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关于”指路去地铁站“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Show me the way to the subway station。以下是关于指路去地铁站的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Show me the way to the subway station

Our school's radio station: there is a radio station in our school, which broadcasts various programs, such as news briefing, moral education, class voice, sports and entertainment, music appreciation. In the whole school, both self-made programs and rebroadcasts are good. In my opinion, if we want to improve our English level, we'd better listen to English programs every day 。 It's not hard to understand.

Therefore, we can also listen to English programs on radio stations. The more programs we listen to, the more we know that we can also write to the TV station and ask what we want.





2:告诉我去地铁站的路,Last week, my friend and I went to Guangzhou. We were very excited about the trip. At first, it took us three hours to get to the Guangzhou railway station.

We were very confused about how to get out of the station. Then we saw a big sign, which showed that when we took the subway, we arrived at the subway station. A big picture showed us in front of us.

We found it in the subway very quickly We counted the time. We never thought it would be so fast. We only took

10 minutes to get to the destination.

We soon found that our hotel subway was very convenient. We didn't need to get out of the railway station. We just needed to find the entrance of the subway.

What's more, it is very fast. Different from the public bus, the bus will bypass many roads, and the subway only takes a straight line.




3:指路去地铁站,(subway) in some big cities these years, you can see that many underground railways are being built. The underground railway is convenient and fast. Underground railway is also called "subway", "subway" or "subway".

In Shanghai, there are elevators for you to open and close the doors of trains automatically. During rush hours, the subway goes to the station every two minutes. However, there are too many people taking the subway.

People find that the subway is too crowded. Maybe Shanghai needs more subways.





标签: 英文 八年级 作文 真题 年级

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