowing people to smoke in one part of the restaurant and not in another. Finally, second-hand smoke is a human carcinogen.

Every year smoking can lead to bronchitis, pneumonia and other lower respiratory tract infections. Smoking can also lead to effusion in the middle ear, causing various infections. This is not recommended because it affects both smokers and non-smokers, so people smoke in public places.




It is harmful to smoke in class meeting. Our teacher read us a newspaper report that a middle school student smoked. He didn't break the bad habit.

Although his teacher and friends warned him not to smoke again, he even stole money to buy cigarettes and was finally put in prison. This really gives the United States a great shock, smoking is very harmful to our health, it is not only to our health, but also to our minds have great harm, especially for us teenagers, more and more people around the world have given up smoking or determined to quit smoking, I think we middle school students are the future builders of our country, we should study hard and make progress every day We should form good habits, so that we can spend our time learning useful and valuable things for our motherland and people. I think today's class meeting is very meaningful for my classmates who have bad habit of smoking.




It is estimated that in China, smokers account for half of the total population, and smokers are becoming younger and younger, including some middle school students. More and more people realize that smoking is harmful to people's health. However, some people still like smoking because some of them think that smoking is a fashion, which is very interesting, others think that smoking can refresh people.




标签: 高分 五年级 作文 年级 建议

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