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关于”访问老年之家“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Visit home for the elderly。以下是关于访问老年之家的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Visit home for the elderly

Attention, dear students, we will go to the old people's home on February 6. We will meet at the school gate at 8 a.m. on Saturday.

You must be there on time. When we get there, we will go to the old people's home and we will help them clean up. We will perform drama, sing and sing for them.

We will give them help. I think we will make the old people happy.




Yesterday afternoon, my teacher took ten students to a poor primary school in the suburbs. I'm one of them. We are one of them.

We arrived there at six o'clock. They were in class, so we went to the office first. We gave them some books, stationery and gadgets.

We gave them directly to the headmaster. I was a little surprised that there was no gate. There was no playground.

There was only one building. There were eight rooms. Six of them were classrooms.

One was an office. The other was cooking. Because some students chatted in the office for a while and then had lunch at school.

We went to the classroom. They were very concentrated. But the first grade students were a little naughty.

They were very moved after class Often sitting in chairs, sometimes chatting with neighbors, students gathered in front of the building, they were divided into five groups, each group has two of my classmates, we tell stories, sing songs, play games. All the students were very impressed by the visit. We hope we can go there again.






In the south of the central business district, a large-scale public green space will be built in combination with the water area to form a waterfront square to provide a meeting place for tourists, and a theme park: theme business park, cultural and entertainment center, performance center, sports and wetland experience park. Ten thousand hectares of Metasequoia glyptostroboides on the south side of the airport will be preserved according to the status quo to form a forest park, and the northern plot of CBD will be cultivated into a combination of community greening Rural natural environment, the establishment of children's paradise and home for the elderly.




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