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关于”向我抱怨“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Complain to me。以下是关于向我抱怨的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Complain to me

Dear sir, I am writing to you to buy the phone I bought in Wuhan Telecom mall on April 4, China. But when I wanted to use it, I found that there was a problem with the quality of the mobile phone. The mobile phone couldn't ring or send messages.

So I went back to the store and asked the salesman to change it. He told me that the product had been sold out, so I couldn't change it because there were new style mobile phones There are no accessories, so that means the phone can't be repaired. I hope the company can replace my mobile phone in time, and the sooner the better.

Thank you for your concern. Your sincere sir, I am writing to you because there is something wrong with the Defeng mobile phone I bought in Wuhan Telecom mall on April 4, China. The mobile phone can't send short messages.

If someone calls me, the mobile phone won't ring. What's worse, the phone is sold out, so it can't be replaced. This kind of mobile phone is new style, so there are no accessories in the store to repair my mobile phone.

I am very worried, so I asked your company to replace it. I hope you can help me as soon as possible. I am looking forward to receiving your reply.

Please send me a letter as soon as possible after receiving my email. Thank you for your considerate and sincere, bumanyi.





With regard to the complaint and claim for damage to the goods, dear sir, the glassware supplied by your order No. JT8 of July 3 has been delivered by the shipping company this morning. The cartons containing the goods looked in good condition, but when I opened them carefully, I regretted to report that several cases of glassware were seriously cracked.




"Miles can really separate you from your friends. If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there?" Richard Bach. "Miles can't separate me from the one I love.

Although there's little face-to-face communication, his heart still tries to talk to me. He calls me. He calls me.

He calls me through the long night wind. With his whisper, he floats in the breeze My window, gently falling on my ear, I hear him quiet now ‰ he calls me from the sky, the shining stars can't match the flash of his eyes when he looks at me, I am swallowed by it, the fire I see now ‰ he calls me in my dream, dances together in the shadow of my sleep, where we laugh and love me again, in his arms, I feel him now In calling me, every moment of every day can't separate us. When fate pulls us together, I will always embrace him, as long as he keeps calling "miles"; "kippart fate"; "holding hands forever"; "breeze"; "sparkling whispers"; "floating"; and "glittering".




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