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关于”陀螺的历史“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:History of gyroscope。以下是关于陀螺的历史的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:History of gyroscope

It's all hairy and destructive, but the soft beast is also responsible for Kobe Bryant's mysterious and ferocious determination, the grace and confusion of Detroit Tigers pitcher Amando gallaga's exit in a perfect game, the unselfish courage of the Afghan soldiers, who risk death for a friend or home they may never see again When people sacrifice themselves, observant people ask all their lives: where did this come from? Why would he or she do this? It's hard to get the answer, because this behavior comes from a deep level. In the "big fluffy" interior, the technical knowledge stays on the external edge. If you spend your whole life on Internet links, you probably won't know much about hairy things, because the fast and easy essays of bloggers (and News) don't have enough weight to get you down to the bottom, but For centuries, there have been some rare and strange people who have the ability to accept the great changes in thinking from hairy things and express them in the form of stories, music, myths, paintings, liturgies, buildings, sculptures, etc.

landscape and language, the language displayed by men and women, helps us understand these aspirations, educate and shape them, and they leave a wealth behind If you only enter this field, it may be very dangerous. You may be shut up in a monastery and disappear from the market and its responsibilities. But is it meaningless to spend some time in the company of these languages to learn, feel different emotions and rehearse different passions.

Is it meaningless to experience different sacred rituals and learn They see things in different ways. Very few of us are wood cutters, and we're good at social situations. If you're stupid about something big and fuzzy, you're likely to be eaten by it.




(glosaxon Chronicle) "7", and (&) → glosaxon Chronicl "," old " Shakespeare's epitaph, "early modern English", "to be or to destroy: that is the question: is it" more noble in thought to bear the slingshot and arrows of fate, or to take up arms to deal with the vast troubles and oppose the end of their death: stop sleeping and end the heart borne by the body with one sleep Pain and thousands of natural shocks, this is a kind of perfect, pious hope for death, sleep, sleep, maybe dream: Alas, in the sleep of death, when we wash away the coil of this mortal, what dream will appear, must let us stop: This is a kind of respect, it has caused a long disaster, because who is willing to endure the flogging and contempt of time, oppressors Mistakes, the frustration of proud people, the pain of despised love, the Procrastination of law, the arrogance of officials, and the contempt of patience by those who do not deserve it. When he can maintain his peace with a bare dwarf, he will endure a tired life, moan and sweat, but fear of something after death, an unknown country, a Benoit journey The traveler comes back from there, bewilders the will, and makes us prefer to endure our own pain rather than fly to others. We don't know that our conscience will make us weak.

Therefore, the inherent color of the solution becomes morbid because of the pallor of thought. In this regard, the trend of the great spirit and the enterprise of the moment turns to the wrong and loses the name of action,, ,,.


(Anglosaxon Chronicle)“7”,和(&)→Anglosaxon chronicl“,”Old English“,/,(AD(哈姆雷特),/,:→莎士比亚的墓志铭,“早期现代英语”,“生存还是毁灭:那就是问题:是否“在思想上更高尚的是忍受命运的弹弓和箭,或是拿起武器对付浩瀚的麻烦,反对结束他们的死亡:不再睡觉,用一个睡眠来结束肉体所承受的心痛和上千次自然的冲击,这是一种圆满,虔诚地希望死亡,睡觉睡觉,也许做梦:唉,在死亡的睡眠中,当我们洗去这个凡人的盘绕之后,会有什么梦想出现,必须让我们停下来:这是一种尊重,它造成了长久的灾难,因为谁愿意忍受时间的鞭笞和蔑视,压迫者的错误,骄傲的人的挫败,被鄙视的爱的痛苦,法律的拖延,官职的傲慢,以及不配得到的人对耐心的蔑视,当他自己可以用一个光秃秃的小矮人来维持他的宁静时,他会忍受疲劳的生活,呻吟着,流着汗,但是对于死后某件事的恐惧,一个未知的国度,一个本诺旅行者从那里回来,迷惑意志,使我们宁愿忍受自己的病痛,也不愿飞到别人那里去,我们不知道自己的良心会使我们变得懦弱,因此,解决办法的固有色调因思想的苍白而变得病态,在这方面,伟大的精神和时刻的企业,它们的潮流转向错误,失去行动的名义,,,,。


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